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GET /application

Retrieve one or more SDL applications and metadata about them: their UUID (a unique identifier which should be kept private), the countries the application supports, the application category, and the data permissions the application requires access to.


in name type required description default
query uuid string false A comma-separated list of Application UUIDs. Find applications by their UUID.
query version_id string false A comma-separated list of Application Version IDs. Find applications by specific version IDs.
query vendor_id string false A comma-separated list of Vendor IDs. Find applications owned by specific Vendors.
query champion_assigned_vendor_id string false A comma-separated list of Vendor IDs. Find applications with specific assigned champion Vendors. Alternatively, find applications without an assigned champion Vendor by sending null. This parameter is only available for vendors with SHAID admin access; For non-admins, the value of this parameter will be ignored.
query champion_approval_status string: APPROVED, PENDING, DENIED false A comma-separated list of Champion Approval Statuses. Only retrieve applications matching the provided champion approval status. This parameter is only available for vendors with SHAID admin access; For non-admins, the value of this parameter will be ignored.
query status string: DEVELOPMENT, REVIEW, PRODUCTION false A comma-separated list of Statuses. Only retrieve applications matching the provided status. This parameter is only available for vendors with SHAID admin access; For non-admins, the value of this parameter will always be PRODUCTION.
query approval_status string: DENIED, PENDING, APPROVED false Only retrieve applications matching the provided SDLC approval status. This parameter is only available for vendors with SHAID admin access; For non-admins, the value of this parameter will always be APPROVED.
query granted_vendor_id string false A comma-separated list of Vendor IDs. Find applications granted read access to the given Vendor IDs. This parameter is only available for vendors with SHAID admin access; For non-admins, the value of this parameter will be ignored.
query not_granted_vendor_id string false A comma-separated list of Vendor IDs. Find applications NOT granted read access to the given Vendor IDs. This parameter is only available for vendors with SHAID admin access; For non-admins, the value of this parameter will be ignored.
query platform string: ANDROID, IOS, CLOUD, EMBEDDED false Only retrieve applications matching the provided platform. Supports filtering on multiple platforms as a comma-separated list.
query country_iso string false Only retrieve applications built to support the provided country.
query category_id integer false Only retrieve applications in the provided category. See GET /category for a list of available values. Supports filtering on multiple categories as a comma-separated list.
query allow_marketing boolean false Only retrieve applications that explicitly allow or deny marketing/promotion of their application.
query include_deleted boolean false Include applications in the response which are deleted. false
query include_blacklisted boolean false Include applications in the response which are blacklisted by the SDLC. false
query name string false Search for Applications containing the provided string in their name.
query query_type string: ALL, LATEST false Modifies the scope of the endpoint to query ALL versions of each application, the LATEST version of each application, or only the latest production version of each application (default).
query has_entered_review boolean false Only retrieve applications that are either currently in or have been reviewed (true) or have not yet entered review (false). Default null.
query is_in_catalog boolean false Whether the app should appear in the App Catalog on smartdevicelink.com.
query is_homepage_app boolean false Whether the app is eligible appear on the homepage smartdevicelink.com.
query is_oem_specific boolean false Whether the app should appear in the OEM-specific section of the App Catalog.
query limit integer false The maximum number of results to return. Default 50. 50
query offset integer false The number of results to offset, for basic pagination. 0
query sort_by string: application.id, application.name, application.platform, application.status, application.approval_status, vendor.name, application.champion_approval_status, application.champion_updated_ts false Which property to sort the results by. "application.id"
query sort_order string: ASC, DESC false How to order the results (in combination with sort_by). "ASC"

Response: 200

Application(s) retrieved! The request was successful and any matching applications are returned in the response body.


  • (object)
  • meta (object) (optional)
    • request_id (string) A unique ID for the request
    • code (int32) The HTTP status code of the response
    • message (string) A readable summary of the request result
  • data (object) (optional)
    • applications (unspecified type) (optional)

Response: 400

Invalid request. The request is either missing data, has invalid data, or has conflicting data. See the response body for more details.



Response: 500

Internal server error.



PUT /application/approval/vendor

This operation changes the requesting OEM's approval_status property of an application version.


in name required description
body applications true An array of Application OEM Approval objects.

Request Body

  • (object)
  • applications (array) (optional)
    • (object)
    • version_id (int64) A unique integer to identify the application version
    • approval_status (string: LIMITED, ACCEPTED) The OEM's selected status of the application version
    • notes (string) (optional) Notes by the OEM to be shared with the application developer

Response: 200

Application OEM approval status(es) updated! The application version(s) provided were successfully updated.



Response: 400

Invalid request. You probably tried to update an application version ID which you don't have access to.



Response: 500

Internal server error.



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