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Android Documentation

Class DynamicUpdateCapabilities





Parameter List

Param Name Type Description Required Version Available
supportedDynamicImageFieldNames List An array of ImageFieldName values for which the system supports sending OnFileUpdateNotifications. If you send an Image struct for that image field with a name without having uploaded the image data using PutFile that matches that name, the system will request that you upload the data with PutFile at a later point when the HMI needs it. The HMI will then display the image in the appropriate field. If not sent, assume false. N
supportsDynamicSubMenus Boolean If true, the head unit supports dynamic sub-menus by sending OnUpdateSubMenuNotifications. If true, you should not send AddCommands that attach to a parentID for anAddSubMenu until OnUpdateSubMenu is received with the menuID. At that point, you should send all AddCommands with a parentID that match the menuID. If not set, assume false. N



public static final java.lang.String KEY_SUPPORTED_DYNAMIC_IMAGE_FIELD_NAMES
Constant Value


public static final java.lang.String KEY_SUPPORTS_DYNAMIC_SUB_MENUS
Constant Value

Inherited Fields

From Class Fields
com.smartdevicelink.proxy.RPCStruct KEY_BULK_DATA, KEY_PROTECTED, store



Constructs a new DynamicUpdateCapabilities object

public DynamicUpdateCapabilities()

DynamicUpdateCapabilities( java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object> hash )

Constructs a new DynamicUpdateCapabilities object indicated by the Hashtable parameter

public DynamicUpdateCapabilities(java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object> hash)

Constructor Parameters

The Hashtable to use


setSupportedDynamicImageFieldNames( java.util.List<com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.enums.ImageFieldName> supportedDynamicImageFieldNames )

Sets the supportedDynamicImageFieldNames.

public com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.DynamicUpdateCapabilities setSupportedDynamicImageFieldNames(java.util.List<com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.enums.ImageFieldName> supportedDynamicImageFieldNames)

Method Parameters

An array of ImageFieldName values for which the system supports sending OnFileUpdate notifications. If you send an Image struct for that image field with a name without having uploaded the image data using PutFile that matches that name, the system will request that you upload the data with PutFile at a later point when the HMI needs it. The HMI will then display the image in the appropriate field. If not sent, assume false.


Gets the supportedDynamicImageFieldNames.

public java.util.List getSupportedDynamicImageFieldNames()

setSupportsDynamicSubMenus( Boolean supportsDynamicSubMenus )

Sets the supportsDynamicSubMenus.

public com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.DynamicUpdateCapabilities setSupportsDynamicSubMenus(Boolean supportsDynamicSubMenus)

Method Parameters

If true, the head unit supports dynamic sub-menus by sending OnUpdateSubMenu notifications. If true, you should not send AddCommands that attach to a parentID for an AddSubMenu until OnUpdateSubMenu is received with the menuID. At that point, you should send all AddCommands with a parentID that match the menuID. If not set, assume false.


Gets the supportsDynamicSubMenus.

public java.lang.Boolean getSupportsDynamicSubMenus()

Inherited Methods

From Class Methods
com.smartdevicelink.proxy.RPCStruct getStoreValue, getStore, deserializeJSON, serializeJSON, serializeJSON, format, getBulkData, setBulkData, setPayloadProtected, isPayloadProtected, getMessageTypeName, hasKey, setValue, getValue, getObject, formatObject, getValueForString, getString, getInteger, getDouble, getFloat, getBoolean, getLong, clone, equals, hashCode
java.lang.Object getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize
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