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RPC Spec


RPC Spec

Version: 8.0.0



Value Description
SUCCESS The request succeeded
UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST The request is not supported by the headunit
UNSUPPORTED_RESOURCE One or more of the items (phoneme type, button name, image type, etc.) in the request is not supported by the HMI.
DISALLOWED RPC is not authorized in local policy table.
REJECTED The requested command was rejected, e.g. because mobile app is in background and cannot perform any HMI commands. Or an HMI command (e.g. Speak) is rejected because a higher priority HMI command (e.g. Alert) is playing.
ABORTED A command was aborted, for example due to user interaction (e.g. user pressed button). Or an HMI command (e.g. Speak) is aborted because a higher priority HMI command (e.g. Alert) was requested.
IGNORED A command was ignored, because the intended result is already in effect. For example, SetMediaClockTimer was used to pause the media clock although the clock is paused already. NOTE: potentially replaces SUBSCRIBED_ALREADY
RETRY The user interrupted the RPC (e.g. PerformAudioPassThru) and indicated to start over. Note, the app must issue the new RPC.
IN_USE The data may not be changed, because it is currently in use. For example when trying to delete a command set that is currently involved in an interaction.
VEHICLE_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE The requested vehicle data is not available on this vehicle or is not published.
TIMED_OUT Overlay reached the maximum timeout and closed.
INVALID_DATA The data sent is invalid. For example: Invalid Json syntax Parameters out of bounds (number or enum range) Mandatory parameters not provided Parameter provided with wrong type Invalid characters Empty string
INVALID_ID One of the provided IDs is not valid. For example This applies to CorrelationID, SubscriptionID, CommandID, MenuID, etc.
DUPLICATE_NAME There was a conflict with an registered name (application or menu item) or vr command
APPLICATION_NOT_REGISTERED An command can not be executed because no application has been registered with RegisterApplication.
WRONG_LANGUAGE The requested language is currently not supported. Might be because of a mismatch of the currently active language on the headunit and the requested language
OUT_OF_MEMORY The system could not process the request because the necessary memory couldn't be allocated
TOO_MANY_PENDING_REQUESTS There are too many requests pending (means, that the response has not been delivered, yet).There may be a maximum of 1000 pending requests at a time.
TOO_MANY_APPLICATIONS There are already too many registered applications
APPLICATION_REGISTERED_ALREADY RegisterApplication has been called again, after a RegisterApplication was successful before.
WARNINGS The RPC (e.g. SubscribeVehicleData) executed successfully but one or more items have a warning or failure.
GENERIC_ERROR Provided data is valid but something went wrong in the lower layers.
USER_DISALLOWED RPC is included in a functional group explicitly blocked by the user.
TRUNCATED_DATA The RPC (e.g. ReadDID) executed successfully but the data exceeded the platform maximum threshold and thus, only part of the data is available.
UNSUPPORTED_VERSION Sync doesn't support the protocol that is requested by the mobile application
VEHICLE_DATA_NOT_ALLOWED The user has turned off access to vehicle data, and it is globally unavailable to mobile applications.
FILE_NOT_FOUND A specified file could not be found on the headunit.
CANCEL_ROUTE User selected to Cancel Route.
SAVED The RPC (e.g. Slider) executed successfully and the user elected to save the current position / value.
INVALID_CERT The certificate provided during authentication is invalid.
EXPIRED_CERT The certificate provided during authentication is expired.
RESUME_FAILED The provided hash ID does not match the hash of the current set of registered data or the core could not resume the previous data.
DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE The requested information is currently not available. This is different than UNSUPPORTED_RESOURCE because it implies the data is at some point available.
READ_ONLY The value being set is read only
CORRUPTED_DATA The data sent failed to pass CRC check in receiver end
ENCRYPTION_NEEDED SDL receives an un-encrypted RPC request that needs protection.


Value Description
LONG A button was released, after it was pressed for a long time Actual timing is defined by the headunit and may vary
SHORT A button was released, after it was pressed for a short time Actual timing is defined by the headunit and may vary


Value Description
BUTTONUP A button has been released up
BUTTONDOWN A button has been pressed down


Value Description
EN-US English - US
ES-MX Spanish - Mexico
FR-CA French - Canada
DE-DE German - Germany
ES-ES Spanish - Spain
EN-GB English - GB
RU-RU Russian - Russia
TR-TR Turkish - Turkey
PL-PL Polish - Poland
FR-FR French - France
IT-IT Italian - Italy
SV-SE Swedish - Sweden
PT-PT Portuguese - Portugal
NL-NL Dutch (Standard) - Netherlands
EN-AU English - Australia
ZH-CN Mandarin - China
ZH-TW Mandarin - Taiwan
JA-JP Japanese - Japan
AR-SA Arabic - Saudi Arabia
KO-KR Korean - South Korea
PT-BR Portuguese - Brazil
CS-CZ Czech - Czech Republic
DA-DK Danish - Denmark
NO-NO Norwegian - Norway
NL-BE Dutch (Flemish) - Belgium
EL-GR Greek - Greece
HU-HU Hungarian - Hungary
FI-FI Finnish - Finland
SK-SK Slovak - Slovakia
EN-IN English - India
TH-TH Thai - Thailand
EN-SA English - Middle East
HE-IL Hebrew - Israel
RO-RO Romanian - Romania
UK-UA Ukrainian - Ukraine
ID-ID Indonesian - Indonesia
VI-VN Vietnamese - Vietnam
MS-MY Malay - Malaysia
HI-IN Hindi - India


Describes how the media clock timer should behave on the platform

Value Description
COUNTUP Starts the media clock timer counting upwards, as in time elapsed.
COUNTDOWN Starts the media clock timer counting downwards, as in time remaining.
PAUSE Pauses the media clock timer
RESUME Resume the media clock timer
CLEAR Clears the media clock timer (previously done through Show->mediaClock)


Value Description
UP Causes the media clock timer to update from 0:00 to a specified time
DOWN Causes the media clock timer to update from a specified time to 0:00
NONE Indicates to not use the media clock timer


For application-requested interactions, this mode indicates the method in which the user is notified and uses the interaction.

Value Description
MANUAL_ONLY This mode causes the interaction to only occur on the display, meaning the choices are provided only via the display. No Voice Interaction.
VR_ONLY This mode causes the interaction to only occur using the headunits VR system. Selections are made by saying the command.
BOTH This mode causes both a VR and display selection option for an interaction. The user will first be asked via Voice Interaction (if available). If this is unsuccessful, the system will switch to manual input.


For touchscreen interactions, the mode of how the choices are presented.

Value Description
ICON_ONLY This mode causes the interaction to display the previous set of choices as icons.
ICON_WITH_SEARCH This mode causes the interaction to display the previous set of choices as icons along with a search field in the HMI.
LIST_ONLY This mode causes the interaction to display the previous set of choices as a list.
LIST_WITH_SEARCH This mode causes the interaction to display the previous set of choices as a list along with a search field in the HMI.
KEYBOARD This mode causes the interaction to immediately display a keyboard entry through the HMI.


Value Description
MAIN This window type describes the main window on a display.
WIDGET A widget is a small window that the app can create to provide information and soft buttons for quick app control.


Specifies IDs for windows which are predefined and pre-created. The mobile libraries and SDL Core use the integer value when referencing these elements.

Value Description
DEFAULT_WINDOW The default window is a main window pre-created on behalf of the app.
PRIMARY_WIDGET The primary widget of the app.


Enumeration that describes current levels of HMI.

Value Description


Enumeration that describes possible states of audio streaming.

Value Description


Enumeration that describes system actions that can be triggered.

Value Description
DEFAULT_ACTION Default action occurs. Standard behavior (e.g. SoftButton clears overlay).
STEAL_FOCUS App is brought into HMI_FULL.
KEEP_CONTEXT Current system context is maintained. An overlay is persisted even though a SoftButton has been pressed and the notification sent.


Enumeration that describes possible contexts an app's HMI might be in. Communicated to whichever app is in HMI FULL, except Alert.

Value Description
MAIN The app's persistent display (whether media/non-media/navigation) is fully visible onscreen.
VRSESSION The system is currently in a VR session (with whatever dedicated VR screen being overlaid onscreen).
MENU The system is currently displaying an in-App menu onscreen.
HMI_OBSCURED The app's display HMI is currently being obscured by either a system or other app's overlay.
ALERT Broadcast only to whichever app has an alert currently being displayed.


Enumeration that describes possible states of video streaming.

Value Description


Contains information about the SoftButton capabilities.

Value Description


Error code, which comes from the module side.

Value Description
RESOURCE_CONSTRAINT By sending this value, SDL unregisters the application to allow the HMI to close the application.


Indicates the source from where the command was triggered.

Value Description


Contains information about the HMI zone capabilities. For future use.

Value Description


Contains information about the TTS capabilities.

Value Description


Contains information about the VR capabilities.

Value Description


Contains a list of prerecorded speech items present on the platform.

Value Description


Describes different sampling options for PerformAudioPassThru.

Value Description
8KHZ Sampling rate of 8000 Hz.
16KHZ Sampling rate of 16000 Hz.
22KHZ Sampling rate of 22050 Hz.
44KHZ Sampling rate of 44100 Hz.


Describes different quality options for PerformAudioPassThru.

Value Description
8_BIT Audio sample is 8 bits wide, unsigned.
16_BIT Audio sample is 16 bits wide, signed, and in little endian.


Describes different audio type options for PerformAudioPassThru.

Value Description
PCM Linear PCM.


Defines the data types that can be published and subscribed to.

Value Description
VEHICLEDATA_GPS Notifies GPSData may be subscribed


Enumeration for the user's preference of which app type to use when both are available

Value Description


Enumerations of all available app capability types

Value Description


Value Description


Defines the hard (physical) and soft (touchscreen) buttons available from the module

Value Description
PLAY_PAUSE The button name for the physical Play/Pause toggle that can be used by media apps.
AC_MAX Tied to CLIMATE RC modules.
AC Tied to CLIMATE RC modules.
FAN_UP Tied to CLIMATE RC modules.
FAN_DOWN Tied to CLIMATE RC modules.
TEMP_UP Tied to CLIMATE RC modules.
TEMP_DOWN Tied to CLIMATE RC modules.
DEFROST Tied to CLIMATE RC modules.
UPPER_VENT Tied to CLIMATE RC modules.
LOWER_VENT Tied to CLIMATE RC modules.
VOLUME_UP Tied to RADIO RC modules.
VOLUME_DOWN Tied to RADIO RC modules.
EJECT Tied to RADIO RC modules.
SOURCE Tied to RADIO RC modules.
SHUFFLE Tied to RADIO RC modules.
REPEAT Tied to RADIO RC modules.
NAV_TILT_TOGGLE If supported, this toggles between a top-down view and an angled/3D view. If your app supports different, but substantially similar options, then you may implement those. If you don't implement these or similar options, do not subscribe to this button.
NAV_HEADING_TOGGLE If supported, this toggles between locking the orientation to north or to the vehicle's heading. If your app supports different, but substantially similar options, then you may implement those. If you don't implement these or similar options, do not subscribe to this button.


Value Description
CLOCK1 minutesFieldWidth = 2;minutesFieldMax = 19;secondsFieldWidth = 2;secondsFieldMax = 99;maxHours = 19;maxMinutes = 59;maxSeconds = 59; used for Type II and CID headunits
CLOCK2 minutesFieldWidth = 3;minutesFieldMax = 199;secondsFieldWidth = 2;secondsFieldMax = 99;maxHours = 59;maxMinutes = 59;maxSeconds = 59; used for Type V headunit
CLOCK3 minutesFieldWidth = 2;minutesFieldMax = 59;secondsFieldWidth = 2;secondsFieldMax = 59;maxHours = 9;maxMinutes = 59;maxSeconds = 59; used for GEN1.1 MFD3/4/5 headunits
CLOCKTEXT1 5 characters possible Format: 1
CLOCKTEXT2 5 chars possible Format: 1
CLOCKTEXT3 6 chars possible Format: 1
CLOCKTEXT4 6 chars possible Format: c :


Deprecated since: 5.0.0

See DAES for further infos regarding the displays

Value Description


Value Description
mainField1 The first line of first set of main fields of the persistent display; applies to "Show"
mainField2 The second line of first set of main fields of the persistent display; applies to "Show"
mainField3 The first line of second set of main fields of persistent display; applies to "Show"
mainField4 The second line of second set of main fields of the persistent display; applies to "Show"
statusBar The status bar on NGN; applies to "Show"
mediaClock Text value for MediaClock field; applies to "Show"
mediaTrack The track field of NGN and GEN1.1 MFD displays. This field is only available for media applications; applies to "Show"
templateTitle The title of the new template that will be displayed; applies to "Show"
alertText1 The first line of the alert text field; applies to "Alert"
alertText2 The second line of the alert text field; applies to "Alert"
alertText3 The third line of the alert text field; applies to "Alert"
scrollableMessageBody Long form body of text that can include newlines and tabs; applies to "ScrollableMessage"
initialInteractionText First line suggestion for a user response (in the case of VR enabled interaction)
navigationText1 First line of navigation text
navigationText2 Second line of navigation text
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival time for navigation
totalDistance Total distance to destination for navigation
audioPassThruDisplayText1 First line of text for audio pass thru
audioPassThruDisplayText2 Second line of text for audio pass thru
sliderHeader Header text for slider
sliderFooter Footer text for slider
menuName Primary text for Choice
secondaryText Secondary text for Choice
tertiaryText Tertiary text for Choice
menuTitle Optional text to label an app menu button (for certain touchscreen platforms).
locationName Optional name / title of intended location for SendLocation.
locationDescription Optional description of intended location / establishment (if applicable) for SendLocation.
addressLines Optional location address (if applicable) for SendLocation.
phoneNumber Optional phone number of intended location / establishment (if applicable) for SendLocation.
timeToDestination Optional time to destination field for ShowConstantTBT
turnText Turn text for turnList parameter of UpdateTurnList
subtleAlertText1 The first line of the subtle alert text field; applies to SubtleAlert alertText1
subtleAlertText2 The second line of the subtle alert text field; applies to SubtleAlert alertText2
subtleAlertSoftButtonText A text field in the soft button of a subtle alert; applies to SubtleAlert softButtons
menuCommandSecondaryText Secondary text for AddCommand
menuCommandTertiaryText Tertiary text for AddCommand
menuSubMenuSecondaryText Secondary text for AddSubMenu
menuSubMenuTertiaryText Tertiary text for AddSubMenu


Value Description
softButtonImage The image field for SoftButton
choiceImage The first image field for Choice
choiceSecondaryImage The secondary image field for Choice
vrHelpItem The image field for vrHelpItem
turnIcon The image field for Turn
menuIcon The image field for the menu icon in SetGlobalProperties
cmdIcon The image field for AddCommand
appIcon The image field for the app icon (set by setAppIcon)
graphic The primary image field for Show
secondaryGraphic The secondary image field for Show
showConstantTBTIcon The primary image field for ShowConstantTBT
showConstantTBTNextTurnIcon The secondary image field for ShowConstantTBT
locationImage The optional image of a destination / location
alertIcon The image field for Alert
subMenuIcon The image field for AddSubMenu.menuIcon
subtleAlertIcon The image of the subtle alert; applies to SubtleAlert alertIcon
menuCommandSecondaryImage The secondary image field for AddCommand
menuSubMenuSecondaryImage The secondary image field for AddSubMenu


The list of potential character sets

Value Description
ASCII ASCII as defined in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII as defined in codes 0-127. Non-printable characters such as tabs and back spaces are ignored.
ISO_8859_1 Latin-1, as defined in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1
UTF_8 The UTF-8 character set that uses variable bytes per code point. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 for more details. This is the preferred character set.


The list of possible alignments, left, right, or centered

Value Description


Enumeration that describes possible states of turn-by-turn client or SmartDeviceLink app.

Value Description


Enumeration that describes possible states of driver distraction.

Value Description


Contains information about the type of image.

Value Description


The mode in which the SendLocation request is sent

Value Description


Enum for each type of video streaming protocol type.

Value Description
RAW Raw stream bytes that contains no timestamp data and is the lowest supported video streaming
RTP RTP facilitates the transfer of real-time data. Information provided by this protocol include timestamps (for synchronization), sequence numbers (for packet loss and reordering detection) and the payload format which indicates the encoded format of the data.
RTSP The transmission of streaming data itself is not a task of RTSP. Most RTSP servers use the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) in conjunction with Real-time Control Protocol (RTCP) for media stream delivery. However, some vendors implement proprietary transport protocols.
RTMP Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) was initially a proprietary protocol developed by Macromedia for streaming audio, video and data over the Internet, between a Flash player and a server. Macromedia is now owned by Adobe, which has released an incomplete version of the specification of the protocol for public use.
WEBM The WebM container is based on a profile of Matroska. WebM initially supported VP8 video and Vorbis audio streams. In 2013 it was updated to accommodate VP9 video and Opus audio.


Enum for each type of video streaming codec.

Value Description
H264 A block-oriented motion-compensation-based video compression standard. As of 2014 it is one of the most commonly used formats for the recording, compression, and distribution of video content.
H265 High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), also known as H.265 and MPEG-H Part 2, is a video compression standard, one of several potential successors to the widely used AVC (H.264 or MPEG-4 Part 10). In comparison to AVC, HEVC offers about double the data compression ratio at the same level of video quality, or substantially improved video quality at the same bit rate. It supports resolutions up to 8192x4320, including 8K UHD.
Theora Theora is derived from the formerly proprietary VP3 codec, released into the public domain by On2 Technologies. It is broadly comparable in design and bitrate efficiency to MPEG-4 Part 2, early versions of Windows Media Video, and RealVideo while lacking some of the features present in some of these other codecs. It is comparable in open standards philosophy to the BBC's Dirac codec.
VP8 VP8 can be multiplexed into the Matroska-based container format WebM along with Vorbis and Opus audio. The image format WebP is based on VP8's intra-frame coding. VP8's direct successor, VP9, and the emerging royalty-free internet video format AV1 from the Alliance for Open Media (AOMedia) are based on VP8.
VP9 Similar to VP8, but VP9 is customized for video resolutions beyond high-definition video (UHD) and also enables lossless compression.


