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App Policies

App Policies

The app policies section defines permissions that each application is granted in the SDL environment. This is where you would change the default permissions for each application, or add rules for specific applications. Each key in this object is associated with the fullAppID field for an application (or appID if UseFullAppID = false in smartDeviceLink.ini), and each value is a struct which contains several fields to control permissions for this app. In addition, a few reserved keys exist for this section:

  • default - The set of permissions which are assigned to an app if it does not have its own entry in the app policies section.
  • pre_DataConsent - The set of permissions which are assigned to an app if the device is not given SDL permissions by the user. Only applies when Core is built with EXTERNAL_PROPRIETARY policy mode.

Basic Fields

Example Entry

"app_policies": {
    "123abc": {
        "keep_context": false,
        "steal_focus": false,
        "priority": "NONE",
        "default_hmi": "NONE",
        "groups": ["Base-4"],
        "RequestType": [],
        "RequestSubType": [],
        "nicknames": ["Example Application"],
        "AppHMIType": ["NAVIGATION", "MEDIA"]


This field defines a list of functional groups which should be made available to this application, populated with a list of keys from the functional_groupings section (ex. if this list contains "Base-4", all permissions defined in the "Base-4" functional group will be assigned to this application).


This field defines additional groups which are assigned to this application, with the difference that the user is expected to have consented to using these permissions separately from the HMI (via a mobile popup, etc.). Any groups defined in this list do not require consent from the user, even if they have a user_consent_prompt defined. Only applies when Core is built with EXTERNAL_PROPRIETARY policy mode, otherwise these permissions are simply added to the normal groups list.


This field defines a list of potential appNames which an application is allowed to register with. If the appName field in the app's RegisterAppInterface does not match one of the values in this list, the message will be rejected. If omitted, no restrictions will be applied to appName.


This field is mandatory when defining policies for a cloud application, in which case the first nickname will be used in the application list prior to app registration.


This field defines a list of AppHMITypes which an application is allowed to be registered with. If provided, this list of AppHMITypes will be used for this application in place of the appHMIType list provided in the app's RegisterAppInterface request. If there are AppHMITypes present in the app's RegisterAppInterface request that are not present in this list, SDL Core will provide a warning of this discrepancy to the app in the RegisterAppInterface response.


This field is mandatory for webengine apps which use the WEB_VIEW AppHMIType, in which case the WEB_VIEW value must be explicitly included in this list.


This field is a flag which allows or disallows an application to use soft buttons with the KEEP_CONTEXT action. This field only applies when Core is built with EXTERNAL_PROPRIETARY policy mode, otherwise this permission is always allowed.


This field is a flag which allows or disallows an application to use soft buttons with the STEAL_FOCUS action. This field only applies when Core is built with EXTERNAL_PROPRIETARY policy mode, otherwise this permission is always allowed.


String value tied to the notifications_per_minute_by_priority section of module_config. By assigning a priority value from this list, the application is allowed the number of background alerts which is specified by that category (see notifications_per_minute_by_priority).


This field defines the default HMI level that the application will be initialized to when it is registered for the first time. This field only applies when Core is built with EXTERNAL_PROPRIETARY policy mode, otherwise the default HMI level is always NONE.


This field defines a list of possible values for requestType that can be used in OnSystemRequest and SystemRequest RPCs when communicating with this app.


This field defines a list of possible values for requestSubType that can be used in OnSystemRequest and SystemRequest RPCs when communicating with this app.


Heartbeat timeout for this application, deprecated in Protocol Version 4, which was introduced in SDL Core Version 4.0.0.

Security Fields

Example Entry

"app_policies": {
    "123abc": {
        "keep_context": false,
        "steal_focus": false,
        "priority": "NONE",
        "default_hmi": "NONE",
        "groups": ["Base-4"],
        "RequestType": [],
        "RequestSubType": [],
        "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...",
        "encryption_required": true


This field is a string value containing a certificate for establishing a secure connection with the application. This certificate is currently only used for cloud applications when establishing a secure WebSocket connection.


This flag can be used to override encryption_required on the functional group level. If false, then this application will not be required to encrypt any of the RPCs which it has permissions to, even if the associated functional group has encryption_required set to true. If omitted, this flag defaults to true.

Remote Control Fields


These permissions will only take effect if the application either registers with the REMOTE_CONTROL AppHMIType or has this type explicitly included in its AppHMIType policy field.

