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Device Data

Device Data

Information about each device that connects to SDL Core is recorded in the Policy Table. This information is used to persist configurations for the head unit based on the device connected.

Device Specific Information

Devices are identified in the Policy Table using a unique identifier. Device unique identifier(s) are either a bluetooth mac address or USB serial address irreversibly encrypted/hashed using SHA-256. Information about a specific device is stored using its unique identifier as a key. The following properties describe the information stored.

Property Type Description
hardware String Type and/or name of the hardware. (e.g. iPhone 7)
max_number_rfcom_ports Number Number of RFCOM ports supported by the device.
firmware_rev String Device's firmware version
os String Operating system. (e.g. iOS or Android)
os_version String Device's operating system version.
carrier String The mobile phone's carrier. (e.g. Verizon or AT&T)

User Consents

Whether or not an SDL user has given permission for a feature can be stored for each device and application connected to a vehicle's head unit. For example, a user may consent to allowing SDL to use their phone's cellular data to download Policy Table updates. These consent records are stored in the user_consent_records property.


User consent(s) for a device are stored in a property named device in the user_consent_records object. The value of this property is an object with the following properties:

User Consent Record Property Type Description
consent_groups Object A listing of SDL features that are accepted or declined.
input String Accepted values are "GUI" or "VUI"
time_stamp String A timestamp in ISO 8601 format.


User consent(s) can also be saved per application on a device under a property named after its Application ID. The value of this property is an object with the same user consent record properties as device above.


An example of how the Device Data portion of a Policy Table might look.

"device_data": {
    "[ID VALUE HERE]": {
        "hardware": "iPhone 4S",
        "max_number_rfcom_ports": 25,
        "firmware_rev": null,
        "os": "iOS",
        "os_version": "5",
        "carrier": "AT&T",
        "user_consent_records": {
            "device": {
                "consent_groups": {
                    "DataConsent-1": true
                "input": "VUI",
                "time_stamp": "4/24/2012 12:30:00 PM"
            "[APP ID HERE]": {
                "consent_groups": {
                    "Location-1": true,
                    "DrivingData-1": false
                "input": "VUI",
                "time_stamp": "3/26/2012 10:41:00 AM "
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