Value Description
PLAY_PAUSE Default playback indicator. By default the playback indicator should be PLAY_PAUSE when: - the media app is newly registered on the head unit (after RegisterAppInterface) - the media app was closed by the user (App enters HMI_NONE) - the app sends SetMediaClockTimer with audioStreamingIndicator not set to any value
PLAY Indicates that a button press of the Play/Pause button starts the audio playback.
PAUSE Indicates that a button press of the Play/Pause button pauses the current audio playback.
STOP Indicates that a button press of the Play/Pause button stops the current audio playback.


The different global properties.

Value Description
USER_LOCATION Location of the user's seat of setGlobalProperties
HELPPROMPT The property helpPrompt of setGlobalProperties
TIMEOUTPROMPT The property timeoutPrompt of setGlobalProperties
VRHELPTITLE The property vrHelpTitle of setGlobalProperties
VRHELPITEMS The property array of vrHelp of setGlobalProperties
MENUNAME The property in-app menu name of setGlobalProperties
MENUICON The property in-app menu icon of setGlobalProperties
KEYBOARDPROPERTIES The on-screen keyboard configuration of setGlobalProperties


The list of potential compass directions

Value Description


The supported dimensions of the GPS

Value Description
NO_FIX No GPS at all
2D Longitude and latitude
3D Longitude and latitude and altitude


The selected gear.

Value Description
PARK Parking
REVERSE Reverse gear
DRIVE Regular Drive mode
SPORT Drive Sport mode
LOWGEAR 1st gear hold


Type of transmission used in the vehicle.

Value Description
MANUAL Manual transmission.
AUTOMATIC Automatic transmission.
SEMI_AUTOMATIC Semi automatic transmission.
DUAL_CLUTCH Dual clutch transmission.
CONTINUOUSLY_VARIABLE Continuously variable transmission(CVT).
INFINITELY_VARIABLE Infinitely variable transmission.
ELECTRIC_VARIABLE Electric variable transmission.
DIRECT_DRIVE Direct drive between engine and wheels.


The volume status of a vehicle component.

Value Description


Value Description
UNKNOWN If set the status of the tire is not known.
SYSTEM_FAULT TPMS does not function.
SENSOR_FAULT The sensor of the tire does not function.
LOW TPMS is reporting a low tire pressure for the tire.
SYSTEM_ACTIVE TPMS is active and the tire pressure is monitored.
TRAIN TPMS is reporting that the tire must be trained.
TRAINING_COMPLETE TPMS reports the training for the tire is completed.
NOT_TRAINED TPMS reports the tire is not trained.


Value Description
CNG For vehicles using compressed natural gas.
LPG For vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas.
HYDROGEN For FCEV (fuel cell electric vehicle).
BATTERY For BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle), PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle), solar vehicles and other vehicles which run on a battery.


Value Description
CLOSED Park brake actuators have been fully applied.
TRANSITION Park brake actuators are transitioning to either Apply/Closed or Release/Open state.
OPEN Park brake actuators are released.
DRIVE_ACTIVE When driver pulls the Electronic Park Brake switch while driving "at speed".
FAULT When system has a fault or is under maintenance.


Reflects the status of a cluster instrument warning light.

Value Description


Reflects the status of a vehicle data notification.

Value Description


Reflects the ignition switch stability.

Value Description


Reflects the status of ignition.

Value Description


Reflects the status of a vehicle data event; e.g. a seat belt event status.

Value Description


Reflects the reported battery status of the connected device, if reported.

Value Description


Reflects the current primary audio source (if selected).

Value Description


Reflects the status of the wipers.

Value Description


Reflects the status of a binary vehicle data item.

Value Description


Reflects the status of a vehicle maintenance mode.

Value Description


Reflects the status of given vehicle component.

Value Description


Reflects the status of the ambient light sensor.

Value Description


Value Description


Value Description


Value Description


Value Description


Value Description


Value Description


Value Description


Enumeration listing possible file types.

Value Description


Reflects the status of the RCM fuel cutoff.

Value Description


Reflects the emergency event status of the vehicle.

Value Description


Reflects the status of the eCall Notification.

Value Description


Reflects the status of the current power mode qualification.

Value Description


Reflects the status of the current power mode.

Value Description


Reflects the status of the current car mode.

Value Description


Enumeration that describes possible result codes of a vehicle data entry request.

Value Description
SUCCESS Individual vehicle data item / DTC / DID request or subscription successful
TRUNCATED_DATA DTC / DID request successful, however, not all active DTCs or full contents of DID location available
DISALLOWED This vehicle data item is not allowed for this app by the OEM/Manufactorer of the connected module.
USER_DISALLOWED The user has not granted access to this type of vehicle data item at this time.
INVALID_ID The ECU ID referenced is not a valid ID on the bus / system.
VEHICLE_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE The requested vehicle data item / DTC / DID is not currently available or responding on the bus / system.
DATA_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED The vehicle data item is already subscribed.
DATA_NOT_SUBSCRIBED The vehicle data item cannot be unsubscribed because it is not currently subscribed.
IGNORED The request for this item is ignored because it is already in progress.


Enumeration that describes the status of the turn light indicator.

Value Description
OFF Turn signal is OFF
LEFT Left turn signal is on
RIGHT Right turn signal is on
BOTH Both signals (left and right) are on.

How the main menu or submenu is laid out on screen

Value Description


Value Description


Enumeration that describes possible permission states of a policy table entry.

Value Description


Enumeration listing possible keyboard layouts.

Value Description


Enumeration listing possible keyboard events.

Value Description


Enumeration listing possible keyboard events.

Value Description
SINGLE_KEYPRESS Each keypress is individually sent as the user presses the keyboard keys.
QUEUE_KEYPRESSES The keypresses are queued and a string is eventually sent once the user chooses to submit their entry.
RESEND_CURRENT_ENTRY The keypresses are queue and a string is sent each time the user presses a keyboard key; the string contains the entire current entry.


Enumeration listing possible input character masking.

Value Description


Enumeration listing possible asynchronous requests.

Value Description


Enumeration listing possible app types.

Value Description


Predefined screen layout.

Value Description
DEFAULT Default media / non-media screen. Can be set as a root screen.
MEDIA Default Media screen. Can be set as a root screen.
NON-MEDIA Default Non-media screen. Can be set as a root screen.
ONSCREEN_PRESETS Custom root media screen containing app-defined onscreen presets. Can be set as a root screen.
NAV_FULLSCREEN_MAP Custom root template screen containing full screen map with navigation controls. Can be set as a root screen.
NAV_LIST Custom root template screen containing video represented list. Can be set as a root screen.
NAV_KEYBOARD Custom root template screen containing video represented keyboard. Can be set as a root screen.
GRAPHIC_WITH_TEXT Custom root template screen containing half-screen graphic with lines of text. Can be set as a root screen.
TEXT_WITH_GRAPHIC Custom root template screen containing lines of text with half-screen graphic. Can be set as a root screen.
TILES_ONLY Custom root template screen containing only tiled SoftButtons. Can be set as a root screen.
TEXTBUTTONS_ONLY Custom root template screen containing only text SoftButtons. Can be set as a root screen.
GRAPHIC_WITH_TILES Custom root template screen containing half-screen graphic with tiled SoftButtons. Can be set as a root screen.
TILES_WITH_GRAPHIC Custom root template screen containing tiled SoftButtons with half-screen graphic. Can be set as a root screen.
GRAPHIC_WITH_TEXT_AND_SOFTBUTTONS Custom root template screen containing half-screen graphic with text and SoftButtons. Can be set as a root screen.
TEXT_AND_SOFTBUTTONS_WITH_GRAPHIC Custom root template screen containing text and SoftButtons with half-screen graphic. Can be set as a root screen.
GRAPHIC_WITH_TEXTBUTTONS Custom root template screen containing half-screen graphic with text only SoftButtons. Can be set as a root screen.
TEXTBUTTONS_WITH_GRAPHIC Custom root template screen containing text only SoftButtons with half-screen graphic. Can be set as a root screen.
LARGE_GRAPHIC_WITH_SOFTBUTTONS Custom root template screen containing a large graphic and SoftButtons. Can be set as a root screen.
DOUBLE_GRAPHIC_WITH_SOFTBUTTONS Custom root template screen containing two graphics and SoftButtons. Can be set as a root screen.
LARGE_GRAPHIC_ONLY Custom root template screen containing only a large graphic. Can be set as a root screen.
WEB_VIEW Custom root template allowing in-vehicle WebEngine applications with appropriate permissions to show the application's own web view.


Enumeration linking function names with function IDs in SmartDeviceLink protocol. Assumes enumeration starts at value 0.

Value Description


Enumeration linking message types with function types in WiPro protocol. Assumes enumeration starts at value 0. The integer value is used in the protocol binary header.

Value Description


Describes what kind of waypoint is requested/provided.

Value Description


Enumerations of all available system capability types

Value Description


List possible zones of a multi-contour massage seat.

Value Description
LUMBAR The back of a multi-contour massage seat. or SEAT_BACK
SEAT_CUSHION The bottom a multi-contour massage seat. or SEAT_BOTTOM


List possible modes of a massage zone.

Value Description


List possible cushions of a multi-contour massage seat.

Value Description


Value Description
SAVE Save current seat positions and settings to seat memory.
RESTORE Restore / apply the seat memory settings to the current seat.
NONE No action to be performed.


Deprecated since: 6.0.0

List possible seats that is a remote controllable seat.

Value Description


Enumeration that describes possible values of light name. The mobile libraries and SDL Core use the name string when referencing these elements.

Value Description
HIGH_BEAMS Include all high beam lights: front_left and front_right.
LOW_BEAMS Include all low beam lights: front_left and front_right.
FOG_LIGHTS Include all fog lights: front_left, front_right, rear_left and rear_right.
RUNNING_LIGHTS Include all daytime running lights: front_left and front_right.
PARKING_LIGHTS Include all parking lights: front_left and front_right.
BRAKE_LIGHTS Include all brake lights: rear_left and rear_right.
LEFT_TURN_LIGHTS Include all left turn signal lights: front_left, rear_left, left_side and mirror_mounted.
RIGHT_TURN_LIGHTS Include all right turn signal lights: front_right, rear_right, right_side and mirror_mounted.
HAZARD_LIGHTS Include all hazard lights: front_left, front_right, rear_left and rear_right.
REAR_CARGO_LIGHTS Cargo lamps illuminate the cargo area.
REAR_TRUCK_BED_LIGHTS Truck bed lamps light up the bed of the truck.
REAR_TRAILER_LIGHTS Trailer lights are lamps mounted on a trailer hitch.
LEFT_SPOT_LIGHTS It is the spotlights mounted on the left side of a vehicle.
RIGHT_SPOT_LIGHTS It is the spotlights mounted on the right side of a vehicle.
LEFT_PUDDLE_LIGHTS Puddle lamps illuminate the ground beside the door as the customer is opening or approaching the door.
RIGHT_PUDDLE_LIGHTS Puddle lamps illuminate the ground beside the door as the customer is opening or approaching the door.
EXTERIOR_FRONT_LIGHTS Include exterior lights located in front of the vehicle. For example, fog lights and low beams.
EXTERIOR_REAR_LIGHTS Include exterior lights located at the back of the vehicle. For example, license plate lights, reverse lights, cargo lights, bed lights and trailer assist lights.
EXTERIOR_LEFT_LIGHTS Include exterior lights located at the left side of the vehicle. For example, left puddle lights and spot lights.
EXTERIOR_RIGHT_LIGHTS Include exterior lights located at the right side of the vehicle. For example, right puddle lights and spot lights.
EXTERIOR_ALL_LIGHTS Include all exterior lights around the vehicle.


Value Description


Value Description


Value Description


Value Description
mediaTitle The data in this field contains the title of the currently playing audio track.
mediaArtist The data in this field contains the artist or creator of the currently playing audio track.
mediaAlbum The data in this field contains the album title of the currently playing audio track.
mediaYear The data in this field contains the creation year of the currently playing audio track.
mediaGenre The data in this field contains the genre of the currently playing audio track.
mediaStation The data in this field contains the name of the current source for the media.
rating The data in this field is a rating.
currentTemperature The data in this field is the current temperature.
maximumTemperature The data in this field is the maximum temperature for the day.
minimumTemperature The data in this field is the minimum temperature for the day.
weatherTerm The data in this field describes the current weather (ex. cloudy, clear, etc.).
humidity The data in this field describes the current humidity value.


Value Description


Value Description
Value Description
TURN Using this action plus a supplied direction can give the type of turn.
Value Description
REGULAR A junction that represents a standard intersection with a single road crossing another.
BIFURCATION A junction where the road splits off into two paths; a fork in the road.
MULTI_CARRIAGEWAY A junction that has multiple intersections and paths.
ROUNDABOUT A junction where traffic moves in a single direction around a central, non-traversable point to reach one of the connecting roads.
TRAVERSABLE_ROUNDABOUT Similar to a roundabout, however the center of the roundabout is fully traversable. Also known as a mini-roundabout.
JUGHANDLE A junction where lefts diverge to the right, then curve to the left, converting a left turn to a crossing maneuver.
ALL_WAY_YIELD Multiple way intersection that allows traffic to flow based on priority; most commonly right of way and first in, first out.
TURN_AROUND A junction designated for traffic turn arounds.


Value Description


Value Description
PUBLISHED The service has just been published with the module and once activated to the primary service of its type, it will be ready for possible consumption.
REMOVED The service has just been unpublished with the module and is no longer accessible
ACTIVATED The service is activated as the primary service of this type. All requests dealing with this service type will be handled by this service.
DEACTIVATED The service has been deactivated as the primary service of its type
MANIFEST_UPDATE The service has updated its manifest. This could imply updated capabilities


Value Description



Describes different audio type configurations for PerformAudioPassThru. e.g. {8kHz,8-bit,PCM} The audio is recorded in monaural.

Value Type Mandatory Description
samplingRate SamplingRate True
bitsPerSample BitsPerSample True
audioType AudioType True


Value Type Mandatory Description
nicknames String[] False An array of app names a cloud app is allowed to register with. If included in a SetCloudAppProperties request, this value will overwrite the existing "nicknames" field in the app policies section of the policy table.
appID String True
enabled Boolean False If true, cloud app will be included in HMI RPC UpdateAppList
authToken String False Used to authenticate websocket connection on app activation
cloudTransportType String False Specifies the connection type Core should use
hybridAppPreference HybridAppPreference False Specifies the user preference to use the cloud app version or mobile app version when both are available
endpoint String False Specifies the endpoint which Core will attempt to connect to when this app is selected


Value Type Mandatory Description
value String True Either the static hex icon value or the binary image file name identifier (sent by PutFile).
imageType ImageType True Describes, whether it is a static or dynamic image.
isTemplate Boolean False If true, the image is a template image and can be recolored by the HMI


Value Type Mandatory Description
type SoftButtonType True Describes, whether it is text, highlighted text, icon, or dynamic image. See softButtonType
text String False Optional text to display (if defined as TEXT or BOTH)
image Image False Optional image struct for SoftButton (if defined as IMAGE or BOTH)
isHighlighted Boolean False True, if highlighted False, if not highlighted
softButtonID Integer True Value which is returned via OnButtonPress / OnButtonEvent
systemAction SystemAction False Parameter indicating whether selecting a SoftButton shall call a specific system action. This is intended to allow Notifications to bring the callee into full / focus; or in the case of persistent overlays, the overlay can persist when a SoftButton is pressed.


A choice is an option given to the user, which can be selected either by menu, or through voice recognition system.

Value Type Mandatory Description
choiceID Integer True
menuName String True
vrCommands String[] False
image Image False
secondaryText String False Optional secondary text to display; e.g. address of POI in a search result entry
tertiaryText String False Optional tertiary text to display; e.g. distance to POI for a search result entry
secondaryImage Image False Optional secondary image struct for choice


Value Type Mandatory Description
text String True Text to display for VR Help item
image Image False Image struct for VR Help item
position Integer True Position to display item in VR Help list


Specifies the version number of the SmartDeviceLink protocol that is supported by the mobile application

Value Type Mandatory Description
majorVersion Integer True The major version indicates versions that is not-compatible to previous versions.
minorVersion Integer True The minor version indicates a change to a previous version that should still allow to be run on an older version (with limited functionality)
patchVersion Integer False The patch version indicates a fix to existing functionality in a previous version that should still be able to be run on an older version


Value Type Mandatory Description
type FuelType False
range Float False The estimate range in KM the vehicle can travel based on fuel level and consumption.
level Float False The relative remaining capacity of this fuel type (percentage).
levelState ComponentVolumeStatus False The fuel level state
capacity Float False The absolute capacity of this fuel type.
capacityUnit CapacityUnit False The unit of the capacity of this fuel type such as liters for gasoline or kWh for batteries.


Value Type Mandatory Description
status ComponentVolumeStatus True See ComponentVolumeStatus.
tpms TPMS False The status of TPMS according to the particular tire.
pressure Float False The pressure value of the particular tire in kilo pascal.


