- Package
- com.smartdevicelink.util
Quick Jump
- Constructors
- Methods
- isServiceExported(Context context,ComponentName name)
- getSdlEnabledApps(Context context,String myPackageName)
- querySdlAppInfo(Context context,java.util.Comparator<com.smartdevicelink.util.SdlAppInfo> comparator) Deprecated
- querySdlAppInfo(Context context,java.util.Comparator<com.smartdevicelink.util.SdlAppInfo> comparator,VehicleType type)
- isPermissionGranted(String permissionName,Context context,String servicePackageName)
- sendExplicitBroadcast(Context context,Intent intent,java.util.List<android.content.pm.ResolveInfo> apps)
- isUSBCableConnected(Context context)
- downloadImage(String urlStr)
- isDebugMode(Context context)
- saveVehicleType(Context context,VehicleType vehicleType,String address)
- getVehicleTypeFromPrefs(Context context,String address)
- getVehicleTypesFromManifest(Context context,ComponentName component,int manifestFieldId)
- registerReceiver(Context context,BroadcastReceiver receiver,IntentFilter filter,int flags)
- hasUsbAccessoryPermission(Context context)
- checkPermission(Context context,String permission)
- hasForegroundServiceTypePermission(Context context)
- isBluetoothDeviceConnected()
Context context,
ComponentName name
Check to see if a component is exported
public static boolean isServiceExported(Context context,ComponentName name)
Method Parameters
- context
- object used to retrieve the package manager
- name
- of the component in question
Context context,
String myPackageName
Get all SDL enabled apps. If the package name is null, it will return all apps. However, if the package name is included, the
resulting hash map will not include the app with that package name.
public static java.util.HashMap getSdlEnabledApps(Context context,String myPackageName)
Method Parameters
- context
- a context object used to get an instance of the package manager
- myPackageName
- the package of the requesting app. This should only be included if the app wants to exclude itself from the map
Context context,
java.util.Comparator<com.smartdevicelink.util.SdlAppInfo> comparator
Finds all SDL apps via their SdlRouterService manifest entry. It will return the metadata associated with that router service.
public static java.util.List querySdlAppInfo(Context context,java.util.Comparator<com.smartdevicelink.util.SdlAppInfo> comparator)
Method Parameters
- context
- a context instance to obtain the package manager
- comparator
- the Comparator to sort the resulting list. If null is supplied, they will be returned as they are from the system
Context context,
java.util.Comparator<com.smartdevicelink.util.SdlAppInfo> comparator,
VehicleType type
Finds all SDL apps via their SdlRouterService manifest entry. It will return the metadata associated with that router service.
public static java.util.List querySdlAppInfo(Context context,java.util.Comparator<com.smartdevicelink.util.SdlAppInfo> comparator,VehicleType type)
Method Parameters
- context
- a context instance to obtain the package manager
- comparator
- the Comparator to sort the resulting list. If null is supplied, they will be returned as they are from the system
- type
String permissionName,
Context context,
String servicePackageName
public static boolean isPermissionGranted(String permissionName,Context context,String servicePackageName)
Method Parameters
- permissionName
- context
- servicePackageName
Context context,
Intent intent,
java.util.List<android.content.pm.ResolveInfo> apps
Sends the provided intent to the specified destinations making it an explicit intent, rather
than an implicit intent. A direct replacement of sendBroadcast(Intent). As of Android 8.0
(API 26+) implicit broadcasts are no longer sent to broadcast receivers that are declared via
the AndroidManifest. If no apps are found to receive the intent, this method will send the
broadcast implicitly if no list of apps is provided.
public static void sendExplicitBroadcast(Context context,Intent intent,java.util.List<android.content.pm.ResolveInfo> apps)
Method Parameters
- context
- intent
- - the intent to send explicitly
- apps
- - the list of apps that this broadcast will be sent to. If null is passed in
the intent will be sent to all apps that match the provided intent via a query
to the package manager; it will also be sent implicitly to mimic
sendBroadcast()'s original functionality.
Context context
Checks if the usb cable is physically connected or not
Note: the intent here is a sticky intent so registerReceiver is actually a synchronous call and doesn't register a receiver on each call
public static boolean isUSBCableConnected(Context context)
Method Parameters
- context
- a context instance
String urlStr
public static android.graphics.Bitmap downloadImage(String urlStr) throws java.io.IOException
Method Parameters
- urlStr
Context context
public static boolean isDebugMode(Context context)
Method Parameters
- context
Context context,
VehicleType vehicleType,
String address
Saves the mac address along with vehicle details into user's shared prefs.
public static void saveVehicleType(Context context,VehicleType vehicleType,String address)
Method Parameters
- context
- a context instance to obtain the shared preferences.
- vehicleType
- a RPCStruct that describes the type of vehicle the mobile phone is connected with.
- address
- a string containing the Bluetooth Mac address of the connected vehicle.
Context context,
String address
Retrieves the vehicle details by the mac address of the connected vehicle.
public static java.util.Hashtable getVehicleTypeFromPrefs(Context context,String address)
Method Parameters
- context
- a context instance to obtain the shared preferences.
- address
- a string containing the Bluetooth Mac address of the connected vehicle.
Context context,
ComponentName component,
int manifestFieldId
Retrieves the list of vehicle types that are set in the manifest.
public static java.util.List getVehicleTypesFromManifest(Context context,ComponentName component,int manifestFieldId)
Method Parameters
- context
- a context to access Android system services through.
- component
- a component name of a LocalRouterService.
- manifestFieldId
- a string resources id that indicates a unique name for the vehicle data in the manifest.
Context context,
BroadcastReceiver receiver,
IntentFilter filter,
int flags
A helper method to handle adding flags to registering a run time broadcast receiver.
public static void registerReceiver(Context context,BroadcastReceiver receiver,IntentFilter filter,int flags)
Method Parameters
- context
- a context that will be used to register the receiver with
- receiver
- the receiver that will be registered
- filter
- the filter that will be use to filter intents sent to the broadcast receiver
- flags
- any flags that should be used to register the receiver. In most cases this
will be {@link Context#RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED} or
Context context
A helper method is used to see if this app has permission for UsbAccessory.
We need UsbAccessory permission if we are plugged in via AOA and do not have BLUETOOTH_CONNECT
permission for our service to enter the foreground on Android UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE and greater
public static boolean hasUsbAccessoryPermission(Context context)
Method Parameters
- context
- a context that will be used to check the permission.
Context context,
String permission
Helper method used to check permission passed in.
public static boolean checkPermission(Context context,String permission)
Method Parameters
- context
- Context used to check permission
- permission
- String representing permission that is being checked.
Context context
A helper method used for Android 14 or greater to check if app has necessary permissions
to have a service enter the foreground.
public static boolean hasForegroundServiceTypePermission(Context context)
Method Parameters
- context
- context used to check permissions.
A method that will check to see if there is a bluetooth device possibly connected. It will
only check the headset and A2DP profiles. This is only to be used as a check for starting
the SdlDeviceListener and not a direct start of the router service.
public static boolean isBluetoothDeviceConnected()
Inherited Methods
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Methods |
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