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Android Guides
OEM Exclusive Apps

OEM Exclusive Apps

The Android library can prevent apps from starting their SdlRouterService based on if they support the vehicle type if the connection is over Bluetooth.


If older apps are installed that use a version less than SDL Android 4.12.0, on the first connection to the vehicle an OEM app may host the SdlRouterService but on subsequent connections, it may pass it off to another app.


This does not work over AOA connections.

Create file for supported vehicle types and add to Android Manifest

To implement this feature, you will need to define an XML file for supported vehicles called supported_vehicle_type.xml in res/xml directory of the project, and add it as metaData for SdlRouterService in its AndroidManifest. If an app defines a vehicle-type element, then it should always have a make attribute; all other attributes are optional. However, if you want to use modelYear or trim, you should define make and model attributes as well. The Java Suite app library will check only the defined attributes. The below example shows a valid vehicle type resource file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <!-- Vehicle filter for vehicle make-->
    <!-- Vehicle filter for vehicle make, model and model year-->
    <!-- Vehicle filter for vehicle make, model and trim-->

Add supported vehicle type file as metaData for SdlRouterService in AndroidManifest

    android:resource="@xml/supported_vehicle_type" />

Prevent app from connecting to unsupported vehicles

Apps can still receive an intent to start when SDL is enabled from other apps. To prevent an OEM app from starting their SdlService, vehicle type can be retrieved in SdlReceiver.onSdlEnabled and the app can choose not to start SdlService if the vehicle is not supported.

public void onSdlEnabled(Context context, Intent intent) {
    intent.setClass(context, SdlService.class);

    VehicleType vehicleType = null;
    if (intent.hasExtra(TransportConstants.VEHICLE_INFO_EXTRA)) {
        vehicleType = intent.getParcelableExtra(TransportConstants.VEHICLE_INFO_EXTRA);

    VehicleType vehicleType1 = new VehicleType().setMake("SDL").setModel("Generic").setModelYear("2021");
    VehicleType vehicleType2 = new VehicleType().setMake("SDL").setModel("Generic").setTrim("SE");
    List<VehicleType> supportedVehicleList = Arrays.asList(vehicleType1, vehicleType2);

    if (vehicleType != null && SdlAppInfo.checkIfVehicleSupported(supportedVehicleList, vehicleType)) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
        } else {
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