Value Type Mandatory Description
driverBeltDeployed VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsDrvBelt_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
passengerBeltDeployed VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsPasBelt_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
passengerBuckleBelted VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsRw1PasBckl_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
driverBuckleBelted VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsRw1DrvBckl_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
leftRow2BuckleBelted VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsRw2lBckl_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
passengerChildDetected VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsRw1PasChld_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
rightRow2BuckleBelted VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsRw2rBckl_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
middleRow2BuckleBelted VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsRw2mBckl_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
middleRow3BuckleBelted VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsRw3mBckl_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
leftRow3BuckleBelted VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsRw3lBckl_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
rightRow3BuckleBelted VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsRw3rBckl_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
leftRearInflatableBelted VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsRw2lRib_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
rightRearInflatableBelted VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsRw2rRib_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
middleRow1BeltDeployed VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsRw1mBelt_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
middleRow1BuckleBelted VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsRw1mBckl_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.


Describes a location (origin coordinates and span) of a vehicle component.

Value Type Mandatory Description
col Integer True
row Integer True
level Integer False
colspan Integer False
rowspan Integer False
levelspan Integer False


Describes the status of a parameter of door.

Value Type Mandatory Description
location Grid True
status DoorStatusType True


Describes the status of a parameter of trunk/hood/etc.

Value Type Mandatory Description
location Grid True
status DoorStatusType True


Value Type Mandatory Description
approximatePosition Integer True The approximate percentage that the window is open - 0 being fully closed, 100 being fully open
deviation Integer True The percentage deviation of the approximatePosition. e.g. If the approximatePosition is 50 and the deviation is 10, then the window's location is somewhere between 40 and 60.


Describes the status of a parameter of roof/convertible roof/sunroof/moonroof etc. If roof is open (AJAR), state will determine percentage of roof open.

Value Type Mandatory Description
location Grid True
status DoorStatusType True
state WindowState False


Value Type Mandatory Description
parkBrakeActive Boolean True References signal "PrkBrkActv_B_Actl".
ignitionStableStatus IgnitionStableStatus True References signal "Ignition_Switch_Stable". See IgnitionStableStatus.
ignitionStatus IgnitionStatus True References signal "Ignition_status". See IgnitionStatus.
driverDoorAjar Boolean False References signal "DrStatDrv_B_Actl". Deprecated starting with RPC Spec 7.1.0.
passengerDoorAjar Boolean False References signal "DrStatPsngr_B_Actl". Deprecated starting with RPC Spec 7.1.0.
rearLeftDoorAjar Boolean False References signal "DrStatRl_B_Actl". Deprecated starting with RPC Spec 7.1.0.
rearRightDoorAjar Boolean False References signal "DrStatRr_B_Actl". Deprecated starting with RPC Spec 7.1.0.
doorStatuses DoorStatus[] False Provides status for doors if Ajar/Closed/Locked
gateStatuses GateStatus[] False Provides status for trunk/hood/etc. if Ajar/Closed/Locked
roofStatuses RoofStatus[] False Provides status for roof/convertible roof/sunroof/moonroof etc., if Closed/Ajar/Removed etc.


Value Type Mandatory Description
voiceRecOn Boolean True References signal "CPM_VoiceRec_STAT".
btIconOn Boolean True References signal "BT_ICON".
callActive Boolean True References signal "CPM_Call_Active_STAT".
phoneRoaming Boolean True References signal "CPM_Phone_Roaming_STAT".
textMsgAvailable Boolean True References signal "CPM_TextMsg_AVAL".
battLevelStatus DeviceLevelStatus True Device battery level status. References signal "CPM_Batt_Level_STAT". See DeviceLevelStatus.
stereoAudioOutputMuted Boolean True References signal "CPM_Stereo_Audio_Output".
monoAudioOutputMuted Boolean True References signal "CPM_Mono_Audio_Output".
signalLevelStatus DeviceLevelStatus True Device signal level status. References signal "CPM_Signal_Strength_STAT". See DeviceLevelStatus.
primaryAudioSource PrimaryAudioSource True References signal "CPM_Stereo_PAS_Source". See PrimaryAudioSource.
eCallEventActive Boolean True References signal "eCall_Event".


Value Type Mandatory Description
lowBeamsOn Boolean True Status of the low beam lamps. References signal "HeadLampLoActv_B_Stat".
highBeamsOn Boolean True Status of the high beam lamps. References signal "HeadLghtHiOn_B_Stat".
ambientLightSensorStatus AmbientLightStatus False Status of the ambient light sensor.


Contains detailed information about the registered application.

Value Type Mandatory Description
appDisplayName String True The name displayed for the mobile application on the mobile device (can differ from the app name set in the initial RAI request).
appBundleID String True The AppBundleID of an iOS application or package name of the Android application. This supports App Launch strategies for each platform.
appVersion String True Represents the build version number of this particular mobile app.
appIcon String False A file reference to the icon utilized by this app (simplifies the process of setting an app icon during app registration).


Value Type Mandatory Description
eCallNotificationStatus VehicleDataNotificationStatus True References signal "eCallNotification_4A". See VehicleDataNotificationStatus.
auxECallNotificationStatus VehicleDataNotificationStatus True References signal "eCallNotification". See VehicleDataNotificationStatus.
eCallConfirmationStatus ECallConfirmationStatus True References signal "eCallConfirmation". See ECallConfirmationStatus.


Value Type Mandatory Description
driverAirbagDeployed VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsDrvBag_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
driverSideAirbagDeployed VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsDrvSideBag_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
driverCurtainAirbagDeployed VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsDrvCrtnBag_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
passengerAirbagDeployed VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsPasBag_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
passengerCurtainAirbagDeployed VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsPasCrtnBag_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
driverKneeAirbagDeployed VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsKneeDrvBag_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
passengerSideAirbagDeployed VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsPasSideBag_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
passengerKneeAirbagDeployed VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsKneePasBag_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.


Value Type Mandatory Description
emergencyEventType EmergencyEventType True References signal "VedsEvntType_D_Ltchd". See EmergencyEventType.
fuelCutoffStatus FuelCutoffStatus True References signal "RCM_FuelCutoff". See FuelCutoffStatus.
rolloverEvent VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsEvntRoll_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.
maximumChangeVelocity Integer True References signal "VedsMaxDeltaV_D_Ltchd". Change in velocity in KPH. Additional reserved values: 0x00 No event 0xFE Not supported 0xFF Fault
multipleEvents VehicleDataEventStatus True References signal "VedsMultiEvnt_D_Ltchd". See VehicleDataEventStatus.


Value Type Mandatory Description
powerModeActive Boolean True References signal "PowerMode_UB".
powerModeQualificationStatus PowerModeQualificationStatus True References signal "PowerModeQF". See PowerModeQualificationStatus.
carModeStatus CarModeStatus True References signal "CarMode". See CarMode.
powerModeStatus PowerModeStatus True References signal "PowerMode". See PowerMode.


Value Type Mandatory Description
e911Override VehicleDataStatus True Indicates whether e911 override is on. References signal "MyKey_e911Override_St". See VehicleDataStatus.


The status and pressure of the tires.

Value Type Mandatory Description
pressureTelltale WarningLightStatus False Status of the Tire Pressure Telltale. See WarningLightStatus.
leftFront SingleTireStatus False The status of the left front tire.
rightFront SingleTireStatus False The status of the right front tire.
leftRear SingleTireStatus False The status of the left rear tire.
rightRear SingleTireStatus False The status of the right rear tire.
innerLeftRear SingleTireStatus False The status of the inner left rear.
innerRightRear SingleTireStatus False The status of the inner right rear.


Value Type Mandatory Description
escSystem VehicleDataStatus False true if vehicle stability control is ON, else false
trailerSwayControl VehicleDataStatus False true if vehicle trailer sway control is ON, else false


Struct with the GPS data.

Value Type Mandatory Description
longitudeDegrees Float True
latitudeDegrees Float True
utcYear Integer False The current UTC year.
utcMonth Integer False The current UTC month.
utcDay Integer False The current UTC day.
utcHours Integer False The current UTC hour.
utcMinutes Integer False The current UTC minute.
utcSeconds Integer False The current UTC second.
compassDirection CompassDirection False See CompassDirection.
pdop Float False PDOP. If undefined or unavailable, then value shall be set to 0.
hdop Float False HDOP. If value is unknown, value shall be set to 0.
vdop Float False VDOP. If value is unknown, value shall be set to 0.
actual Boolean False True, if actual. False, if inferred.
satellites Integer False Number of satellites in view
dimension Dimension False See Dimension
altitude Float False Altitude in meters
heading Float False The heading. North is 0. Resolution is 0.01
speed Float False The speed in KPH
shifted Boolean False True, if GPS lat/long, time, and altitude have been purposefully shifted (requires a proprietary algorithm to unshift). False, if the GPS data is raw and un-shifted. If not provided, then value is assumed False.


Individual published data request result

Value Type Mandatory Description
dataType VehicleDataType True Defined published data element type.
resultCode VehicleDataResultCode True Published data result code.
oemCustomDataType String False Type of requested oem specific parameter


Individual requested DID result and data

Value Type Mandatory Description
resultCode VehicleDataResultCode True Individual DID result code.
didLocation Integer True Location of raw data from vehicle data DID
data String False Raw DID-based data returned for requested element.


Value Type Mandatory Description
hours Integer True The hour of the media clock. Some radios only support a max of 19 hours. If out of range, it will be rejected.
minutes Integer True
seconds Integer True


Value Type Mandatory Description
name TextFieldName True The name that identifies the field. See TextFieldName.
characterSet CharacterSet True The set of characters that are supported by this text field. All text is sent in UTF-8 format, but not all systems may support all of the characters expressed by UTF-8. All systems will support at least ASCII, but they may support more, either the LATIN-1 character set, or the full UTF-8 character set.
width Integer True The number of characters in one row of this field.
rows Integer True The number of rows of this field.


Value Type Mandatory Description
resolutionWidth Integer True The image resolution width.
resolutionHeight Integer True The image resolution height.


Value Type Mandatory Description
name ImageFieldName True The name that identifies the field. See ImageFieldName.
imageTypeSupported FileType[] True The image types that are supported in this field. See FileType.
imageResolution ImageResolution False The image resolution of this field.


Value Type Mandatory Description
x Integer True The x coordinate of the touch.
y Integer True The y coordinate of the touch.


Value Type Mandatory Description
id Integer True A touch's unique identifier. The application can track the current touch events by id. If a touch event has type begin, the id should be added to the set of touches. If a touch event has type end, the id should be removed from the set of touches.
ts Integer[] True The time that the touch was recorded. This number can the time since the beginning of the session or something else as long as the units are in milliseconds. The timestamp is used to determined the rate of change of position of a touch. The application also uses the time to verify whether two touches, with different ids, are part of a single action by the user. If there is only a single timestamp in this array, it is the same for every coordinate in the coordinates array.
c TouchCoord[] True


Value Type Mandatory Description
pressAvailable Boolean True
multiTouchAvailable Boolean True
doublePressAvailable Boolean True


Value Type Mandatory Description
resolution ImageResolution True The resolution of the prescribed screen area.
touchEventAvailable TouchEventCapabilities False Types of screen touch events available in screen area.


Value Type Mandatory Description
allowed HMILevel[] True A set of all HMI levels that are permitted for this given RPC.
userDisallowed HMILevel[] True A set of all HMI levels that are prohibited for this given RPC.


Value Type Mandatory Description
allowed String[] True A set of all parameters that are permitted for this given RPC.
userDisallowed String[] True A set of all parameters that are prohibited for this given RPC.


Value Type Mandatory Description
rpcName String True Name of the individual RPC in the policy table.
hmiPermissions HMIPermissions True
parameterPermissions ParameterPermissions True
requireEncryption Boolean False


Deprecated since: 6.0.0

Contains information about the display capabilities. This struct is deprecated; please see the new SystemCapability DISPLAYS and corresponding struct DisplayCapability

Value Type Mandatory Description
displayType DisplayType True The type of the display. See DisplayType
displayName String False The name of the display the app is connected to.
textFields TextField[] True A set of all fields that support text data. See TextField
imageFields ImageField[] False A set of all fields that support images. See ImageField
mediaClockFormats MediaClockFormat[] True A set of all supported formats of the media clock. See MediaClockFormat
graphicSupported Boolean True The display's persistent screen supports referencing a static or dynamic image.
templatesAvailable String[] False A set of all predefined persistent display templates available on headunit. To be referenced in SetDisplayLayout.
screenParams ScreenParams False A set of all parameters related to a prescribed screen area (e.g. for video / touch input).
numCustomPresetsAvailable Integer False The number of on-screen custom presets available (if any); otherwise omitted.


Describes the status of a window of a door/liftgate etc.

Value Type Mandatory Description
location Grid True
state WindowState True


Information about an RC module

Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleId String True UUID of a module. "moduleId + moduleType" uniquely identify a module.
location Grid False Location of a module.
serviceArea Grid False Service area of a module.
allowMultipleAccess Boolean False allow multiple users/apps to access the module or not


Contains information about a button's capabilities. NOTE: Multiple button capabilities can exist for the same ButtonName with different module ids. The module Id for a button should match the module id for a "primary" module type, such as a climate module or a radio module. Whichever module the id matches the button's id is the module the button will control.

Value Type Mandatory Description
name ButtonName True The name of the button. See ButtonName.
moduleInfo ModuleInfo False Information about an RC module, including its id.
shortPressAvailable Boolean True The button supports a short press. Whenever the button is pressed short, onButtonPressed( SHORT) will be invoked.
longPressAvailable Boolean True The button supports a LONG press. Whenever the button is pressed long, onButtonPressed( LONG) will be invoked.
upDownAvailable Boolean True The button supports "button down" and "button up". Whenever the button is pressed, onButtonEvent( DOWN) will be invoked. Whenever the button is released, onButtonEvent( UP) will be invoked.


Contains information about a SoftButton's capabilities.

Value Type Mandatory Description
shortPressAvailable Boolean True The button supports a short press. Whenever the button is pressed short, onButtonPressed( SHORT) will be invoked.
longPressAvailable Boolean True The button supports a LONG press. Whenever the button is pressed long, onButtonPressed( LONG) will be invoked.
upDownAvailable Boolean True The button supports "button down" and "button up". Whenever the button is pressed, onButtonEvent( DOWN) will be invoked. Whenever the button is released, onButtonEvent( UP) will be invoked.
imageSupported Boolean True The button supports referencing a static or dynamic image.
textSupported Boolean False The button supports the use of text. If not included, the default value should be considered true that the button will support text.


Contains information about on-screen preset capabilities.

Value Type Mandatory Description
onScreenPresetsAvailable Boolean True Onscreen custom presets are available.


Value Type Mandatory Description
supportedDynamicImageFieldNames ImageFieldName[] False An array of ImageFieldName values for which the system supports sending OnFileUpdate notifications. If you send an Image struct for that image field with a name without having uploaded the image data using PutFile that matches that name, the system will request that you upload the data with PutFile at a later point when the HMI needs it. The HMI will then display the image in the appropriate field. If not sent, assume false.
supportsDynamicSubMenus Boolean False If true, the head unit supports dynamic sub-menus by sending OnUpdateSubMenu notifications. If true, you should not send AddCommands that attach to a parentID for an AddSubMenu until OnUpdateSubMenu is received with the menuID. At that point, you should send all AddCommands with a parentID that match the menuID. If not set, assume false.


Describes the capabilities of a single keyboard layout.

Value Type Mandatory Description
keyboardLayout KeyboardLayout True
numConfigurableKeys Integer True Number of keys available for special characters, App can customize as per their needs.


Value Type Mandatory Description
maskInputCharactersSupported Boolean False Availability of capability to mask input characters using keyboard. True: Available, False: Not Available
supportedKeyboards KeyboardLayoutCapability[] False Capabilities of supported keyboard layouts by HMI.


Value Type Mandatory Description
windowID Integer False The specified ID of the window. This ID is either one used when sending the CreateWindow request, or one of the predefined window ID values from the enum PredefinedWindows. If omitted, value is assumed to be the main window on the main display.
textFields TextField[] False A set of all fields that support text data. See TextField
imageFields ImageField[] False A set of all fields that support images. See ImageField
imageTypeSupported ImageType[] False Provides information about image types supported by the system.
templatesAvailable String[] False A set of all window templates available on the head unit.
numCustomPresetsAvailable Integer False The number of on-window custom presets available (if any); otherwise omitted.
buttonCapabilities ButtonCapabilities[] False The number of buttons and the capabilities of each on-window button.
softButtonCapabilities SoftButtonCapabilities[] False The number of soft buttons available on-window and the capabilities for each button.
menuLayoutsAvailable MenuLayout[] False An array of available menu layouts. If this parameter is not provided, only the LIST layout is assumed to be available
dynamicUpdateCapabilities DynamicUpdateCapabilities False Contains the head unit's capabilities for dynamic updating features declaring if the module will send dynamic update RPCs.
keyboardCapabilities KeyboardCapabilities False See KeyboardCapabilities


Value Type Mandatory Description
type WindowType True
maximumNumberOfWindows Integer True


Value Type Mandatory Description
displayName String False
windowTypeSupported WindowTypeCapabilities[] False Informs the application how many windows the app is allowed to create per type.
windowCapabilities WindowCapability[] False Contains a list of capabilities of all windows related to the app. Once the app has registered the capabilities of all windows are provided. GetSystemCapability still allows requesting window capabilities of all windows. After registration, only windows with capabilities changed will be included. Following cases will cause only affected windows to be included: 1. App creates a new window. After the window is created, a system capability notification will be sent related only to the created window. 2. App sets a new layout to the window. The new layout changes window capabilities. The notification will reflect those changes to the single window.


