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Docker Install (For versions 3.0+)

Docker Compose Installation

Docker Engine is required to be installed. The docker folder in the policy server contains all the files needed to set up the policy server through docker images. The docker-compose.yml file will spin up the server, the Postgres database, and the Redis database and automatically connect them all. The policy server is made available on http://localhost:3000.

Environment Variables

An .env file is expected in the docker directory, and the Dockerfile will pull in all environment variables from that file, just like how the policy server uses the .env file in the root directory. The Dockerfile uses the remote sdl_server repository instead of the local installation. The branch can be changed by changing the docker-compose.yml file's arg VERSION value: its default is the master branch.

The following are notable .env variables to the docker environment. They are not a comprehensive list. The usual variables such as SHAID_PUBLIC_KEY and SHAID_SECRET_KEY are still required for usage. Connection to postgres and redis is automatic and no further configuration is required for them, such as setting environment variables.

Name Type Usage Description
DB_HOST String Postgres Please do not use this value. It is predefined to work with Docker Compose
DB_PASSWORD String Postgres Not required to be set. Defaults to "postgres"
DB_USER String Postgres Not required to be set. Defaults to "postgres"
DB_DATABASE String Postgres Not required to be set. Defaults to "postgres"
CACHE_HOST String Redis Please do not set this value. It is predefined to work with Docker Compose
BUCKET_NAME String WebEngine app support The name of the S3 bucket to store app bundles. You must create this bucket and configure it to allow remote writing!
AWS_REGION String WebEngine app support The region of the S3 bucket
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID String WebEngine app support AWS credentials to allow S3 usage. These are exclusive to the docker install of the policy server!
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY String WebEngine app support AWS credentials to allow S3 usage. These are exclusive to the docker install of the policy server!

Note the nearly empty keys subfolder. Insert your own key and pem files meant for the certificate generation feature and SSL connections in there, and the contents will be copied into the docker container policy server's customizable/ca folder and customizable/ssl folder. You will still need the necessary environment variables to activate certificate generation and SSL connections respectively.


You need to run the following commands in the docker directory of the project.

To start a new or existing cluster, remembering to rebuild the policy server image in case of .env changes (Make sure you are in the docker folder of the policy server):
docker compose up --build
Use Ctrl+C once to stop all the docker containers.

To tear down a cluster without removing the volume (this will delete the database contents!):
docker compose down

To tear down a cluster and remove the volume (this will delete the database contents!):
docker compose down -v

Read the rest of this page if you wish to launch the server without the use of Docker.

Normal Installation


The following must be installed before installation of the Policy Server can begin:

Project Version
Postgres 9.6+
Node.js 8.12.0+
NPM 3.0.0+

Note: For policy server major version 2, be aware it will not function if the Node.js version is 13 or higher.

You must also acquire a set of SHAID API keys. These are made available to level 4 OEM members through the developer portal.

NOTE: Be careful not to use sets of SHAID API keys from multiple vendors. Some Policy Server actions (like changing the auto-approval status of an app) will attempt to send information back to SHAID and if the wrong SHAID API keys are used then the action may fail.

Setup Guide

Download the project to your current directory.

git clone https://github.com/smartdevicelink/sdl_server.git
cd sdl_server

The recommended branch to use is master, which should be used by default. Install dependencies.

npm install

NOTE: Starting with the Policy Server v3.1.1, you'll need the following command to install dependencies:

npm install --legacy-peer-deps

The Policy Server requires a SQL database, and currently the only supported implementation is PostgreSQL. In the next section, we will cover how to get one running locally.

PostgreSQL Installation (Mac)

To install PostgreSQL on a Mac with Homebrew, run the following command in a Terminal window:

brew install postgresql

Then run the following command to start PostgreSQL, and ensure that you won't need to start it again in case your system resets:

pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start && brew services start postgresql

You can run the following command to know if you have PostgreSQL and also check that you are running the most recent version:

psql -V

PostgreSQL Installation (Ubuntu)

To install PostgreSQL in Ubuntu, run the following commands from the PostgreSQL documentation:

# Create the file repository configuration:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'

# Import the repository signing key:
wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add -

# Update the package lists:
sudo apt-get update

# Install the latest version of PostgreSQL.
# If you want a specific version, use 'postgresql-12' or similar instead of 'postgresql':
sudo apt-get -y install postgresql

