This guide is to help developers get setup with the SDL Android library 4.6. It is assumed that the developer is already updated to 4.5 of the library. There are a few important changes that we need to make to the integration to keep things working well. The first is removing some of the BroadcastReceiver's intent filters in AndroidManifest.xml
that are now unneccessary. Secondly, the gradle integration of our library should now use implementation
instead of compile
. Lastly, the RPCRequestFactory
class has been deprecated and constructors with mandatory parameters have been added for each RPC class.
We will make changes to:
Assuming the manifest was up to date with version 4.5, we can now remove some of the intent-filters (ACL_DISCONNECTED
) for your app's BroadcastReceiver. The BroadcastReceiver section of the manifest should look as follows:
<manifest xmlns:android="" package=""> <application> ... <receiver android:name=".SdlReceiver" android:exported="true" android:enabled="true"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED" /> <action android:name="sdl.router.startservice" /> </intent-filter> </receiver> </application> ... </manifest>
The previous way of including the libary via compile
should now use implementation
. The dependencies section of your app's build.gradle
file should now appear as:
dependencies { implementation 'com.smartdevicelink:sdl_android:4.+' }
The RPCRequestFactory has been deprecated in 4.6. To build RPC requests, developers should use the constructors in the desired RPC request class. For example, instead of using RPCRequestFactory.buildAddCommand(...)
to build an AddCommand
request, try the following:
AddCommand addCommand = new AddCommand(100); addCommand.setMenuParams(new MenuParams("Skip")); proxy.sendRPCRequest(addCommand);