Value Type Mandatory Description
navigation Boolean False Availability of build in Nav. True: Available, False: Not Available
phoneCall Boolean False Availability of build in phone. True: Available, False: Not Available
videoStreaming Boolean False Availability of video streaming.
remoteControl Boolean False Availability of remote control feature. True: Available, False: Not Available
appServices Boolean False Availability of App Services functionality. True: Available, False: Not Available
displays Boolean False Availability of displays capability. True: Available, False: Not Available
seatLocation Boolean False Availability of seat location feature. True: Available, False: Not Available
driverDistraction Boolean False Availability of driver distraction capability. True: Available, False: Not Available
Value Type Mandatory Description
parentID Integer False unique ID of the sub menu, the command will be added to. If not provided, it will be provided to the top level of the in application menu.
position Integer False Position within the items that are at top level of the in application menu. 0 will insert at the front. 1 will insert at the second position. if position is greater or equal than the number of items on top level, the sub menu will be appended to the end. If this param was omitted the entry will be added at the end.
menuName String True Text to show in the menu for this sub menu.
secondaryText String False Optional secondary text to display
tertiaryText String False Optional tertiary text to display


A TTS chunk, that consists of text/phonemes to speak or the name of a file to play, and a TTS type (like text or SAPI)

Value Type Mandatory Description
text String True The text or phonemes to speak, or the name of the audio file to play. May not be empty.
type SpeechCapabilities True Describes whether the TTS chunk is plain text, a specific phoneme set, or an audio file. See SpeechCapabilities


Value Type Mandatory Description
navigationText String False Individual turn text. Must provide at least text or icon for a given turn.
turnIcon Image False Individual turn icon. Must provide at least text or icon for a given turn.


Value Type Mandatory Description
make String False Make of the vehicle, e.g. Ford
model String False Model of the vehicle, e.g. Fiesta
modelYear String False Model Year of the vehicle, e.g. 2013
trim String False Trim of the vehicle, e.g. SE


Configuration of on-screen keyboard (if available).

Value Type Mandatory Description
language Language False The keyboard language.
keyboardLayout KeyboardLayout False Desired keyboard layout.
keypressMode KeypressMode False Desired keypress mode. If omitted, this value will be set to RESEND_CURRENT_ENTRY.
limitedCharacterList String[] False Array of keyboard characters to enable. All omitted characters will be greyed out (disabled) on the keyboard. If omitted, the entire keyboard will be enabled.
autoCompleteText String False Deprecated, use autoCompleteList instead.
autoCompleteList String[] False Allows an app to pre-populate the text field with a list of suggested or completed entries as the user types. If empty, the auto-complete list will be removed from the screen.
maskInputCharacters KeyboardInputMask False Allows an app to mask entered characters on HMI
customKeys String[] False Array of special characters to show in customizable keys. If omitted, keyboard will show default special characters


Various information about connecting device.

Value Type Mandatory Description
hardware String False Device model
firmwareRev String False Device firmware revision
os String False Device OS
osVersion String False Device OS version
carrier String False Device mobile carrier (if applicable)
maxNumberRFCOMMPorts Integer False Omitted if connected not via BT.


Value Type Mandatory Description
millisecond Integer False Milliseconds
second Integer False Seconds part of time
minute Integer False Minutes part of time
hour Integer False Hours part of time. Note that this structure accepts time only in 24 Hr format
day Integer False Day of the month
month Integer False Month of the year
year Integer False The year in YYYY format
tz_hour Integer False Time zone offset in Hours wrt UTC.
tz_minute Integer False Time zone offset in Min wrt UTC.


Value Type Mandatory Description
latitudeDegrees Float True Latitude of the location.
longitudeDegrees Float True Longitude of the location.


Value Type Mandatory Description
countryName String False Name of the country (localized)
countryCode String False Name of country (ISO 3166-2)
postalCode String False (PLZ, ZIP, PIN, CAP etc.)
administrativeArea String False Portion of country (e.g. state)
subAdministrativeArea String False Portion of e.g. state (e.g. county)
locality String False Hypernym for e.g. city/village
subLocality String False Hypernym for e.g. district
thoroughfare String False Hypernym for street, road etc.
subThoroughfare String False Portion of thoroughfare e.g. house number


Value Type Mandatory Description
coordinate Coordinate False Latitude/Longitude of the location.
locationName String False Name of location.
addressLines String[] False Location address for display purposes only
locationDescription String False Description intended location / establishment (if applicable)
phoneNumber String False Phone number of location / establishment.
locationImage Image False Image / icon of intended location.
searchAddress OASISAddress False Address to be used by navigation engines for search

Extended capabilities for an onboard navigation system

Value Type Mandatory Description
sendLocationEnabled Boolean False If the module has the ability to add locations to the onboard nav
getWayPointsEnabled Boolean False If the module has the ability to return way points from onboard nav


Extended capabilities of the module's phone feature

Value Type Mandatory Description
dialNumberEnabled Boolean False If the module has the ability to perform dial number


Video streaming formats and their specifications.

Value Type Mandatory Description
protocol VideoStreamingProtocol True Protocol type, see VideoStreamingProtocol
codec VideoStreamingCodec True Codec type, see VideoStreamingCodec


Contains information about this system's video streaming capabilities.

Value Type Mandatory Description
preferredResolution ImageResolution False The preferred resolution of a video stream for decoding and rendering on HMI.
maxBitrate Integer False The maximum bitrate of video stream that is supported, in kbps.
supportedFormats VideoStreamingFormat[] False Detailed information on each format supported by this system, in its preferred order (i.e. the first element in the array is most preferable to the system). Each object will contain a VideoStreamingFormat that describes what can be expected.
hapticSpatialDataSupported Boolean False True if the system can utilize the haptic spatial data from the source being streamed. If not included, it can be assumed the module doesn't support haptic spatial data'.
diagonalScreenSize Float False The diagonal screen size in inches.
pixelPerInch Float False PPI is the diagonal resolution in pixels divided by the diagonal screen size in inches.
scale Float False The scaling factor the app should use to change the size of the projecting view.
preferredFPS Integer False The preferred frame rate per second of the head unit. The mobile application / app library may take other factors into account that constrain the frame rate lower than this value, but it should not perform streaming at a higher frame rate than this value.
additionalVideoStreamingCapabilities VideoStreamingCapability[] False


Value Type Mandatory Description
menuLength Integer False The number of items allowed in a Choice Set or Command menu while the driver is distracted
subMenuDepth Integer False The depth of submenus allowed when the driver is distracted. e.g. 3 == top level menu -> submenu -> submenu; 1 == top level menu only


Value Type Mandatory Description
red Integer True
green Integer True
blue Integer True


A color scheme for all display layout templates.

Value Type Mandatory Description
primaryColor RGBColor False The primary "accent" color
secondaryColor RGBColor False The secondary "accent" color
backgroundColor RGBColor False The color of the background


Value Type Mandatory Description
template String True Predefined or dynamically created window template. Currently only predefined window template layouts are defined.
dayColorScheme TemplateColorScheme False
nightColorScheme TemplateColorScheme False


Describes the location of a seat.

Value Type Mandatory Description
grid Grid False


Contains information about the locations of each seat

Value Type Mandatory Description
rows Integer False
columns Integer False
levels Integer False
seats SeatLocation[] False Contains a list of SeatLocation in the vehicle


Specify the mode of a massage zone.

Value Type Mandatory Description
massageZone MassageZone True
massageMode MassageMode True


The intensity or firmness of a cushion.

Value Type Mandatory Description
cushion MassageCushion True
firmness Integer True


Value Type Mandatory Description
id Integer True
label String False
action SeatMemoryActionType True


Seat control data corresponds to "SEAT" ModuleType.

Value Type Mandatory Description
id SupportedSeat True
heatingEnabled Boolean False
coolingEnabled Boolean False
heatingLevel Integer False
coolingLevel Integer False
horizontalPosition Integer False
verticalPosition Integer False
frontVerticalPosition Integer False
backVerticalPosition Integer False
backTiltAngle Integer False
headSupportHorizontalPosition Integer False
headSupportVerticalPosition Integer False
massageEnabled Boolean False
massageMode MassageModeData[] False
massageCushionFirmness MassageCushionFirmness[] False
memory SeatMemoryAction False


Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleName String True The short friendly name of the seat control module. It should not be used to identify a module by mobile application.
moduleInfo ModuleInfo False Information about an RC module, including its id.
heatingEnabledAvailable Boolean False
coolingEnabledAvailable Boolean False
heatingLevelAvailable Boolean False
coolingLevelAvailable Boolean False
horizontalPositionAvailable Boolean False
verticalPositionAvailable Boolean False
frontVerticalPositionAvailable Boolean False
backVerticalPositionAvailable Boolean False
backTiltAngleAvailable Boolean False
headSupportHorizontalPositionAvailable Boolean False
headSupportVerticalPositionAvailable Boolean False
massageEnabledAvailable Boolean False
massageModeAvailable Boolean False
massageCushionFirmnessAvailable Boolean False
memoryAvailable Boolean False


Value Type Mandatory Description
unit TemperatureUnit True Temperature Unit
value Float True Temperature Value in TemperatureUnit specified unit. Range depends on OEM and is not checked by SDL.


Value Type Mandatory Description
PS String False Program Service Name
RT String False Radio Text
CT String False The clock text in UTC format as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD
PI String False Program Identification - the call sign for the radio station
PTY Integer False The program type - The region should be used to differentiate between EU and North America program types
TP Boolean False Traffic Program Identification - Identifies a station that offers traffic
TA Boolean False Traffic Announcement Identification - Indicates an ongoing traffic announcement
REG String False Region


Value Type Mandatory Description
countryCode Integer False Binary Representation of ITU Country Code. USA Code is 001.
fccFacilityId Integer False Binary representation of unique facility ID assigned by the FCC; FCC controlled for U.S. territory


Value Type Mandatory Description
stationShortName String False Identifies the 4-alpha-character station call sign plus an optional (-FM) extension
stationIDNumber StationIDNumber False Used for network Application. Consists of Country Code and FCC Facility ID.
stationLongName String False Identifies the station call sign or other identifying information in the long format.
stationLocation GPSData False Provides the 3-dimensional geographic station location.
stationMessage String False May be used to convey textual information of general interest to the consumer such as weather forecasts or public service announcements. Includes a high priority delivery feature to convey emergencies that may be in the listening area.


Value Type Mandatory Description
frequencyInteger Integer False The integer part of the frequency ie for 101.7 this value should be 101
frequencyFraction Integer False The fractional part of the frequency for 101.7 is 7
band RadioBand False
rdsData RdsData False
hdRadioEnable Boolean False True if the hd radio is on, false if the radio is off
availableHDs Integer False Number of HD sub-channels if available
availableHdChannels Integer[] False The list of available HD sub-channel indexes. Empty list means no Hd channel is available. Read-only.
hdChannel Integer False Current HD sub-channel if available
signalStrength Integer False
signalChangeThreshold Integer False If the signal strength falls below the set value for this parameter, the radio will tune to an alternative frequency
radioEnable Boolean False True if the radio is on, false if the radio is off. If set to false, no other data will be included.
state RadioState False
sisData SisData False Read-only Station Information Service (SIS) data provides basic information about the station such as call sign, as well as information not displayable to the consumer such as the station identification number


Value Type Mandatory Description
fanSpeed Integer False
currentTemperature Temperature False
desiredTemperature Temperature False
acEnable Boolean False
circulateAirEnable Boolean False
autoModeEnable Boolean False
defrostZone DefrostZone False
dualModeEnable Boolean False
acMaxEnable Boolean False
ventilationMode VentilationMode False
heatedSteeringWheelEnable Boolean False value false means disabled/turn off, value true means enabled/turn on.
heatedWindshieldEnable Boolean False value false means disabled, value true means enabled.
heatedRearWindowEnable Boolean False value false means disabled, value true means enabled.
heatedMirrorsEnable Boolean False value false means disabled, value true means enabled.
climateEnable Boolean False True if the climate module is on, false if the climate module is off


Contains information about a radio control module's capabilities.

Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleName String True The short friendly name of the radio control module. It should not be used to identify a module by mobile application.
moduleInfo ModuleInfo False Information about an RC module, including its id.
radioEnableAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of enable/disable radio. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
radioBandAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of radio band. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
radioFrequencyAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of radio frequency. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
hdChannelAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of HD radio channel. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
rdsDataAvailable Boolean False Availability of the getting Radio Data System (RDS) data. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
availableHDsAvailable Boolean False Availability of the getting the number of available HD channels. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
availableHdChannelsAvailable Boolean False Availability of the list of available HD sub-channel indexes. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
stateAvailable Boolean False Availability of the getting the Radio state. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
signalStrengthAvailable Boolean False Availability of the getting the signal strength. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
signalChangeThresholdAvailable Boolean False Availability of the getting the signal Change Threshold. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
sisDataAvailable Boolean False Availability of the getting HD radio Station Information Service (SIS) data. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
hdRadioEnableAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of enable/disable HD radio. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
siriusxmRadioAvailable Boolean False Availability of Sirius XM radio. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.


Contains information about a climate control module's capabilities.

Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleName String True The short friendly name of the climate control module. It should not be used to identify a module by mobile application.
moduleInfo ModuleInfo False Information about an RC module, including its id.
currentTemperatureAvailable Boolean False Availability of the reading of current temperature. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
fanSpeedAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of fan speed. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
desiredTemperatureAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of desired temperature. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
acEnableAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of turn on/off AC. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
acMaxEnableAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of enable/disable air conditioning is ON on the maximum level. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
circulateAirEnableAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of enable/disable circulate Air mode. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
autoModeEnableAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of enable/disable auto mode. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
dualModeEnableAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of enable/disable dual mode. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
defrostZoneAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of defrost zones. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
defrostZone DefrostZone[] False A set of all defrost zones that are controllable.
ventilationModeAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of air ventilation mode. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
ventilationMode VentilationMode[] False A set of all ventilation modes that are controllable.
heatedSteeringWheelAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control (enable/disable) of heated Steering Wheel. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
heatedWindshieldAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control (enable/disable) of heated Windshield. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
heatedRearWindowAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control (enable/disable) of heated Rear Window. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
heatedMirrorsAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control (enable/disable) of heated Mirrors. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
climateEnableAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of enable/disable climate control. True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.


Defines the each Equalizer channel settings.

Value Type Mandatory Description
channelId Integer True
channelName String False read-only channel / frequency name (e.i. "Treble, Midrange, Bass" or "125 Hz")
channelSetting Integer True Reflects the setting, from 0%-100%.


Value Type Mandatory Description
source PrimaryAudioSource False In a getter response or a notification, it is the current primary audio source of the system. In a setter request, it is the target audio source that the system shall switch to. If the value is MOBILE_APP, the system shall switch to the mobile media app that issues the setter RPC.
keepContext Boolean False This parameter shall not be present in any getter responses or notifications. This parameter is optional in a setter request. The default value is false if it is not included. If it is false, the system not only changes the audio source but also brings the default application or system UI associated with the audio source to foreground. If it is true, the system only changes the audio source, but keeps the current application in foreground.
volume Integer False Reflects the volume of audio, from 0%-100%.
equalizerSettings EqualizerSettings[] False Defines the list of supported channels (band) and their current/desired settings on HMI


Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleName String True The short friendly name of the audio control module. It should not be used to identify a module by mobile application.
moduleInfo ModuleInfo False Information about an RC module, including its id.
sourceAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of audio source.
keepContextAvailable Boolean False Availability of the keepContext parameter.
volumeAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of audio volume.
equalizerAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of Equalizer Settings.
equalizerMaxChannelId Integer False Must be included if equalizerAvailable=true, and assume all IDs starting from 1 to this value are valid


Value Type Mandatory Description
name LightName True
statusAvailable Boolean False Indicates if the status (ON/OFF) can be set remotely. App shall not use read-only values (RAMP_UP/RAMP_DOWN/UNKNOWN/INVALID) in a setInteriorVehicleData request.
densityAvailable Boolean False Indicates if the light's density can be set remotely (similar to a dimmer).
rgbColorSpaceAvailable Boolean False Indicates if the light's color can be set remotely by using the sRGB color space.


Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleName String True The short friendly name of the light control module. It should not be used to identify a module by mobile application.
moduleInfo ModuleInfo False Information about an RC module, including its id.
supportedLights LightCapabilities[] True An array of available LightCapabilities that are controllable.


Value Type Mandatory Description
id LightName True The name of a light or a group of lights.
status LightStatus True
density Float False
color RGBColor False


Value Type Mandatory Description
lightState LightState[] True An array of LightNames and their current or desired status. No change to the status of the LightNames that are not listed in the array.


Corresponds to "HMI_SETTINGS" ModuleType

Value Type Mandatory Description
displayMode DisplayMode False
temperatureUnit TemperatureUnit False
distanceUnit DistanceUnit False


Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleName String True The short friendly name of the hmi setting module. It should not be used to identify a module by mobile application.
moduleInfo ModuleInfo False Information about an RC module, including its id.
distanceUnitAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of distance unit.
temperatureUnitAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of temperature unit.
displayModeUnitAvailable Boolean False Availability of the control of HMI display mode.


The moduleType indicates which type of data should be changed and identifies which data object exists in this struct. For example, if the moduleType is CLIMATE then a "climateControlData" should exist

Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleType ModuleType True
moduleId String False Id of a module, published by System Capability.
radioControlData RadioControlData False
climateControlData ClimateControlData False
seatControlData SeatControlData False
audioControlData AudioControlData False
lightControlData LightControlData False
hmiSettingsControlData HMISettingsControlData False


Value Type Mandatory Description
climateControlCapabilities ClimateControlCapabilities[] False If included, the platform supports RC climate controls. For this baseline version, maxsize=1. i.e. only one climate control module is supported.
radioControlCapabilities RadioControlCapabilities[] False If included, the platform supports RC radio controls.
buttonCapabilities ButtonCapabilities[] False If included, the platform supports RC button controls with the included button names. NOTE: Multiple button capabilities can exist for the same ButtonName with different module ids. The module Id for a button should match the module id for a "primary" module type, such as a climate module or a radio module. Whichever module the id matches the button's id is the module the button will control.
audioControlCapabilities AudioControlCapabilities[] False If included, the platform supports audio controls.
hmiSettingsControlCapabilities HMISettingsControlCapabilities False If included, the platform supports hmi setting controls.
lightControlCapabilities LightControlCapabilities False If included, the platform supports light controls.
seatControlCapabilities SeatControlCapabilities[] False If included, the platform supports seat controls.