You can run the following command to know if you have PostgreSQL and also check that you are running the most recent version:

psql -V

Logging in to PostgreSQL

In order to start creating users and databases, you will have to log in to PostgreSQL. It comes with a postgres user that should have no password by default. Run the following command to log in as the postgres user:

psql -U postgres

If you're prompted for a password but have not yet set one, you'll have to locate and modify your pg_hba.conf file. Find the line that contains

local  all      postgres     peer

Update it to contain

local  all      postgres     trust

Then restart postgres and attempt to log in to postgres again

sudo service postgresql restart
psql -U postgres

Creating the PostgreSQL Database

You should now be in the postgres command-line interface. You can type help to get more info. If you want to continue using the postgres user, you can add a password with the following command:

ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '<password>';

If you want to create a new user, run the following commands to create one with a password and give them super user access:

CREATE USER <username> WITH PASSWORD '<password>';

Alternatively you can use the GRANT command to limit the user's permissions. In the future, you can log in to PostgreSQL using this new user. Next, you'll need to run the following command to add a new database for the Policy Server to manage:

CREATE DATABASE <database_name>;

This database will be where the Policy Server stores all of its data pertaining to policy table generation. Remember to save your PostgreSQL username, password, and database name so you can use them in the next section. To exit the PostgreSQL CLI, simply type quit and hit Enter.

Environment Variables

Once you set up a database (locally or remotely) you'll need to supply the Policy Server with some environment variables. This Policy Server uses the dotenv module, meaning you can write all your environment variables in a .env file located in the root directory of the Policy Server. The Policy Server will load the variables at .env. .env files will not be tracked by Git.

There are several settings that can be configured for Policy Server usage. See below for explanations on the purpose of each of them.

Basic Environment Variables

Name Type Example Description
POLICY_SERVER_HOST String testing.com The hostname or public IP address which the server runs on
POLICY_SERVER_PORT Number 3000 The port which the server runs on. It is optional and the default is 3000
DB_USER String postgres The name of the user to allow the server to access the database
DB_DATABASE String postgres The name of the database where policy and app data is stored
DB_PASSWORD String password The password used to log into the database
DB_HOST String rds-database.com The host name or IP address of the database
DB_PORT Number 5432 The port number of the database
TEST_PG_USER String postgres Same as DB_USER but for specifically running tests via npm run test
TEST_PG_DATABASE String postgres Same as DB_DATABASE but for specifically running tests via npm run test
TEST_PG_PASSWORD String password Same as DB_PASSWORD but for specifically running tests via npm run test
TEST_PG_HOST String rds-database.com Same as DB_HOST but for specifically running tests via npm run test
TEST_PG_PORT Number 5432 Same as DB_PORT but for specifically running tests via npm run test

SHAID Environment Variables

Name Type Description
SHAID_PUBLIC_KEY String A public key given to you through the developer portal that allows access to SHAID endpoints.
SHAID_SECRET_KEY String A secret key given to you through the developer portal that allows access to SHAID endpoints.
SHAID_URL String The location of the SHAID server. The default value will query the production SHAID server. It is not recommended to change this value.

Caching Environment Variables

Name Type Example Description
CACHE_MODULE String Redis The name of the caching module to use. Currently supports null (no caching, default) or "redis"
CACHE_HOST String redis-host.com The host name or IP address of the cache server
CACHE_PORT Number 6379 The port number of the cache server
CACHE_PASSWORD String password The password used to log into the cache server

Emailing Environment Variables

Name Type Example Description
SMTP_HOST String smpt-host.com The host name or IP address of an SMTP server to use for email notifications. A null value implies that outgoing emails are disabled
SMTP_PORT Number 25 The port number of the SMTP server. The default is 25
SMTP_USERNAME String smtp The username of the optional SMTP user
SMTP_PASSWORD String password The password of the optional SMTP user
SMTP_FROM String example@email.com The email address which emails are sent from. A null value implies that outgoing emails are disabled
NOTIFY_APP_REVIEW_FREQUENCY String Enum (DISABLED, REALTIME) REALTIME The frequency of which outgoing emails should be sent to notify the OEM of new apps ready for review. The default is DISABLED
NOTIFY_APP_REVIEW_EMAILS String with comma-separated values example1@email.com,example2@email.com A comma-separated list of email addresses to send an email to when new apps are ready for review

