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JavaEE Guides
Integration Basics - Java

Integration Basics

In this guide, we exclusively use IntelliJ. We are going to set-up a bare-bones application so you get started using SDL.


The SDL Java library supports Java 7 and above.

A SmartDeviceLink Service should be created to manage the lifecycle of the SDL session. The SdlService should build and start an instance of the SdlManager which will automatically connect with a head unit when available. This SdlManager will handle sending and receiving messages to and from SDL after it is connected.

Create a new service and name it appropriately, for this guide we are going to call it SdlService.

public class SdlService {

Implementing SDL Manager

In order to correctly connect to an SDL enabled head unit developers need to implement methods for the proper creation and disposing of an SdlManager in our SdlService.


An instance of SdlManager cannot be reused after it is closed and properly disposed of. Instead, a new instance must be created. Only one instance of SdlManager should be in use at any given time.


SdlManagerListener method: onSystemInfoReceived auto generates in Android Studio to returns false. This will cause your app to not connect. You must change it to true or implement logic to check system info to see if you wish for your app to connect to that system.

public class SdlService {

    //The manager handles communication between the application and SDL
    private SdlManager sdlManager = null;

    public SdlService(BaseTransportConfig config){

    public void start() {
        if(sdlManager != null){

    public void stop() {
        if (sdlManager != null) {
            sdlManager = null;


    private void buildSdlManager(BaseTransportConfig transport) {

        if (sdlManager == null) {

            // The app type to be used
            Vector<AppHMIType> appType = new Vector<>();

            // The manager listener helps you know when certain events that pertain to the SDL Manager happen
            SdlManagerListener listener = new SdlManagerListener() {

                public void onStart(SdlManager sdlManager) {
                    // After this callback is triggered the SdlManager can be used to interact with the connected SDL session (updating the display, sending RPCs, etc)

                public void onDestroy(SdlManager sdlManager) {

                public void onError(SdlManager sdlManager, String info, Exception e) {

                public LifecycleConfigurationUpdate managerShouldUpdateLifecycle(Language language, Language hmiLanguage) {
                  return null;

                public boolean onSystemInfoReceived(SystemInfo systemInfo) {
                    // Check the SystemInfo object to ensure that the connection to the device should continue
                    return true;

            // Create App Icon, this is set in the SdlManager builder
            SdlArtwork appIcon = new SdlArtwork(ICON_FILENAME, FileType.GRAPHIC_PNG, ICON_PATH, true);

            // The manager builder sets options for your session
            SdlManager.Builder builder = new SdlManager.Builder(APP_ID, APP_NAME, listener);
            sdlManager = builder.build();


The sdlManager must be shutdown properly if this class is shutting down in the respective method using the method sdlManager.dispose().

Optional SdlManager Builder Parameters

App Icon

This is a custom icon for your application. Please refer to Adaptive Interface Capabilities for icon sizes.

App Type

The app type is used by car manufacturers to decide how to categorize your app. Each car manufacturer has a different categorization system. For example, if you set your app type as media, your app will also show up in the audio tab as well as the apps tab of Ford’s SYNC® 3 head unit. The app type options are: default, communication, media (i.e. music/podcasts/radio), messaging, navigation, projection, information, and social.

Vector<AppHMIType> appHMITypes = new Vector<>();

Short App Name

This is a shortened version of your app name that is substituted when the full app name will not be visible due to character count constraints. You will want to make this as short as possible.

Template Coloring

You can customize the color scheme of your initial template on head units that support this feature using the builder. For more information, see the Customizing the Template guide section.


Some OEMs may want to encrypt messages passed between your SDL app and the head unit. If this is the case, when you submit your app to the OEM for review, they will ask you to add a security library to your SDL app. See the Encryption section.

File Manager Configuration

The file manager configuration allows you to configure retry behavior for uploading files and images. The default configuration attempts one re-upload, but will fail after that.

FileManagerConfig fileManagerConfig = new FileManagerConfig();


The desired language to be used on display/HMI of connected module can be set.

Listening for RPC notifications and events

You can listen for specific events using SdlManager's builder setRPCNotificationListeners. The following example shows how to listen for HMI Status notifications. Additional listeners can be added for specific RPCs by using their corresponding FunctionID in place of the ON_HMI_STATUS in the following example and casting the RPCNotification object to the correct type.