Value Type Mandatory Description
mainField1 MetadataType[] False The type of data contained in the "mainField1" text field.
mainField2 MetadataType[] False The type of data contained in the "mainField2" text field.
mainField3 MetadataType[] False The type of data contained in the "mainField3" text field.
mainField4 MetadataType[] False The type of data contained in the "mainField4" text field.


Value Type Mandatory Description
x Float True The upper left X-coordinate of the rectangle
y Float True The upper left Y-coordinate of the rectangle
width Float True The width of the rectangle
height Float True The height of the rectangle


Defines haptic data for each user control object for video streaming application

Value Type Mandatory Description
id Integer True A user control spatial identifier
rect Rectangle True The position of the haptic rectangle to be highlighted. The center of this rectangle will be "touched" when a press occurs.



This data is related to what a media service should provide

Value Type Mandatory Description
mediaType MediaType False The type of the currently playing or paused track.
mediaTitle String False Music: The name of the current track Podcast: The name of the current episode Audiobook: The name of the current chapter
mediaArtist String False Music: The name of the current album artist Podcast: The provider of the podcast (hosts, network, company) Audiobook: The book author's name
mediaAlbum String False Music: The name of the current album Podcast: The name of the current podcast show Audiobook: The name of the current book
playlistName String False Music: The name of the playlist or radio station, if the user is playing from a playlist, otherwise, Null Podcast: The name of the playlist, if the user is playing from a playlist, otherwise, Null Audiobook: Likely not applicable, possibly a collection or "playlist" of books
isExplicit Boolean False Whether or not the content currently playing (e.g. the track, episode, or book) contains explicit content
trackPlaybackProgress Integer False Music: The current progress of the track in seconds Podcast: The current progress of the episode in seconds Audiobook: The current progress of the current segment (e.g. the chapter) in seconds
trackPlaybackDuration Integer False Music: The total duration of the track in seconds Podcast: The total duration of the episode in seconds Audiobook: The total duration of the current segment (e.g. the chapter) in seconds
queuePlaybackProgress Integer False Music: The current progress of the playback queue in seconds Podcast: The current progress of the playback queue in seconds Audiobook: The current progress of the playback queue (e.g. the book) in seconds
queuePlaybackDuration Integer False Music: The total duration of the playback queue in seconds Podcast: The total duration of the playback queue in seconds Audiobook: The total duration of the playback queue (e.g. the book) in seconds
queueCurrentTrackNumber Integer False Music: The current number (1 based) of the track in the playback queue Podcast: The current number (1 based) of the episode in the playback queue Audiobook: The current number (1 based) of the episode in the playback queue (e.g. the chapter number in the book)
queueTotalTrackCount Integer False Music: The total number of tracks in the playback queue Podcast: The total number of episodes in the playback queue Audiobook: The total number of sections in the playback queue (e.g. the number of chapters in the book)
mediaImage Image False Music: The album art of the current track Podcast: The podcast or chapter artwork of the current podcast episode Audiobook: The book or chapter artwork of the current audiobook


Value Type Mandatory Description
currentForecastSupported Boolean False
maxMultidayForecastAmount Integer False
maxHourlyForecastAmount Integer False
maxMinutelyForecastAmount Integer False
weatherForLocationSupported Boolean False


Value Type Mandatory Description
title String False
summary String False
expires DateTime False
regions String[] False
severity String False
timeIssued DateTime False


Value Type Mandatory Description
currentTemperature Temperature False The central temperature depending on the context of the weather data. It could be the present temperature, the temperature of a future minute, the temperature of a future hour, or an average temperature of a future day, for example.
temperatureHigh Temperature False
temperatureLow Temperature False
apparentTemperature Temperature False
apparentTemperatureHigh Temperature False
apparentTemperatureLow Temperature False
weatherSummary String False
time DateTime False
humidity Float False 0 to 1, percentage humidity
cloudCover Float False 0 to 1, percentage cloud cover
moonPhase Float False 0 to 1, percentage of the moon seen, e.g. 0 = no moon, 0.25 = quarter moon
windBearing Integer False In degrees, true north at 0 degrees
windGust Float False km/hr
windSpeed Float False km/hr
nearestStormBearing Integer False In degrees, true north at 0 degrees
nearestStormDistance Integer False In km
precipAccumulation Float False cm
precipIntensity Float False cm of water per hour
precipProbability Float False 0 to 1, percentage chance
precipType String False e.g. "rain", "snow", "sleet", "hail"
visibility Float False In km
weatherIcon Image False


This data is related to what a weather service would provide

Value Type Mandatory Description
location LocationDetails True
currentForecast WeatherData False
minuteForecast WeatherData[] False
hourlyForecast WeatherData[] False
multidayForecast WeatherData[] False
alerts WeatherAlert[] False This array should be ordered with the first object being the current day
Value Type Mandatory Description
acceptsWayPoints Boolean False Informs the subscriber if this service can actually accept way points.
Value Type Mandatory Description
locationDetails LocationDetails True
action NavigationAction True
eta DateTime False
bearing Integer False The angle at which this instruction takes place. For example, 0 would mean straight, less than 45 is bearing right, greater than 135 is sharp right, between 45 and 135 is a regular right, and 180 is a U-Turn, etc.
junctionType NavigationJunction False
drivingSide Direction False Used to infer which side of the road this instruction takes place. For a U-Turn (action=TURN, bearing=180) this will determine which direction the turn should take place.
details String False This is a string representation of this instruction, used to display instructions to the users. This is not intended to be read aloud to the users, see the param prompt in NavigationServiceData for that.
image Image False An image representation of this instruction.

This data is related to what a navigation service would provide.

Value Type Mandatory Description
timeStamp DateTime True This is the timestamp of when the data was generated. This is to ensure any time or distance given in the data can accurately be adjusted if necessary.
origin LocationDetails False
destination LocationDetails False
destinationETA DateTime False
instructions NavigationInstruction[] False This array should be ordered with all remaining instructions. The start of this array should always contain the next instruction.
nextInstructionETA DateTime False
nextInstructionDistance Float False The distance to this instruction from current location. This should only be updated ever .1 unit of distance. For more accuracy the consumer can use the GPS location of itself and the next instruction.
nextInstructionDistanceScale Float False Distance till next maneuver (starting from) from previous maneuver.
prompt String False This is a prompt message that should be conveyed to the user through either display or voice (TTS). This param will change often as it should represent the following: approaching instruction, post instruction, alerts that affect the current navigation session, etc.


This manifest contains all the information necessary for the service to be published, activated, and consumers able to interact with it

Value Type Mandatory Description
serviceName String False Unique name of this service
serviceType String True The type of service that is to be offered by this app. See AppServiceType for known enum equivalent types. Parameter is a string to allow for new service types to be used by apps on older versions of SDL Core.
serviceIcon Image False The icon to be associated with this service. Most likely the same as the appIcon.
allowAppConsumers Boolean False If true, app service consumers beyond the IVI system will be able to access this service. If false, only the IVI system will be able consume the service. If not provided, it is assumed to be false.
rpcSpecVersion SyncMsgVersion False This is the max RPC Spec version the app service understands. This is important during the RPC passthrough functionality. If not included, it is assumed the max version of the module is acceptable.
handledRPCs Integer[] False This field contains the Function IDs for the RPCs that this service intends to handle correctly. This means the service will provide meaningful responses.
mediaServiceManifest MediaServiceManifest False
weatherServiceManifest WeatherServiceManifest False
navigationServiceManifest NavigationServiceManifest False


This is the record of an app service publisher that the module has. It should contain the most up to date information including the service's active state

Value Type Mandatory Description
serviceID String True A unique ID tied to this specific service record. The ID is supplied by the module that services publish themselves.
serviceManifest AppServiceManifest True Manifest for the service that this record is for.
servicePublished Boolean True If true, the service is published and available. If false, the service has likely just been unpublished, and should be considered unavailable.
serviceActive Boolean True If true, the service is the active primary service of the supplied service type. It will receive all potential RPCs that are passed through to that service type. If false, it is not the primary service of the supplied type. See servicePublished for its availability.


Contains all the current data of the app service. The serviceType will link to which of the service data objects are included in this object (e.g. if the service type is MEDIA, the mediaServiceData param should be included).

Value Type Mandatory Description
serviceType String True The type of service that is to be offered by this app. See AppServiceType for known enum equivalent types. Parameter is a string to allow for new service types to be used by apps on older versions of SDL Core.
serviceID String True
mediaServiceData MediaServiceData False
weatherServiceData WeatherServiceData False
navigationServiceData NavigationServiceData False


Value Type Mandatory Description
updateReason ServiceUpdateReason False Only included in OnSystemCapabilityUpdated. Update reason for service record.
updatedAppServiceRecord AppServiceRecord True Service record for a specific app service provider


Capabilities of app services including what service types are supported and the current state of services.

Value Type Mandatory Description
appServices AppServiceCapability[] False An array of currently available services. If this is an update to the capability the affected services will include an update reason in that item


The systemCapabilityType identifies which data object exists in this struct. For example, if the SystemCapability Type is NAVIGATION then a "navigationCapability" should exist

Value Type Mandatory Description
systemCapabilityType SystemCapabilityType True Used as a descriptor of what data to expect in this struct. The corresponding param to this enum should be included and the only other param included.
navigationCapability NavigationCapability False Describes extended capabilities for onboard navigation system
phoneCapability PhoneCapability False Describes extended capabilities of the module's phone feature
videoStreamingCapability VideoStreamingCapability False Contains information about the module's video streaming capabilities
remoteControlCapability RemoteControlCapabilities False Contains information about the module's remote control feature
appServicesCapabilities AppServicesCapabilities False An array of currently available services. If this is an update to the capability the affected services will include an update reason in that item
seatLocationCapability SeatLocationCapability False Contains information about the locations of each seat
displayCapabilities DisplayCapability[] False
driverDistractionCapability DriverDistractionCapability False Describes capabilities when the driver is distracted


Value Type Mandatory Description
externalTemperature Temperature False The external temperature in degrees celsius
cabinTemperature Temperature False Internal ambient cabin temperature in degrees celsius
atmosphericPressure Float False Current atmospheric pressure in mBar


Value Type Mandatory Description
userSelectedGear PRNDL False Gear position selected by the user i.e. Park, Drive, Reverse
actualGear PRNDL False Actual Gear in use by the transmission
transmissionType TransmissionType False Tells the transmission type


Describes the status of a parameter of seat.

Value Type Mandatory Description
seatLocation SeatLocation True
conditionActive Boolean True


Value Type Mandatory Description
seatsOccupied SeatStatus[] False Seat status array containing location and whether the seats are occupied.
seatsBelted SeatStatus[] False Seat status array containing location and whether the seats are belted.


The seek next / skip previous subscription buttons' content

Value Type Mandatory Description
type SeekIndicatorType True
seekTime Integer False If the type is TIME, this number of seconds may be present alongside the skip indicator. It will indicate the number of seconds that the currently playing media will skip forward or backward.


Value Type Mandatory Description
appCapabilityType AppCapabilityType True Used as a descriptor of what data to expect in this struct. The corresponding param to this enum should be included and the only other param included.
videoStreamingCapability VideoStreamingCapability False Describes supported capabilities for video streaming

Remote Procedure Calls


Message Type: request

Establishes an interface with a mobile application. Before registerAppInterface no other commands will be accepted/executed.

Value Type Mandatory Description
syncMsgVersion SyncMsgVersion True See SyncMsgVersion
appName String True The mobile application name, e.g. "My SDL App". Needs to be unique over all applications from the same device. May not be empty. May not start with a new line character. May not interfere with any name or synonym of previously registered applications from the same device and any predefined blacklist of words (global commands) Additional applications with the same name from the same device will be rejected. Only characters from char set [@TODO: Create char set (character/hex value) for each ACM and refer to] are supported.
ttsName TTSChunk[] False TTS string for VR recognition of the mobile application name, e.g. "My S D L App". Meant to overcome any failing on speech engine in properly pronouncing / understanding app name. Needs to be unique over all applications from the same device. May not be empty. May not start with a new line character. Only characters from char set [@TODO: Create char set (character/hex value) for each ACM and refer to] are supported.
ngnMediaScreenAppName String False Provides an abbreviated version of the app name (if needed), that will be displayed on the NGN media screen. If not provided, the appName is used instead (and will be truncated if too long) Only characters from char set [@TODO: Create char set (character/hex value) for each ACM and refer to] are supported.
vrSynonyms String[] False Defines an additional voice recognition command. May not interfere with any app name of previously registered applications from the same device and any predefined blacklist of words (global commands) Only characters from char set [@TODO: Create char set (character/hex value) for each ACM and refer to] are supported.
isMediaApplication Boolean True Indicates if the application is a media or a non-media application. Only media applications will be able to stream audio to the module that is audible outside of the BT media source.
languageDesired Language True See Language Current app's expected VR+TTS language If there is a mismatch with the module, the app will be able to change this registration with changeRegistration prior to app being brought into focus.
hmiDisplayLanguageDesired Language True See Language Current app's expected display language If there is a mismatch with the module, the app will be able to change this registration with changeRegistration prior to app being brought into focus.
appHMIType AppHMIType[] False See AppHMIType List of all applicable app HMI types stating which HMI classifications to be given to the app.
hashID String False ID used to uniquely identify current state of all app data that can persist through connection cycles (e.g. ignition cycles). This registered data (commands, submenus, choice sets, etc.) can be reestablished without needing to explicitly reregister each piece. If omitted, then the previous state of an app's commands, etc. will not be restored. When sending hashID, all RegisterAppInterface parameters should still be provided (e.g. ttsName, etc.).
deviceInfo DeviceInfo False See DeviceInfo.
appID String True ID used to validate app with policy table entries
fullAppID String False ID used to validate app with policy table entries
appInfo AppInfo False See AppInfo.
dayColorScheme TemplateColorScheme False
nightColorScheme TemplateColorScheme False


Message Type: response

The response to registerAppInterface

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
syncMsgVersion SyncMsgVersion False See SyncMsgVersion
language Language False The currently active VR+TTS language on the module. See "Language" for options.
hmiDisplayLanguage Language False The currently active display language on the module. See "Language" for options.
displayCapabilities DisplayCapabilities False See DisplayCapabilities. This parameter is deprecated and replaced by SystemCapability using DISPLAYS.
buttonCapabilities ButtonCapabilities[] False See ButtonCapabilities. This parameter is deprecated and replaced by SystemCapability using DISPLAYS.
softButtonCapabilities SoftButtonCapabilities[] False If returned, the platform supports on-screen SoftButtons; see SoftButtonCapabilities. This parameter is deprecated and replaced by SystemCapability using DISPLAYS.
presetBankCapabilities PresetBankCapabilities False If returned, the platform supports custom on-screen Presets; see PresetBankCapabilities. This parameter is deprecated and replaced by SystemCapability using DISPLAYS.
hmiZoneCapabilities HmiZoneCapabilities[] False See HmiZoneCapabilities
speechCapabilities SpeechCapabilities[] False See SpeechCapabilities
prerecordedSpeech PrerecordedSpeech[] False See PrerecordedSpeech
vrCapabilities VrCapabilities[] False See VrCapabilities
audioPassThruCapabilities AudioPassThruCapabilities[] False See AudioPassThruCapability
pcmStreamCapabilities AudioPassThruCapabilities False See AudioPassThruCapability
vehicleType VehicleType False Specifies the vehicle's type. See VehicleType.
supportedDiagModes Integer[] False Specifies the white-list of supported diagnostic modes (0x00-0xFF) capable for DiagnosticMessage requests. If a mode outside this list is requested, it will be rejected.
hmiCapabilities HMICapabilities False Specifies the HMI's capabilities. See HMICapabilities.
sdlVersion String False The SmartDeviceLink version.
systemSoftwareVersion String False The software version of the system that implements the SmartDeviceLink core.
iconResumed Boolean False Existence of apps icon at system. If true, apps icon was resumed at system. If false, apps icon is not resumed at system


Message Type: request

Closes an interface from a mobile application. After unregisterAppInterface, no commands other than registerAppInterface will be accepted/executed. Will fail, if no registerAppInterface was completed successfully before.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Create a new window on the display with the specified window type.

Value Type Mandatory Description
windowID Integer True A unique ID to identify the window. The value of '0' will always be the default main window on the main display and should not be used in this context as it will already be created for the app. See PredefinedWindows enum. Creating a window with an ID that is already in use will be rejected with INVALID_ID.
windowName String True The window name to be used by the HMI. The name of the pre-created default window will match the app name. Multiple apps can share the same window name except for the default main window. Creating a window with a name which is already in use by the app will result in DUPLICATE_NAME.
type WindowType True The type of the window to be created. Main window or widget.
associatedServiceType String False Allows an app to create a widget related to a specific service type. As an example if a MEDIA app becomes active, this app becomes audible and is allowed to play audio. Actions such as skip or play/pause will be directed to this active media app. In case of widgets, the system can provide a single "media" widget which will act as a placeholder for the active media app. It is only allowed to have one window per service type. This means that a media app can only have a single MEDIA widget. Still the app can create widgets omitting this parameter. Those widgets would be available as app specific widgets that are permanently included in the HMI. This parameter is related to widgets only. The default main window, which is pre-created during app registration, will be created based on the HMI types specified in the app registration request.
duplicateUpdatesFromWindowID Integer False Optional parameter. Specify whether the content sent to an existing window should be duplicated to the created window. If there isn't a window with the ID, the request will be rejected with INVALID_DATA.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed.
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
resultCode Result True See Result


Message Type: request

Deletes previously created window of the SDL application.