Mandatory Certificate and Encryption Environment Variables

Name Type Example Description
CA_PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME String CA.key The filename of your .key file generated, to be placed in customizable/ca/
CA_CERTIFICATE_FILENAME String CA.pem The filename of your .pem file generated, to be placed in customizable/ca/
CERTIFICATE_PASSPHRASE String password A secret password used for every certificate generated
CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME String *.company.com Default information of the issuer's fully qualified domain name to secure

Optional Certificate and Encryption Environment Variables

Name Type Example Description
POLICY_SERVER_PORT_SSL Number 443 The port which the server should listen for SSL connections on (typically 443). It is optional and the default is null (do not listen for SSL connections)
SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILENAME String file.pem The filename of the SSL certificate located in ./customizable/ssl. Required if a value is set for POLICY_SERVER_PORT_SSL
SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME String file.key The filename of the SSL certificate's private key located in ./customizable/ssl. Required if a value is set for POLICY_SERVER_PORT_SSL
PRIVATE_KEY_BITSIZE Number 2048 The size of the private keys generated. Default 2048
PRIVATE_KEY_CIPHER String des3 The type of cipher to use for encryption/decryption. Defaults to "des3"
CERTIFICATE_COUNTRY String US Default information of the issuer's country (two-letter ISO code)
CERTIFICATE_STATE String Michigan Default information of the issuer's state
CERTIFICATE_LOCALITY String Royal Oak Default information of the issuer's city
CERTIFICATE_ORGANIZATION String Livio Default information of the issuer's legal company name
CERTIFICATE_ORGANIZATION_UNIT String Human Resources Default information of the issuer's company's branch
CERTIFICATE_EMAIL_ADDRESS String example@email.com Default information of the issuer's email address
CERTIFICATE_HASH String sha256 The cryptographic hash function to use. Defaults to 'sha256'
CERTIFICATE_DAYS Number 7 The number of days until the certificate expires. Defaults to 7
ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED Boolean true Whether or not to require RPC encryption for auto-approved app versions. Defaults to "false"
MODULE_CONFIG_ENCRYPT_CERT_BUNDLE Boolean true Whether to package the module config's certificate and private key into a pkcs12 bundle string using the CERTIFICATE_PASSPHRASE. If false (default), it will just be a concatenation of the certificate and the private key

Miscellaneous Environment Variables

Name Type Example Description
AUTO_APPROVE_ALL_APPS Boolean true Whether or not to auto-approve all app versions received by SHAID (except for blacklisted apps). Defaults to "false"

The Policy Server comes with migration scripts that can be run using npm scripts. You can see a list of all the possible scripts by looking in package.json, but these are the most important ones:

  • start-server: Runs the migration up script which initializes data in the database and starts the Policy Server
  • dev or start: Starts the dev server with hot reloading so any changes made to the UI are instantly updated in the browser

NOTE: Using the dev server can cause CORS issues when connecting to the API so it should only be used when testing UI changes.

  • build: Generates a new staging/production build using webpack. Not required to be used if you're using the start-server script.
  • lint: Parses the Policy Server code and checks for syntactical or stylistic errors.
  • test: Runs the unit tests packaged with the project. Uses the TEST_ database environment variables to modify the database. This will clear all policy server data when running! Make sure you use a database you do not mind being cleared!
  • db-migrate-up: Runs all migrations on the database.
  • db-migrate-reset: Runs migration downs and clears the database.

Run the following command to finalize set up and start the server.

npm run start-server

Verify that it started properly by navigating to your configured host and port, or to the default address: http://localhost:3000/

Now you have a Policy Server running!

  • If you wish to enable caching with an unofficially supported datastore, you may create a custom cache module. Do so by creating a folder inside custom/cache with the name of your module. Put your implementation in a file named index.js inside of your module's folder. Your module should export the following functions:
    • get(key, callback): Receives a value from the cache stored at key.
    • set(key, value, callback): Sets a value in the cache stored at key.
    • del(key, callback): Deletes a value from the cache stored at key.
    • flushall(callback): Deletes all data previously set in the cache.
  • Set your CACHE_ environment variables to correspond with your new datastore solution and access information.
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