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Android Documentation

Class VideoStreamManager





Inherited Fields

From Class Fields
com.smartdevicelink.managers.BaseSubManager SETTING_UP, READY, LIMITED, SHUTDOWN, ERROR, internalInterface


VideoStreamManager( ISdl internalInterface )

public VideoStreamManager(ISdl internalInterface)

Constructor Parameters



start( CompletionListener listener )

public void start(CompletionListener listener)

Method Parameters


startRemoteDisplayStream( Context context, java.lang.Class<? extends com.smartdevicelink.streaming.video.SdlRemoteDisplay> remoteDisplayClass, VideoStreamingParameters parameters, boolean encrypted, VideoStreamingRange supportedLandscapeStreamingRange, VideoStreamingRange supportedPortraitStreamingRange )

Starts streaming a remote display to the module if there is a connected session. This method of streaming requires the device to be on API level 19 or higher Two ranges (supportedLandscapeStreamingRange and supportedLandscapeStreamingRange) can be provided with image dimension ranges and aspect ratio ranges that your remoteDisplay class supports. If the module's screen size for your app changes during streaming (i.e. to a collapsed view, split screen, preview mode, or picture-in-picture), your remoteDisplay will be resized to the new screen size. If either range is `null`, the default is to support all streaming ranges of that format (landscape or portrait). If you wish to disable support for streaming in a given format (landscape or portrait), set a VideoStreamingRange with all `0` values. NOTE If both supportedLandscapeStreamingRange and supportedLandscapeStreamingRange are disabled then the video will not stream. Any changes to screen size will notify the onViewResized method you have implemented in your remoteDisplay class.

public void startRemoteDisplayStream(Context context,java.lang.Class<? extends com.smartdevicelink.streaming.video.SdlRemoteDisplay> remoteDisplayClass,VideoStreamingParameters parameters,boolean encrypted,VideoStreamingRange supportedLandscapeStreamingRange,VideoStreamingRange supportedPortraitStreamingRange)

Method Parameters

a context that can be used to create the remote display
class object of the remote display. This class will be used to create an instance of the remote display and will be projected to the module
streaming parameters to be used when streaming. If null is sent in, the default/optimized options will be used. If you are unsure about what parameters to be used it is best to just send null and let the system determine what works best for the currently connected module.
a flag of if the stream should be encrypted. Only set if you have a supplied encryption library that the module can understand.
constraints for vehicle display : min/max aspect ratio, min/max resolutions, max diagonal size.
constraints for vehicle display : min/max aspect ratio, min/max resolutions, max diagonal size.

startRemoteDisplayStream( Context context, java.lang.Class<? extends com.smartdevicelink.streaming.video.SdlRemoteDisplay> remoteDisplayClass, VideoStreamingParameters parameters, boolean encrypted )

Starts streaming a remote display to the module if there is a connected session. This method of streaming requires the device to be on API level 19 or higher

public void startRemoteDisplayStream(Context context,java.lang.Class<? extends com.smartdevicelink.streaming.video.SdlRemoteDisplay> remoteDisplayClass,VideoStreamingParameters parameters,boolean encrypted)

Method Parameters

a context that can be used to create the remote display
class object of the remote display. This class will be used to create an instance of the remote display and will be projected to the module
streaming parameters to be used when streaming. If null is sent in, the default/optimized options will be used. If you are unsure about what parameters to be used it is best to just send null and let the system determine what works best for the currently connected module.
a flag of if the stream should be encrypted. Only set if you have a supplied encryption library that the module can understand.

startStreaming( VideoStreamingParameters parameters, boolean encrypted )

Starts video service, sets up encoder, haptic manager, and remote display. Begins streaming the remote display.

protected void startStreaming(VideoStreamingParameters parameters,boolean encrypted)

Method Parameters

Video streaming parameters including: codec which will be used for streaming (currently, only VideoStreamingCodec.H264 is accepted), height and width of the video in pixels.
Specify true if packets on this service have to be encrypted


Stops streaming from the remote display. To restart, call

public void stopStreaming()


Resumes streaming after calling

public void resumeStreaming()


Stops streaming, ends video streaming service and removes service listeners.

public void dispose()


Check if a video service is currently active

public boolean isServiceActive()


Check if video is currently streaming and visible

public boolean isStreaming()


Check if video streaming has been paused due to app moving to background or manually stopped

public boolean isPaused()


Gets the current video streaming state as defined in @StreamingStateMachine

public int currentVideoStreamState()

onTransportUpdate( java.util.List<com.smartdevicelink.transport.utl.TransportRecord> connectedTransports, boolean audioStreamTransportAvail, boolean videoStreamTransportAvail )

protected void onTransportUpdate(java.util.List<com.smartdevicelink.transport.utl.TransportRecord> connectedTransports,boolean audioStreamTransportAvail,boolean videoStreamTransportAvail)

Method Parameters



public com.smartdevicelink.streaming.video.VideoStreamingParameters getLastCachedStreamingParameters()

startVideoStream( VideoStreamingParameters params, SdlSession session )

protected com.smartdevicelink.streaming.video.IVideoStreamListener startVideoStream(VideoStreamingParameters params,SdlSession session)

Method Parameters



protected boolean stopVideoStream()

Inherited Methods

From Class Methods
com.smartdevicelink.managers.BaseSubManager start, dispose, transitionToState, getState, handleTransportUpdated, onTransportUpdate
java.lang.Object getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize
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