Value Type Mandatory Description
windowID Integer True A unique ID to identify the window. The value of '0' will always be the default main window on the main display and cannot be deleted. See PredefinedWindows enum.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed.
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
resultCode Result True See Result


Message Type: request

Allows setting global properties.

Value Type Mandatory Description
userLocation SeatLocation False Location of the user's seat. Default is driver's seat location if it is not set yet.
helpPrompt TTSChunk[] False The help prompt. An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk. The array must have at least one item.
timeoutPrompt TTSChunk[] False Help text for a wait timeout. An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk. The array must have at least one item.
vrHelpTitle String False VR Help Title text. If omitted on supported displays, the default module help title shall be used. If omitted and one or more vrHelp items are provided, the request will be rejected.
vrHelp VrHelpItem[] False VR Help Items. If omitted on supported displays, the default SmartDeviceLink VR help / What Can I Say? screen shall be used. If the list of VR Help Items contains nonsequential positions (e.g. [1,2,4]), the RPC shall be rejected. If omitted and a vrHelpTitle is provided, the request will be rejected.
menuTitle String False Optional text to label an app menu button (for certain touchscreen platforms).
menuIcon Image False Optional icon to draw on an app menu button (for certain touchscreen platforms).
keyboardProperties KeyboardProperties False On-screen keyboard configuration (if available).
menuLayout MenuLayout False Sets the layout of the main menu screen. If this is sent while a menu is already on-screen, the head unit will change the display to the new layout type.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Allows resetting global properties.

Value Type Mandatory Description
properties GlobalProperty[] True Contains the names of all global properties (like timeoutPrompt) that should be unset. Resetting means, that they have the same value as at start up (default)


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Adds a command to the in application menu. Either menuParams or vrCommands must be provided.

Value Type Mandatory Description
cmdID Integer True unique ID of the command to add.
menuParams MenuParams False Optional sub value containing menu parameters
vrCommands String[] False An array of strings to be used as VR synonyms for this command. If this array is provided, it may not be empty.
cmdIcon Image False Image struct determining whether static or dynamic icon. If omitted on supported displays, no (or the default if applicable) icon shall be displayed.
secondaryImage Image False Optional secondary image struct for menu cell


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Deletes all commands from the in-application menu with the specified command id.

Value Type Mandatory Description
cmdID Integer True ID of the command(s) to delete.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Adds a sub menu to the in-application menu.

Value Type Mandatory Description
menuID Integer True unique ID of the sub menu to add.
position Integer False Position within the items that are at top level of the in application menu. 0 will insert at the front. 1 will insert at the second position. If position is greater or equal than the number of items on top level, the sub menu will be appended to the end. Position of any submenu will always be located before the return and exit options If this param was omitted the entry will be added at the end.
menuName String True Text to show in the menu for this sub menu.
menuIcon Image False The image field for AddSubMenu
menuLayout MenuLayout False Sets the layout of the submenu screen.
parentID Integer False unique ID of the sub menu, the command will be added to. If not provided or 0, it will be provided to the top level of the in application menu.
secondaryText String False Optional secondary text to display
tertiaryText String False Optional tertiary text to display
secondaryImage Image False Optional secondary image struct for sub-menu cell


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Deletes a submenu from the in-application menu.

Value Type Mandatory Description
menuID Integer True The "menuID" of the submenu to delete. (See addSubMenu.menuID)


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Shows the built in menu view

Value Type Mandatory Description
menuID Integer False If omitted the HMI opens the app's menu. If set to a sub-menu ID the HMI opens the corresponding sub-menu previously added using AddSubMenu.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

creates interaction choice set to be used later by performInteraction

Value Type Mandatory Description
interactionChoiceSetID Integer True Unique ID used for this interaction choice set.
choiceSet Choice[] True


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Triggers an interaction (e.g. "Permit GPS?" - Yes, no, Always Allow).

Value Type Mandatory Description
initialText String True Text to be displayed first.
initialPrompt TTSChunk[] False This is the initial prompt spoken to the user at the start of an interaction. An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk. The array must have at least one item.
interactionMode InteractionMode True See InteractionMode.
interactionChoiceSetIDList Integer[] True List of interaction choice set IDs to use with an interaction.
helpPrompt TTSChunk[] False Help text. This is the spoken string when a user speaks "help" when the interaction is occurring. An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk. The array must have at least one item.
timeoutPrompt TTSChunk[] False Timeout text. This text is spoken when a VR interaction times out. An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk. The array must have at least one item.
timeout Integer False Timeout in milliseconds. If omitted a standard value of 10000 milliseconds is used. Applies only to the menu portion of the interaction. The VR timeout will be handled by the platform.
vrHelp VrHelpItem[] False Ability to send suggested VR Help Items to display on-screen during Perform Interaction. If omitted on supported displays, the default generated list of suggested choices shall be displayed.
interactionLayout LayoutMode False See LayoutMode.
cancelID Integer False An ID for this specific PerformInteraction to allow cancellation through the CancelInteraction RPC.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
choiceID Integer False ID of the choice that was selected in response to PerformInteraction. Only is valid if general result is "success:true".
manualTextEntry String False Manually entered text selection, e.g. through keyboard Can be returned in lieu of choiceID, depending on trigger source
triggerSource TriggerSource False See TriggerSource Only is valid if resultCode is SUCCESS.


Message Type: request

Deletes interaction choice set that has been created with "CreateInteractionChoiceSet". The interaction may only be deleted when not currently in use by a "performInteraction".

Value Type Mandatory Description
interactionChoiceSetID Integer True ID of the interaction choice set to delete.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Shows an alert which typically consists of text-to-speech message and text on the display. At least either alertText1, alertText2 or TTSChunks need to be provided.

Value Type Mandatory Description
alertText1 String False The first line of the alert text field
alertText2 String False The second line of the alert text field
alertText3 String False The optional third line of the alert text field
ttsChunks TTSChunk[] False An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk. The array must have at least one item.
duration Integer False Timeout in milliseconds. Typical timeouts are 3-5 seconds. If omitted, timeout is set to 5s.
playTone Boolean False Defines if tone should be played. Tone is played before TTS. If omitted or provided without ttsChunks, no tone is played.
progressIndicator Boolean False If supported on the given platform, the alert GUI will include some sort of animation indicating that loading of a feature is progressing. e.g. a spinning wheel or hourglass, etc.
softButtons SoftButton[] False App defined SoftButtons. If omitted on supported displays, the displayed alert shall not have any SoftButtons.
alertIcon Image False Image struct determining whether static or dynamic icon. If omitted on supported displays, no (or the default if applicable) icon should be displayed.
cancelID Integer False An ID for this specific alert to allow cancellation through the CancelInteraction RPC.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
tryAgainTime Integer False Amount of time (in seconds) that an app must wait before resending an alert. If provided, another system event or overlay currently has a higher priority than this alert. An app must not send an alert without waiting at least the amount of time dictated.


Message Type: request

Shows an alert which typically consists of text-to-speech message and text on the display. At least either alertText1, alertText2 or ttsChunks need to be provided.

Value Type Mandatory Description
alertText1 String False The first line of the alert text field
alertText2 String False The second line of the alert text field
alertIcon Image False Image to be displayed for the corresponding alert. See Image. If omitted on supported displays, no (or the default if applicable) icon should be displayed.
ttsChunks TTSChunk[] False An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk. The array must have at least one item.
duration Integer False Timeout in milliseconds. Typical timeouts are 3-5 seconds. If omitted, timeout is set to 5s.
softButtons SoftButton[] False App defined SoftButtons. If omitted on supported displays, the displayed alert shall not have any SoftButtons.
cancelID Integer False An ID for this specific alert to allow cancellation through the CancelInteraction RPC.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
tryAgainTime Integer False Amount of time (in milliseconds) that an app must wait before resending an alert. If provided, another system event or overlay currently has a higher priority than this alert. An app must not send an alert without waiting at least the amount of time dictated.


Message Type: notification

Sent when the alert itself is touched (outside of a soft button). Touching (or otherwise selecting) the alert should open the app before sending this notification.


Message Type: request

Updates the persistent display. Supported fields depend on display capabilities.

Value Type Mandatory Description
mainField1 String False The text that should be displayed in a single or upper display line. If this text is not set, the text of mainField1 stays unchanged. If this text is empty "", the field will be cleared.
mainField2 String False The text that should be displayed on the second display line. If this text is not set, the text of mainField2 stays unchanged. If this text is empty "", the field will be cleared.
mainField3 String False The text that should be displayed on the second "page" first display line. If this text is not set, the text of mainField3 stays unchanged. If this text is empty "", the field will be cleared.
mainField4 String False The text that should be displayed on the second "page" second display line. If this text is not set, the text of mainField4 stays unchanged. If this text is empty "", the field will be cleared.
alignment TextAlignment False Specifies how mainField1 and mainField2 texts should be aligned on display. If omitted, texts will be centered.
statusBar String False Requires investigation regarding the nav display capabilities. Potentially lower lowerStatusBar, upperStatusBar, titleBar, etc.
mediaClock String False Text value for MediaClock field. Has to be properly formatted by Mobile App according to the module's capabilities. If this text is set, any automatic media clock updates previously set with SetMediaClockTimer will be stopped.
mediaTrack String False The text that should be displayed in the track field. If this text is not set, the text of mediaTrack stays unchanged. If this text is empty "", the field will be cleared.
graphic Image False Image struct determining whether static or dynamic image to display in app. If omitted on supported displays, the displayed graphic shall not change.
secondaryGraphic Image False Image struct determining whether static or dynamic secondary image to display in app. If omitted on supported displays, the displayed secondary graphic shall not change.
softButtons SoftButton[] False App defined SoftButtons. If omitted on supported displays, the currently displayed SoftButton values will not change.
customPresets String[] False App labeled on-screen presets (i.e. on-screen media presets or dynamic search suggestions). If omitted on supported displays, the presets will be shown as not defined.
metadataTags MetadataTags False App defined metadata information. See MetadataStruct. Uses mainField1, mainField2, mainField3, mainField4. If omitted on supported displays, the currently set metadata tags will not change. If any text field contains no tags or the none tag, the metadata tag for that textfield should be removed.
templateTitle String False The title of the new template that will be displayed. How this will be displayed is dependent on the OEM design and implementation of the template.
windowID Integer False This is the unique ID assigned to the window that this RPC is intended. If this param is not included, it will be assumed that this request is specifically for the main window on the main display. See PredefinedWindows enum.
templateConfiguration TemplateConfiguration False Used to set an alternate template layout to a window.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Speaks a text.

Value Type Mandatory Description
ttsChunks TTSChunk[] True An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk. The array must have at least one item.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Sets the initial media clock value and automatic update method.

Value Type Mandatory Description
startTime StartTime False See StartTime. startTime must be provided for "COUNTUP" and "COUNTDOWN". startTime will be ignored for "RESUME", and "CLEAR" startTime can be sent for "PAUSE", in which case it will update the paused startTime
endTime StartTime False See StartTime. endTime can be provided for "COUNTUP" and "COUNTDOWN"; to be used to calculate any visual progress bar (if not provided, this feature is ignored) If endTime is greater than startTime for COUNTDOWN or less than startTime for COUNTUP, then the request will return an INVALID_DATA. endTime will be ignored for "RESUME", and "CLEAR" endTime can be sent for "PAUSE", in which case it will update the paused endTime
updateMode UpdateMode True Enumeration to control the media clock. In case of pause, resume, or clear, the start time value is ignored and shall be left out. For resume, the time continues with the same value as it was when paused.
audioStreamingIndicator AudioStreamingIndicator False Enumeration for the indicator icon on a play/pause button. see AudioStreamingIndicator.
forwardSeekIndicator SeekStreamingIndicator False Used to control the forward seek button to either skip forward a set amount of time or to the next track.
backSeekIndicator SeekStreamingIndicator False Used to control the back seek button to either skip back a set amount of time or to the previous track.
countRate Float False The value of this parameter is the amount that the media clock timer will advance per 1.0 seconds of real time. Values less than 1.0 will therefore advance the timer slower than real-time, while values greater than 1.0 will advance the timer faster than real-time. e.g. If this parameter is set to 0.5, the timer will advance one second per two seconds real-time, or at 50% speed. If this parameter is set to 2.0, the timer will advance two seconds per one second real-time, or at 200% speed.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Starts audio pass thru session

Value Type Mandatory Description
initialPrompt TTSChunk[] False The module will speak this prompt before opening the audio pass thru session. An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk. The array must have at least one item. If omitted, then no initial prompt is spoken.
audioPassThruDisplayText1 String False First line of text displayed during audio capture.
audioPassThruDisplayText2 String False Second line of text displayed during audio capture.
samplingRate SamplingRate True This value shall be allowed at 8 kHz or 16 or 22 or 44 kHz.
maxDuration Integer True The maximum duration of audio recording in milliseconds.
bitsPerSample BitsPerSample True Specifies the quality the audio is recorded. Currently 8 bit or 16 bit.
audioType AudioType True Specifies the type of audio data being requested.
muteAudio Boolean False Defines if the current audio source should be muted during the APT session. If not, the audio source will play without interruption. If omitted, the value is set to true.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

When this request is invoked, the audio capture stops.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Subscribes to built-in HMI buttons. The application will be notified by the OnButtonEvent and OnButtonPress. To unsubscribe the notifications, use unsubscribeButton.

Value Type Mandatory Description
buttonName ButtonName True Name of the button to subscribe.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Unsubscribes from built-in HMI buttons.

Value Type Mandatory Description
buttonName ButtonName True Name of the button to unsubscribe.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Subscribes for specific published data items. The data will be only sent if it has changed. The application will be notified by the onVehicleData notification whenever new data is available. To unsubscribe the notifications, use unsubscribe with the same subscriptionType.

Value Type Mandatory Description
gps Boolean False See GPSData
speed Boolean False The vehicle speed in kilometers per hour
rpm Boolean False The number of revolutions per minute of the engine
fuelLevel Boolean False The fuel level in the tank (percentage). This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange.
fuelLevel_State Boolean False The fuel level state. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange.
instantFuelConsumption Boolean False The instantaneous fuel consumption in microlitres
fuelRange Boolean False The fuel type, estimated range in KM, fuel level/capacity and fuel level state for the vehicle. See struct FuelRange for details.
climateData Boolean False See ClimateData
externalTemperature Boolean False The external temperature in degrees celsius. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.1, please see climateData.
turnSignal Boolean False See TurnSignal
gearStatus Boolean False See GearStatus
prndl Boolean False See PRNDL. This parameter is deprecated and it is now covered in gearStatus
tirePressure Boolean False See TireStatus
odometer Boolean False Odometer in km
beltStatus Boolean False The status of the seat belts
bodyInformation Boolean False The body information including power modes
deviceStatus Boolean False The device status including signal and battery strength
driverBraking Boolean False The status of the brake pedal
wiperStatus Boolean False The status of the wipers
headLampStatus Boolean False Status of the head lamps
engineTorque Boolean False Torque value for engine (in Nm) on non-diesel variants
accPedalPosition Boolean False Accelerator pedal position (percentage depressed)
steeringWheelAngle Boolean False Current angle of the steering wheel (in deg)
engineOilLife Boolean False The estimated percentage of remaining oil life of the engine.
electronicParkBrakeStatus Boolean False The status of the park brake as provided by Electric Park Brake (EPB) system.
cloudAppVehicleID Boolean False Parameter used by cloud apps to identify a head unit
stabilityControlsStatus Boolean False See StabilityControlsStatus
eCallInfo Boolean False Emergency Call notification and confirmation data
airbagStatus Boolean False The status of the air bags
emergencyEvent Boolean False Information related to an emergency event (and if it occurred)
clusterModeStatus Boolean False The status modes of the cluster
myKey Boolean False Information related to the MyKey feature
windowStatus Boolean False See WindowStatus
handsOffSteering Boolean False To indicate whether driver hands are off the steering wheel
seatOccupancy Boolean False See SeatOccupancy


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
gps VehicleDataResult False See GPSData
speed VehicleDataResult False The vehicle speed in kilometers per hour
rpm VehicleDataResult False The number of revolutions per minute of the engine
fuelLevel VehicleDataResult False The fuel level in the tank (percentage). This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange.
fuelLevel_State VehicleDataResult False The fuel level state. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange.
instantFuelConsumption VehicleDataResult False The instantaneous fuel consumption in microlitres
fuelRange VehicleDataResult False The fuel type, estimated range in KM, fuel level/capacity and fuel level state for the vehicle. See struct FuelRange for details.
climateData VehicleDataResult False See ClimateData
externalTemperature VehicleDataResult False The external temperature in degrees celsius. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.1, please see climateData.
turnSignal VehicleDataResult False See TurnSignal
gearStatus VehicleDataResult False See GearStatus
prndl VehicleDataResult False See PRNDL. This parameter is deprecated and it is now covered in gearStatus
tirePressure VehicleDataResult False See TireStatus
odometer VehicleDataResult False Odometer in km
beltStatus VehicleDataResult False The status of the seat belts
bodyInformation VehicleDataResult False The body information including power modes
deviceStatus VehicleDataResult False The device status including signal and battery strength
driverBraking VehicleDataResult False The status of the brake pedal
wiperStatus VehicleDataResult False The status of the wipers
headLampStatus VehicleDataResult False Status of the head lamps
engineTorque VehicleDataResult False Torque value for engine (in Nm) on non-diesel variants
accPedalPosition VehicleDataResult False Accelerator pedal position (percentage depressed)
steeringWheelAngle VehicleDataResult False Current angle of the steering wheel (in deg)
engineOilLife VehicleDataResult False The estimated percentage of remaining oil life of the engine.
electronicParkBrakeStatus VehicleDataResult False The status of the park brake as provided by Electric Park Brake (EPB) system.
cloudAppVehicleID VehicleDataResult False Parameter used by cloud apps to identify a head unit
stabilityControlsStatus VehicleDataResult False See StabilityControlsStatus
eCallInfo VehicleDataResult False Emergency Call notification and confirmation data
airbagStatus VehicleDataResult False The status of the air bags
emergencyEvent VehicleDataResult False Information related to an emergency event (and if it occurred)
clusterModes VehicleDataResult False The status modes of the cluster
myKey VehicleDataResult False Information related to the MyKey feature
windowStatus VehicleDataResult False See WindowStatus
handsOffSteering VehicleDataResult False To indicate whether driver hands are off the steering wheel
seatOccupancy VehicleDataResult False See SeatOccupancy


Message Type: request

This function is used to unsubscribe the notifications from the subscribeVehicleData function.