Example Entry

"app_policies": {
    "123abc": {
        "keep_context": false,
        "steal_focus": false,
        "priority": "NONE",
        "default_hmi": "NONE",
        "groups": ["Base-4", "RemoteControl"],
        "RequestType": [],
        "RequestSubType": [],
        "AppHMIType": ["REMOTE_CONTROL"],
        "moduleType": ["RADIO", "CLIMATE"]


This field defines a list of Remote Control module types (defined in the ModuleType enum in the Mobile API) which are accessible by the app. If empty, all module types will be allowed. If omitted, no module types will be allowed.

App Service Fields

These fields are used if the application is either a provider or consumer of app service data. See our App Service Guidelines for more information on developing an application with these capabilities.

Example Entry

"app_policies": {
    "123abc": {
        "keep_context": false,
        "steal_focus": false,
        "priority": "NONE",
        "default_hmi": "NONE",
        "groups": ["Base-4", "AppServiceProvider", "AppServiceConsumer"],
        "RequestType": [],
        "RequestSubType": [],
        "app_services": {
            "MEDIA": {
                "service_names": ["SDL Music", "App Music"],
                "handled_rpcs": [{"function_id": 41}]
            "NAVIGATION": {
                "service_names": ["SDL Navigation", "App Navigation"],
                "handled_rpcs": [{"function_id": 39}]
            "WEATHER": {
                "service_names": ["SDL Weather", "App Weather"],
                "handled_rpcs": []
        "allow_unknown_rpc_passthrough": true


This field defines the properties of the app services that this application is allowed to publish. Each key within this object corresponds to an app service type (ex. "MEDIA").

  • service_names - Defines a list of potential service names that an app can publish with this service type.
    • If the serviceName field in the app's PublishAppService.appServiceManifest does not match one of the values in this list, the message will be rejected.
    • If omitted, no restrictions will be applied to the serviceName parameter.
  • handled_rpcs - This field defines a list of permissions for RPCs that an app service could intercept via the RPC passing feature.
    • If the handledRPCs field in the app's PublishAppService.appServiceManifest includes a function ID that is not in this list, the message will be rejected.
    • This field is mandatory, but can be empty.
    • Subfields:
      • function_id - The function ID of the potential handled RPC. Can be a function ID which was introduced after Core's local RPC spec version.


This flag can be used to allow an application to pass RPCs which are unknown to Core (functions which were defined after Core's local API version) to an app service provider. Otherwise, such messages from this application will be rejected. If omitted, this flag defaults to false.

Cloud Application Fields

These fields are used for applications which use a cloud transport and require Core to initiate the connection. Each of these fields can be modified by a permitted app via the SetCloudAppProperties RPC.

Example Entry

"app_policies": {
    "123abc": {
        "keep_context": false,
        "steal_focus": false,
        "priority": "NONE",
        "default_hmi": "NONE",
        "groups": ["Base-4", "CloudApp"],
        "RequestType": [],
        "RequestSubType": [],
        "nicknames": ["Example Application"],
        "endpoint": "ws://smartdevicelink.com:8888/path/",
        "enabled": true,
        "cloud_transport_type": "WS",
        "auth_token": "1234567890",
        "icon_url": "http://i.imgur.com/TgkvOIZ.png"


This flag is used to determine if the cloud application should appear in the app list in the HMI. If true, the application will appear in the app list as a cloud application. Selecting this application from the list will cause Core to connect to and register the application.


This option is used to determine the default behavior if the same app is available via a mobile device and over the cloud (determined by a duplicate appName). The possible values for this option are MOBILE, CLOUD, or BOTH.

  • If this value is set to MOBILE, the cloud application will be unregistered and removed from the app list if both applications are available.
  • If this value is set to CLOUD, the mobile application will be unregistered if both applications are available.
  • If this value is set to BOTH, both applications will remain in the app list if they are available.


This field defines the endpoint which Core will attempt to connect to when this application is selected from the app list (ex. ws://smartdevicelink.com:8888/path/). The format is dependent on the value of cloud_transport_type.


This field defines an authentication token to identify the user account tied to this vehicle. The format of this string is app-defined, and this value will be sent in the initial StartServiceACK when a connection is established with the cloud application.


This field is a string which defines the type of transport that is used by the cloud application. The value of this is an arbitrary string, since an OEM can implement their transport adapter to establish any type of cloud connection. The current values which are supported by the provided cloud adapter in the SDL Core project are WS and WSS.


This field is used to point to an app icon which can be displayed for a cloud application before it is connected. When provided, Core will retrieve this image using a connected application via an OnSystemRequest notification with the ICON_URL type.

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