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Android Documentation

Class LockScreenConfig






This is set during SdlManager instantiation.

  • enable - if false, don't worry about the other parameters. You are responsible for creating and managing a lockscreen. If true, also set the backgroundColor and appIcon if you want. If you don't set the backgroundColor or appIcon, it will use the defaults.
  • backgroundColor - if using the default lockscreen, you can set this to a color of your choosing
  • appIcon - if using the default lockscreen, you can set your own app icon
  • customView - If you would like to provide your own view, you can pass it in here.
  • deviceLogo - On by default. If available, will show the device or OEMs logo on the lockscreen
  • displayMode - Describes when the lock screen will be displayed. Defaults to `DISPLAY_MODE_REQUIRED_ONLY`.
  • enableDismissGesture - If true, then the lock screen can be dismissed with a downward swipe on compatible head units. Requires a connection of SDL 6.0+ and the head unit to enable the feature. Defaults to true.
  • Fields


    public static final int DISPLAY_MODE_NEVER


    public static final int DISPLAY_MODE_REQUIRED_ONLY
    Constant Value


    public static final int DISPLAY_MODE_OPTIONAL_OR_REQUIRED
    Constant Value


    public static final int DISPLAY_MODE_ALWAYS
    Constant Value



    public LockScreenConfig()


    setBackgroundColor( int resourceColor )

    Set the resource int of the background color. Colors should define colors in your Colors.xml file

    public void setBackgroundColor(int resourceColor)

    Method Parameters

    resource int of the color


    Gets the int reference to the custom lock screen background color

    public int getBackgroundColor()

    setAppIcon( int appIconInt )

    int of the drawable icon.

    public void setAppIcon(int appIconInt)

    Method Parameters

    the drawable of the icon to be displayed on the lock screen


    Gets the resource reference of the icon to be displayed on the lock screen

    public int getAppIcon()

    setCustomView( int customViewInt )

    Sets the reference to the custom layout to be used for the lock screen
    If set, the color and icon setters will be ignored

    public void setCustomView(int customViewInt)

    Method Parameters

    the layout


    Gets the reference to the custom lockscreen layout to be used

    public int getCustomView()

    Whether or not to show the device's logo on the default lock screen
    The logo will come from the connected hardware, if set by the manufacturer
    If using a Custom View, this will be ignored.

    public void showDeviceLogo(boolean deviceLogo)

    Method Parameters

    - boolean


    Get whether or not the device's Logo is shown on the default lock screen
    The logo will come from the connected hardware, if set by the manufacturer

    public boolean isDeviceLogoEnabled()

    setDisplayMode( int displayMode )

    Set the displayMode to be used

    public void setDisplayMode(int displayMode)

    Method Parameters

    - Describes when the lock screen will be displayed. Defaults to `DISPLAY_MODE_REQUIRED_ONLY`.


    Get the displayMode to be used

    public int getDisplayMode()

    enableDismissGesture( boolean enableDismissGesture )

    If true, then the lock screen can be dismissed with a downward swipe on compatible head units. Requires a connection of SDL 6.0+ and the head unit to enable the feature. Defaults to true.

    public void enableDismissGesture(boolean enableDismissGesture)

    Method Parameters

    - enable or disable this feature


    If true, then the lock screen can be dismissed with a downward swipe on compatible head units. Requires a connection of SDL 6.0+ and the head unit to enable the feature. Defaults to true.

    public boolean enableDismissGesture()

    Inherited Methods

    From Class Methods
    java.lang.Object getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize
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