Value Type Mandatory Description
gps Boolean False See GPSData
speed Boolean False The vehicle speed in kilometers per hour
rpm Boolean False The number of revolutions per minute of the engine
fuelLevel Boolean False The fuel level in the tank (percentage). This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange.
fuelLevel_State Boolean False The fuel level state. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange.
instantFuelConsumption Boolean False The instantaneous fuel consumption in microlitres
fuelRange Boolean False The fuel type, estimated range in KM, fuel level/capacity and fuel level state for the vehicle. See struct FuelRange for details.
climateData Boolean False See ClimateData
externalTemperature Boolean False The external temperature in degrees celsius. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.1, please see climateData.
turnSignal Boolean False See TurnSignal
gearStatus Boolean False See GearStatus
prndl Boolean False See PRNDL. This parameter is deprecated and it is now covered in gearStatus
tirePressure Boolean False See TireStatus
odometer Boolean False Odometer in km
beltStatus Boolean False The status of the seat belts
bodyInformation Boolean False The body information including power modes
deviceStatus Boolean False The device status including signal and battery strength
driverBraking Boolean False The status of the brake pedal
wiperStatus Boolean False The status of the wipers
headLampStatus Boolean False Status of the head lamps
engineTorque Boolean False Torque value for engine (in Nm) on non-diesel variants
accPedalPosition Boolean False Accelerator pedal position (percentage depressed)
steeringWheelAngle Boolean False Current angle of the steering wheel (in deg)
engineOilLife Boolean False The estimated percentage of remaining oil life of the engine.
electronicParkBrakeStatus Boolean False The status of the park brake as provided by Electric Park Brake (EPB) system.
cloudAppVehicleID Boolean False Parameter used by cloud apps to identify a head unit
stabilityControlsStatus Boolean False See StabilityControlsStatus
eCallInfo Boolean False Emergency Call notification and confirmation data
airbagStatus Boolean False The status of the air bags
emergencyEvent Boolean False Information related to an emergency event (and if it occurred)
clusterModeStatus Boolean False The status modes of the cluster
myKey Boolean False Information related to the MyKey feature
windowStatus Boolean False See WindowStatus
handsOffSteering Boolean False To indicate whether driver hands are off the steering wheel
seatOccupancy Boolean False See SeatOccupancy


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
gps VehicleDataResult False See GPSData
speed VehicleDataResult False The vehicle speed in kilometers per hour
rpm VehicleDataResult False The number of revolutions per minute of the engine
fuelLevel VehicleDataResult False The fuel level in the tank (percentage). This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange.
fuelLevel_State VehicleDataResult False The fuel level state. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange.
instantFuelConsumption VehicleDataResult False The instantaneous fuel consumption in microlitres
fuelRange VehicleDataResult False The fuel type, estimated range in KM, fuel level/capacity and fuel level state for the vehicle. See struct FuelRange for details.
climateData VehicleDataResult False See ClimateData
externalTemperature VehicleDataResult False The external temperature in degrees celsius. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.1, please see climateData.
turnSignal VehicleDataResult False See TurnSignal
gearStatus VehicleDataResult False See GearStatus
prndl VehicleDataResult False See PRNDL. This parameter is deprecated and it is now covered in gearStatus
tirePressure VehicleDataResult False See TireStatus
odometer VehicleDataResult False Odometer in km
beltStatus VehicleDataResult False The status of the seat belts
bodyInformation VehicleDataResult False The body information including power modes
deviceStatus VehicleDataResult False The device status including signal and battery strength
driverBraking VehicleDataResult False The status of the brake pedal
wiperStatus VehicleDataResult False The status of the wipers
headLampStatus VehicleDataResult False Status of the head lamps
engineTorque VehicleDataResult False Torque value for engine (in Nm) on non-diesel variants
accPedalPosition VehicleDataResult False Accelerator pedal position (percentage depressed)
steeringWheelAngle VehicleDataResult False Current angle of the steering wheel (in deg)
engineOilLife VehicleDataResult False The estimated percentage of remaining oil life of the engine.
electronicParkBrakeStatus VehicleDataResult False The status of the park brake as provided by Electric Park Brake (EPB) system.
cloudAppVehicleID VehicleDataResult False Parameter used by cloud apps to identify a head unit
stabilityControlsStatus VehicleDataResult False See StabilityControlsStatus
eCallInfo VehicleDataResult False Emergency Call notification and confirmation data
airbagStatus VehicleDataResult False The status of the air bags
emergencyEvent VehicleDataResult False Information related to an emergency event (and if it occurred)
clusterModes VehicleDataResult False The status modes of the cluster
myKey VehicleDataResult False Information related to the MyKey feature
windowStatus VehicleDataResult False See WindowStatus
handsOffSteering VehicleDataResult False To indicate whether driver hands are off the steering wheel
seatOccupancy VehicleDataResult False See SeatOccupancy


Message Type: request

Non periodic vehicle data read request.

Value Type Mandatory Description
gps Boolean False See GPSData
speed Boolean False The vehicle speed in kilometers per hour
rpm Boolean False The number of revolutions per minute of the engine
fuelLevel Boolean False The fuel level in the tank (percentage). This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange.
fuelLevel_State Boolean False The fuel level state. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange.
instantFuelConsumption Boolean False The instantaneous fuel consumption in microlitres
fuelRange Boolean False The fuel type, estimated range in KM, fuel level/capacity and fuel level state for the vehicle. See struct FuelRange for details.
climateData Boolean False See ClimateData
externalTemperature Boolean False The external temperature in degrees celsius. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.1, please see climateData.
turnSignal Boolean False See TurnSignal
vin Boolean False Vehicle identification number
gearStatus Boolean False See GearStatus
prndl Boolean False See PRNDL. This parameter is deprecated and it is now covered in gearStatus
tirePressure Boolean False See TireStatus
odometer Boolean False Odometer in km
beltStatus Boolean False The status of the seat belts
bodyInformation Boolean False The body information including ignition status and internal temp
deviceStatus Boolean False The device status including signal and battery strength
driverBraking Boolean False The status of the brake pedal
wiperStatus Boolean False The status of the wipers
headLampStatus Boolean False Status of the head lamps
engineTorque Boolean False Torque value for engine (in Nm) on non-diesel variants
accPedalPosition Boolean False Accelerator pedal position (percentage depressed)
steeringWheelAngle Boolean False Current angle of the steering wheel (in deg)
engineOilLife Boolean False The estimated percentage of remaining oil life of the engine.
electronicParkBrakeStatus Boolean False The status of the park brake as provided by Electric Park Brake (EPB) system.
cloudAppVehicleID Boolean False Parameter used by cloud apps to identify a head unit
stabilityControlsStatus Boolean False See StabilityControlsStatus
eCallInfo Boolean False Emergency Call notification and confirmation data
airbagStatus Boolean False The status of the air bags
emergencyEvent Boolean False Information related to an emergency event (and if it occurred)
clusterModeStatus Boolean False The status modes of the cluster
myKey Boolean False Information related to the MyKey feature
windowStatus Boolean False See WindowStatus
handsOffSteering Boolean False To indicate whether driver hands are off the steering wheel
seatOccupancy Boolean False See SeatOccupancy


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
gps GPSData False See GPSData
speed Float False The vehicle speed in kilometers per hour
rpm Integer False The number of revolutions per minute of the engine
fuelLevel Float False The fuel level in the tank (percentage). This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange.
fuelLevel_State ComponentVolumeStatus False The fuel level state. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange.
instantFuelConsumption Float False The instantaneous fuel consumption in microlitres
fuelRange FuelRange[] False The fuel type, estimated range in KM, fuel level/capacity and fuel level state for the vehicle. See struct FuelRange for details.
climateData ClimateData False See ClimateData
externalTemperature Float False The external temperature in degrees celsius. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.1, please see climateData.
turnSignal TurnSignal False See TurnSignal
vin String False Vehicle identification number
gearStatus GearStatus False See GearStatus
prndl PRNDL False See PRNDL. This parameter is deprecated and it is now covered in gearStatus
tirePressure TireStatus False See TireStatus
odometer Integer False Odometer in km
beltStatus BeltStatus False The status of the seat belts
bodyInformation BodyInformation False The body information including power modes
deviceStatus DeviceStatus False The device status including signal and battery strength
driverBraking VehicleDataEventStatus False The status of the brake pedal
wiperStatus WiperStatus False The status of the wipers
headLampStatus HeadLampStatus False Status of the head lamps
engineTorque Float False Torque value for engine (in Nm) on non-diesel variants
accPedalPosition Float False Accelerator pedal position (percentage depressed)
steeringWheelAngle Float False Current angle of the steering wheel (in deg)
engineOilLife Float False The estimated percentage of remaining oil life of the engine.
electronicParkBrakeStatus ElectronicParkBrakeStatus False The status of the park brake as provided by Electric Park Brake (EPB) system.
cloudAppVehicleID String False Parameter used by cloud apps to identify a head unit
stabilityControlsStatus StabilityControlsStatus False See StabilityControlsStatus
eCallInfo ECallInfo False Emergency Call notification and confirmation data
airbagStatus AirbagStatus False The status of the air bags
emergencyEvent EmergencyEvent False Information related to an emergency event (and if it occurred)
clusterModeStatus ClusterModeStatus False The status modes of the cluster
myKey MyKey False Information related to the MyKey feature
windowStatus WindowStatus[] False See WindowStatus
handsOffSteering Boolean False To indicate whether driver hands are off the steering wheel
seatOccupancy SeatOccupancy False See SeatOccupancy


Message Type: request

Non periodic vehicle data read request

Value Type Mandatory Description
ecuName Integer True Name of ECU.
didLocation Integer[] True Get raw data from vehicle data DID location(s)


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
didResult DIDResult[] False Array of requested DID results (with data if available).


Message Type: request

Vehicle module diagnostic trouble code request.

Value Type Mandatory Description
ecuName Integer True Name of ECU.
dtcMask Integer False DTC Mask Byte to be sent in diagnostic request to module .


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
ecuHeader Integer False 2 byte ECU Header for DTC response (as defined in VHR_Layout_Specification_DTCs.pdf)
dtc String[] False Array of all reported DTCs on module (ecuHeader contains information if list is truncated). Each DTC is represented by 4 bytes (3 bytes of data and 1 byte status as defined in VHR_Layout_Specification_DTCs.pdf).


Message Type: request

Non periodic vehicle diagnostic request

Value Type Mandatory Description
targetID Integer True Name of target ECU.
messageLength Integer True Length of message (in bytes).
messageData Integer[] True Array of bytes comprising CAN message.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
messageDataResult Integer[] False Array of bytes comprising CAN message result.


Message Type: request

Creates a full screen overlay containing a large block of formatted text that can be scrolled with up to 8 SoftButtons defined

Value Type Mandatory Description
scrollableMessageBody String True Body of text that can include newlines and tabs.
timeout Integer False App defined timeout. Indicates how long of a timeout from the last action (i.e. scrolling message resets timeout).
softButtons SoftButton[] False App defined SoftButtons. If omitted on supported displays, only the system defined "Close" SoftButton will be displayed.
cancelID Integer False An ID for this specific ScrollableMessage to allow cancellation through the CancelInteraction RPC.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Creates a full screen or pop-up overlay (depending on platform) with a single user controlled slider.

Value Type Mandatory Description
numTicks Integer True Number of selectable items on a horizontal axis
position Integer True Initial position of slider control (cannot exceed numTicks)
sliderHeader String True Text header to display
sliderFooter String[] False Text footer to display (meant to display min/max threshold descriptors). For a static text footer, only one footer string shall be provided in the array. For a dynamic text footer, the number of footer text string in the array must match the numTicks value. For a dynamic text footer, text array string should correlate with potential slider position index. If omitted on supported displays, no footer text shall be displayed.
timeout Integer False App defined timeout. Indicates how long of a timeout from the last action (i.e. sliding control resets timeout). If omitted, the value is set to 10000.
cancelID Integer False An ID for this specific Slider to allow cancellation through the CancelInteraction RPC.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
sliderPosition Integer False Current slider value returned when saved or canceled (aborted) This value is only returned for resultCodes "SAVED" or "ABORTED"


Message Type: request

Value Type Mandatory Description
navigationText1 String False
navigationText2 String False
eta String False
timeToDestination String False
totalDistance String False
turnIcon Image False
nextTurnIcon Image False
distanceToManeuver Float False Distance (in meters) until next maneuver. May be used to calculate progress bar.
distanceToManeuverScale Float False Distance (in meters) from previous maneuver to next maneuver. May be used to calculate progress bar.
maneuverComplete Boolean False If and when a maneuver has completed while an AlertManeuver is active, the app must send this value set to TRUE in order to clear the AlertManeuver overlay. If omitted the value will be assumed as FALSE.
softButtons SoftButton[] False Three dynamic SoftButtons available (first SoftButton is fixed to "Turns"). If omitted on supported displays, the currently displayed SoftButton values will not change.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Value Type Mandatory Description
ttsChunks TTSChunk[] False An array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. See TTSChunk
softButtons SoftButton[] False If omitted on supported displays, only the system defined "Close" SoftButton shall be displayed.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Value Type Mandatory Description
turnList Turn[] False
softButtons SoftButton[] False If omitted on supported displays, app-defined SoftButton will be left blank.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Value Type Mandatory Description
language Language True Requested voice engine (VR+TTS) language registration
hmiDisplayLanguage Language True Request display language registration
appName String False Request new app name registration
ttsName TTSChunk[] False Request new ttsName registration
ngnMediaScreenAppName String False Request new app short name registration
vrSynonyms String[] False Request new VR synonyms registration


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: response

Generic Response is sent, when the name of a received msg cannot be retrieved. Only used in case of an error. Currently, only resultCode INVALID_DATA is used.

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Used to push a binary data onto the module from a mobile device, such as icons and album art Not supported on first generation of SDL enabled modules. Binary data is in binary part of hybrid msg.

Value Type Mandatory Description
syncFileName String True File reference name.
fileType FileType True Selected file type.
persistentFile Boolean False Indicates if the file is meant to persist between sessions / ignition cycles. If set to TRUE, then the system will aim to persist this file through session / cycles. While files with this designation will have priority over others, they are subject to deletion by the system at any time. In the event of automatic deletion by the system, the app will receive a rejection and have to resend the file. If omitted, the value will be set to false.
systemFile Boolean False Indicates if the file is meant to be passed thru core to elsewhere on the system. If set to TRUE, then the system will instead pass the data thru as it arrives to a predetermined area outside of core. If omitted, the value will be set to false.
offset Integer False Optional offset in bytes for resuming partial data chunks
length Integer False Optional length in bytes for resuming partial data chunks If offset is set to 0, then length is the total length of the file to be downloaded
crc Integer False Additional CRC32 checksum to protect data integrity up to 512 Mbits


Message Type: response

Response is sent, when the file data was copied (success case). Or when an error occurred. Not supported on first generation SDL enabled vehicles.

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
spaceAvailable Integer False Provides the total local space available in SDL Core for the registered app. If the transfer has systemFile enabled, then the value will be set to 0 automatically.
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

This request is sent to the module to retrieve a file

Value Type Mandatory Description
fileName String True File name that should be retrieved
appServiceId String False ID of the service that should have uploaded the requested file.
fileType FileType False Selected file type.
offset Integer False Optional offset in bytes for resuming partial data chunks
length Integer False Optional length in bytes for resuming partial data chunks If offset is set to 0, then length is the total length of the file to be retrieved


Message Type: response

This response includes the data that is requested from the specific service

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
offset Integer False Optional offset in bytes for resuming partial data chunks
length Integer False Optional length in bytes for resuming partial data chunks if offset is set to 0, then length is the total length of the file to be downloaded
fileType FileType False File type that is being sent in response.
crc Integer False Additional CRC32 checksum to protect data integrity up to 512 Mbits


Message Type: request

Used to delete a file resident on the module in the app's local cache. Not supported on first generation SDL enabled vehicles.

Value Type Mandatory Description
syncFileName String True File reference name.


Message Type: response

Response is sent, when the file data was deleted (success case). Or when an error occurred. Not supported on First generation SDL enabled vehicles.

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
spaceAvailable Integer False Provides the total local space available on the module for the registered app.
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Requests the current list of resident filenames for the registered app. Not supported on first generation SDL enabled vehicles.


Message Type: response

Returns the current list of resident filenames for the registered app along with the current space available Not supported on First generation SDL enabled vehicles.

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
filenames String[] False An array of all filenames resident on the module for the given registered app. If omitted, then no files currently reside on the system.
spaceAvailable Integer False Provides the total local space available on the module for the registered app.
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Used to set existing local file on the module as the app's icon Not supported on first generation SDL enabled vehicles.

