Called when a manager is ready for use
public void onStart()
Called when the manager is destroyed
public void onDestroy()
Called when the manager encounters an error
public void onError(String info,Exception e)
Called when the SDL manager detected a language mismatch. In case of a language mismatch the manager should change the apps registration by updating the lifecycle configuration to the specified language. If the app can support the specified language it should return an Object of LifecycleConfigurationUpdate, otherwise it should return null to indicate that the language is not supported.
public com.smartdevicelink.managers.lifecycle.LifecycleConfigurationUpdate managerShouldUpdateLifecycle(Language language,Language hmiLanguage)
A way to determine if this SDL session should continue to be active while connected to the determined system information of the vehicle.
public boolean onSystemInfoReceived(SystemInfo systemInfo)