Value Type Mandatory Description
syncFileName String True File reference name.


Message Type: response

Response is sent, when the file data was copied (success case). Or when an error occurred. Not supported on First generation SDL enabled vehicles.

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Deprecated since: 6.0.0

This RPC is deprecated. Use Show RPC to change layout.

Value Type Mandatory Description
displayLayout String True Predefined or dynamically created screen layout. Currently only predefined screen layouts are defined.
dayColorScheme TemplateColorScheme False
nightColorScheme TemplateColorScheme False


Message Type: response

Deprecated since: 6.0.0

This RPC is deprecated. Use Show RPC to change layout.

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
displayCapabilities DisplayCapabilities False See DisplayCapabilities
buttonCapabilities ButtonCapabilities[] False See ButtonCapabilities
softButtonCapabilities SoftButtonCapabilities[] False If returned, the platform supports on-screen SoftButtons; see SoftButtonCapabilities.
presetBankCapabilities PresetBankCapabilities False If returned, the platform supports custom on-screen Presets; see PresetBankCapabilities.
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

An asynchronous request from the device; binary data can be included in hybrid part of message for some requests (such as HTTP, Proprietary, or Authentication requests)

Value Type Mandatory Description
requestType RequestType True The type of system request. Note that Proprietary requests should forward the binary data to the known proprietary module on the system.
requestSubType String False This parameter is filled for supporting OEM proprietary data exchanges.
fileName String False Filename of HTTP data to store in predefined system staging area. Mandatory if requestType is HTTP. PROPRIETARY requestType should ignore this parameter.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Value Type Mandatory Description
longitudeDegrees Float False
latitudeDegrees Float False
locationName String False Name / title of intended location
locationDescription String False Description intended location / establishment (if applicable)
addressLines String[] False Location address (if applicable)
phoneNumber String False Phone number of intended location / establishment (if applicable)
locationImage Image False Image / icon of intended location (if applicable and supported)
timeStamp DateTime False timestamp in ISO 8601 format
address OASISAddress False Address to be used for setting destination
deliveryMode DeliveryMode False Defines the mode of prompt for user


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Dials a phone number and switches to phone application.

Value Type Mandatory Description
number String True Phone number is a string, which can be up to 40 chars. All characters shall be stripped from string except digits 0-9 and * # , ; +


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

NOTE: Certain ButtonNames are tied to specific RC module types. See ButtonName

Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleType ModuleType True The module where the button should be pressed
moduleId String False Id of a module in the published ButtonCapabilities
buttonName ButtonName True The name of the supported RC button.
buttonPressMode ButtonPressMode True Indicates whether this is a LONG or SHORT button press event.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed


Message Type: request

Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleType ModuleType True The type of an RC module to retrieve module data from the vehicle. In the future, this should be the Identification of a module.
moduleId String False Id of a module, published by System Capability.
subscribe Boolean False If subscribe is true, the head unit will register OnInteriorVehicleData notifications for the requested module (moduleId and moduleType). If subscribe is false, the head unit will unregister OnInteriorVehicleData notifications for the requested module (moduleId and moduleType). If subscribe is not included, the subscription status of the app for the requested module (moduleId and moduleType) will remain unchanged.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleData ModuleData False
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
isSubscribed Boolean False It is a conditional-mandatory parameter: must be returned in case "subscribe" parameter was present in the related request. if "true" - the "moduleType" from request is successfully subscribed and the head unit will send onInteriorVehicleData notifications for the moduleType. if "false" - the "moduleType" from request is either unsubscribed or failed to subscribe.


Message Type: request

Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleType ModuleType True The module type that the app requests to control.
moduleIds String[] True Ids of a module of same type, published by System Capability.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False
allowed Boolean[] False This array has the same size as "moduleIds" in the request and each element corresponds to one moduleId If true, SDL grants the permission for the requested module If false, SDL denies the permission for the requested module.


Message Type: request

Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleType ModuleType True
moduleId String False Id of a module, published by System Capability.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False


Message Type: request

Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleData ModuleData True The module data to set for the requested RC module.


Message Type: response

Used to set the values of one remote control module

Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleData ModuleData False
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed


Message Type: request

To subscribe in getting changes for Waypoints/destinations


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Request for getting waypoint/destination data.

Value Type Mandatory Description
wayPointType WayPointType True To request for either the destination only or for all waypoints including destination


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
wayPoints LocationDetails[] False See LocationDetails


Message Type: request

Request to unsubscribe from WayPoints and Destination


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
wayPoints LocationDetails[] False See LocationDetails


Message Type: request

Request for expanded information about a supported system/HMI capability

Value Type Mandatory Description
systemCapabilityType SystemCapabilityType True The type of system capability to get more information on
subscribe Boolean False Flag to subscribe to updates of the supplied service capability type. If true, the requester will be subscribed. If false, the requester will not be subscribed and be removed as a subscriber if it was previously subscribed.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
systemCapability SystemCapability False
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed


Message Type: request

Send the spatial data gathered from SDLCarWindow or VirtualDisplayEncoder to the HMI. This data will be utilized by the HMI to determine how and when haptic events should occur

Value Type Mandatory Description
hapticRectData HapticRect[] False Array of spatial data structures that represent the locations of all user controls present on the HMI. This data should be updated if/when the application presents a new screen. When a request is sent, if successful, it will replace all spatial data previously sent through RPC. If an empty array is sent, the existing spatial data will be cleared


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false if failed
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
resultCode Result True See Result


Message Type: request

RPC used to enable/disable a cloud application and set its cloud-related policy properties

Value Type Mandatory Description
properties CloudAppProperties True The new cloud application properties


Message Type: response

The response to SetCloudAppProperties

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

RPC used to get the current properties of a cloud application

Value Type Mandatory Description
appID String True


Message Type: response

The response to GetCloudAppProperties

Value Type Mandatory Description
properties CloudAppProperties False The requested cloud application properties
success Boolean True true if successful; false if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Registers a service offered by this app on the module. Subsequent calls with the same service type will update the manifest for that service.

Value Type Mandatory Description
appServiceManifest AppServiceManifest True The manifest of the service that wishes to be published. If already published, the updated manifest for this service.


Message Type: response

Response to the request to register a service offered by this app on the module

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
appServiceRecord AppServiceRecord False If the request was successful, this object will be the current status of the service record for the published service. This will include the Core supplied service ID.


Message Type: request

Unpublish an existing service published by this application.

Value Type Mandatory Description
serviceID String True The ID of the service to be unpublished.


Message Type: response

The response to UnpublishAppService

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

This request asks the module for current data related to the specific service. It also includes an option to subscribe to that service for future updates

Value Type Mandatory Description
serviceType String True The type of service that is to be offered by this app. See AppServiceType for known enum equivalent types. Parameter is a string to allow for new service types to be used by apps on older versions of SDL Core.
subscribe Boolean False If true, the consumer is requesting to subscribe to all future updates from the service publisher. If false, the consumer doesn't wish to subscribe and should be unsubscribed if it was previously subscribed.


Message Type: response

This response includes the data that was requested from the specific service

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
serviceData AppServiceData False


Message Type: request

Value Type Mandatory Description
serviceUri String True Fully qualified URI based on a predetermined scheme provided by the app service. SDL makes no guarantee that this URI is correct.
serviceID String True The service ID that the app consumer wishes to send this URI.
originApp String True This string is the appID of the app requesting the app service provider take the specific action.
requestServiceActive Boolean False This flag signals the requesting consumer would like this service to become the active primary service of the destination's type.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result. All results will be available for this response.
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.
serviceSpecificResult String False The service can provide specific result strings to the consumer through this param.


Message Type: request

Close an active interaction on the HMI.

Value Type Mandatory Description
cancelID Integer False The ID of the specific interaction you want to dismiss. If not set, the most recent of the RPC type set in functionID will be dismissed.
functionID Integer True The ID of the type of interaction the developer wants to dismiss. Only values 10, (PerformInteractionID), 12 (AlertID), 25 (ScrollableMessageID), 26 (SliderID), and 64 (SubtleAlertID) are permitted.


Message Type: response

If no applicable request can be dismissed, the result will be IGNORED.

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: request

Request from the application to exit the foreground and enter HMI_NONE.


Message Type: response

Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: notification

Value Type Mandatory Description
hmiLevel HMILevel True See HMILevel
audioStreamingState AudioStreamingState True See AudioStreamingState
systemContext SystemContext True See SystemContext
videoStreamingState VideoStreamingState False See VideoStreamingState. If it is NOT_STREAMABLE, the app must stop streaming video to SDL Core(stop service).
windowID Integer False This is the unique ID assigned to the window that this RPC is intended. If this param is not included, it will be assumed that this request is specifically for the main window on the main display. See PredefinedWindows enum.


Message Type: notification

Value Type Mandatory Description
reason AppInterfaceUnregisteredReason True See AppInterfaceUnregisteredReason


Message Type: notification

Notifies application of UP/DOWN events for buttons to which the application is subscribed.

Value Type Mandatory Description
buttonName ButtonName True
buttonEventMode ButtonEventMode True Indicates whether this is an UP or DOWN event.
customButtonID Integer False If ButtonName is "CUSTOM_BUTTON", this references the integer ID passed by a custom button. (e.g. softButton ID)


Message Type: notification

Notifies application of LONG/SHORT press events for buttons to which the application is subscribed.

Value Type Mandatory Description
buttonName ButtonName True
buttonPressMode ButtonPressMode True Indicates whether this is a LONG or SHORT button press event.
customButtonID Integer False If ButtonName is "CUSTOM_BUTTON", this references the integer ID passed by a custom button. (e.g. softButton ID)


Message Type: notification

Callback for the periodic and non periodic vehicle data read function.

Value Type Mandatory Description
gps GPSData False See GPSData
speed Float False The vehicle speed in kilometers per hour
rpm Integer False The number of revolutions per minute of the engine
fuelLevel Float False The fuel level in the tank (percentage). This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange.
fuelLevel_State ComponentVolumeStatus False The fuel level state. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.0, please see fuelRange.
instantFuelConsumption Float False The instantaneous fuel consumption in microlitres
fuelRange FuelRange[] False The fuel type, estimated range in KM, fuel level/capacity and fuel level state for the vehicle. See struct FuelRange for details.
climateData ClimateData False See ClimateData
externalTemperature Float False The external temperature in degrees celsius. This parameter is deprecated starting RPC Spec 7.1, please see climateData.
turnSignal TurnSignal False See TurnSignal
vin String False Vehicle identification number.
gearStatus GearStatus False See GearStatus
prndl PRNDL False See PRNDL. This parameter is deprecated and it is now covered in gearStatus
tirePressure TireStatus False See TireStatus
odometer Integer False Odometer in km
beltStatus BeltStatus False The status of the seat belts
bodyInformation BodyInformation False The body information including power modes
deviceStatus DeviceStatus False The device status including signal and battery strength
driverBraking VehicleDataEventStatus False The status of the brake pedal
wiperStatus WiperStatus False The status of the wipers
headLampStatus HeadLampStatus False Status of the head lamps
engineTorque Float False Torque value for engine (in Nm) on non-diesel variants
accPedalPosition Float False Accelerator pedal position (percentage depressed)
steeringWheelAngle Float False Current angle of the steering wheel (in deg)
engineOilLife Float False The estimated percentage of remaining oil life of the engine.
electronicParkBrakeStatus ElectronicParkBrakeStatus False The status of the park brake as provided by Electric Park Brake (EPB) system.
cloudAppVehicleID String False Parameter used by cloud apps to identify a head unit
stabilityControlsStatus StabilityControlsStatus False See StabilityControlsStatus
eCallInfo ECallInfo False Emergency Call notification and confirmation data
airbagStatus AirbagStatus False The status of the air bags
emergencyEvent EmergencyEvent False Information related to an emergency event (and if it occurred)
clusterModeStatus ClusterModeStatus False The status modes of the cluster
myKey MyKey False Information related to the MyKey feature
windowStatus WindowStatus[] False See WindowStatus
handsOffSteering Boolean False To indicate whether driver hands are off the steering wheel
seatOccupancy SeatOccupancy False See SeatOccupancy


Message Type: notification

Value Type Mandatory Description
cmdID Integer True Command ID, which is related to a specific menu entry
triggerSource TriggerSource True See TriggerSource


Message Type: notification

Provides applications with notifications specific to the current TBT client status on the module

Value Type Mandatory Description
state TBTState True Current State of TBT client


Message Type: notification

Provides driver distraction state to mobile applications

Value Type Mandatory Description
state DriverDistractionState True Current State of Driver Distraction
lockScreenDismissalEnabled Boolean False If enabled, the lock screen will be able to be dismissed while connected to SDL, allowing users the ability to interact with the app. Dismissals should include a warning to the user and ensure that they are not the driver.
lockScreenDismissalWarning String False Warning message to be displayed on the lock screen when dismissal is enabled. This warning should be used to ensure that the user is not the driver of the vehicle, ex. Swipe down to dismiss, acknowledging that you are not the driver.. This parameter must be present if "lockScreenDismissalEnabled" is set to true.


Message Type: notification

Provides update to app of which policy-table-enabled functions are available

Value Type Mandatory Description
permissionItem PermissionItem[] True Change in permissions for a given set of RPCs
requireEncryption Boolean False


Message Type: notification

Binary data is in binary part of hybrid msg


Message Type: notification

Value Type Mandatory Description
language Language True Current SDL voice engine (VR+TTS) language
hmiDisplayLanguage Language True Current display language


Message Type: notification

On-screen keyboard event. Can be full string or individual keypresses depending on keyboard mode.

Value Type Mandatory Description
event KeyboardEvent True On-screen keyboard input data.
data String False On-screen keyboard input data. For dynamic keypress events, this will be the current compounded string of entry text. For entry submission events, this will be the full text entry (this will always return regardless of the mode). For entry cancelled and entry aborted events, this data param will be omitted.


Message Type: notification

Notifies about touch events on the screen's prescribed area

Value Type Mandatory Description
type TouchType True The type of touch event.
event TouchEvent[] True List of all individual touches involved in this event.


Message Type: notification

An asynchronous request from the system for specific data from the device or the cloud or response to a request from the device or cloud Binary data can be included in hybrid part of message for some requests (such as Authentication request responses)

Value Type Mandatory Description
requestType RequestType True The type of system request.
requestSubType String False This parameter is filled for supporting OEM proprietary data exchanges.
url String False Optional URL for HTTP requests. If blank, the binary data shall be forwarded to the app. If not blank, the binary data shall be forwarded to the url with a provided timeout in seconds.
timeout Integer False Optional timeout for HTTP requests Required if a URL is provided
fileType FileType False Optional file type (meant for HTTP file requests).
offset Integer False Optional offset in bytes for resuming partial data chunks
length Integer False Optional length in bytes for resuming partial data chunks


Message Type: notification

Notification containing an updated hashID which can be used over connection cycles (i.e. loss of connection, ignition cycles, etc.). Sent after initial registration and subsequently after any change in the calculated hash of all persisted app data.

Value Type Mandatory Description
hashID String True Calculated hash ID to be referenced during RegisterAppInterface.


Message Type: notification

Notification which provides the entire LocationDetails when there is a change to any waypoints or destination.

Value Type Mandatory Description
wayPoints LocationDetails[] True See LocationDetails


Message Type: notification

Value Type Mandatory Description
moduleData ModuleData True


Message Type: notification

Issued by SDL to notify the application about remote control status change on SDL

Value Type Mandatory Description
allowed Boolean False If "true" - RC is allowed; if "false" - RC is disallowed.
allocatedModules ModuleData[] True Contains a list (zero or more) of module types that are allocated to the application.
freeModules ModuleData[] True Contains a list (zero or more) of module types that are free to access for the application.


Message Type: notification

This notification includes the data that is updated from the specific service

Value Type Mandatory Description
serviceData AppServiceData True


Message Type: notification

A notification to inform the connected device that a specific system capability has changed.

Value Type Mandatory Description
systemCapability SystemCapability True The system capability that has been updated


Message Type: notification

A notification to inform SDL Core that a specific app capability has changed.

Value Type Mandatory Description
appCapability AppCapability True The app capability that has been updated


Message Type: notification

This notification tells an app to upload and update a file with a given name.

Value Type Mandatory Description
fileName String True File reference name.


Message Type: notification

This notification tells an app to update the AddSubMenu or its 'sub' AddCommand and AddSubMenus with the requested data

Value Type Mandatory Description
menuID Integer True This menuID must match a menuID in the current menu structure
updateSubCells Boolean False If not set, assume false. If true, the app should send AddCommands with parentIDs matching the menuID. These AddCommands will then be attached to the submenu and displayed if the submenu is selected.


Message Type: request

Deprecated since: 7.1.0

Allows encoded data in the form of SyncP packets to be sent to the SYNC module. Legacy / v1 Protocol implementation; use SyncPData instead. DEPRECATED

Value Type Mandatory Description
data String[] True Contains base64 encoded string of SyncP packets.


Message Type: response

Deprecated since: 7.1.0
Value Type Mandatory Description
success Boolean True true, if successful; false, if failed
resultCode Result True See Result
info String False Provides additional human readable info regarding the result.


Message Type: notification

Deprecated since: 7.1.0

Callback including encoded data of any SyncP packets that SYNC needs to send back to the mobile device. Legacy / v1 Protocol implementation; responds to EncodedSyncPData. DEPRECATED

Value Type Mandatory Description
data String[] True Contains base64 encoded string of SyncP packets.
URL String False If blank, the SyncP data shall be forwarded to the app. If not blank, the SyncP data shall be forwarded to the provided URL.
Timeout Integer False If blank, the SyncP data shall be forwarded to the app. If not blank, the SyncP data shall be forwarded with the provided timeout in seconds.
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