Map<FunctionID, OnRPCNotificationListener> onRPCNotificationListenerMap = new HashMap<>();
onRPCNotificationListenerMap.put(FunctionID.ON_HMI_STATUS, new OnRPCNotificationListener() {
    public void onNotified(RPCNotification notification) {
        OnHMIStatus onHMIStatus = (OnHMIStatus) notification;
        if (onHMIStatus.getHmiLevel() == HMILevel.HMI_FULL && onHMIStatus.getFirstRun()){
            // first time in HMI Full

You can also use addOnRPCNotificationListener when creating an SdlManagerListener object. The following example shows how to set up the listener in the onStart() method of an SdlManagerListener object.

public void onStart() {
    // HMI Status Listener
    sdlManager.addOnRPCNotificationListener(FunctionID.ON_HMI_STATUS, new OnRPCNotificationListener() {
        public void onNotified(RPCNotification notification) {
            OnHMIStatus onHMIStatus = (OnHMIStatus) notification;
            if (onHMIStatus.getWindowID() != null && onHMIStatus.getWindowID() != PredefinedWindows.DEFAULT_WINDOW.getValue()) {
            if (onHMIStatus.getHmiLevel() == HMILevel.HMI_FULL && onHMIStatus.getFirstRun()) {
                // first time in HMI Full
Hash Resumptions

Set a hashID for your application that can be used over connection cycles (i.e. loss of connection, ignition cycles, etc.).


Determining SDL Support

You have the ability to determine a minimum SDL protocol and a minimum SDL RPC version that your app supports. You can also check the connected vehicle type and disconnect if the vehicle module is not supported. We recommend not setting these values until your app is ready for production. The OEMs you support will help you configure correct values during the application review process.

Blocking By Version

If a head unit is blocked by protocol version, your app icon will never appear on the head unit's screen. If you configure your app to block by RPC version, it will appear and then quickly disappear. So while blocking with minimumProtocolVersion is preferable, minimumRPCVersion allows you more granular control over which RPCs will be present.

builder.setMinimumProtocolVersion(new Version("3.0.0"));
builder.setMinimumRPCVersion(new Version("4.0.0"));
Blocking By Vehicle Type

If you are blocking by vehicle type and you are connected over RPC v7.1+, your app icon will never appear on the head unit's screen. If you are connected over RPC v7.0 or below, it will appear and then quickly disappear. To implement this type of blocking, you need to set up the SDLManagerListener. You will then implement logic in onSystemInfoReceived method and return true if you want to continue the connection and false if you wish to disconnect.

Adding EJB and Websockets

Create a new package where all the JavaEE-specific code will go.

The SDL Java library comes with a CustomTransport class which takes the role of sending messages between incoming sdl_core connections and your SDL application. You need to pass that class to the SdlManager builder to make the SDL Java library aware that you want to use your JavaEE websocket server as the transport.

Create a Java class in the new package which will be the SDLSessionBean class. This class utilizes the CustomTransport class and EJB JavaEE API which will make it the entry point of your app when a connection is made. It will open up a websocket server at / and create stateful beans, where the bean represents the logic of your cloud app. Every new connection to this endpoint creates a new bean containing your app logic, allowing for load balancing across all the instances of your app that were automatically created.

import com.smartdevicelink.transport.CustomTransport;
import javax.ejb.Stateful;
import javax.websocket.*;
import javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpoint;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

@Stateful(name = "SDLSessionEJB")
public class SDLSessionBean {

    CustomTransport websocket;

    public class WebSocketEE extends CustomTransport {
        Session session;
        public WebSocketEE(String address, Session session) {
            this.session = session;
        public void onWrite(byte[] bytes, int i, int i1) {
            try {
            catch (IOException e) {


    public void onOpen (Session session) {
        websocket = new WebSocketEE("http://localhost", session) {};
        //TODO: pass your CustomTransport instance to your SDL app here

    public void onMessage (ByteBuffer message, Session session) {
        websocket.onByteBufferReceived(message); //received message from core

Unfortunately, there's no way to get a client's IP address using the standard API, so localhost is passed to the CustomTransport for now as the transport address (this is only used locally in the library so it is not necessary).

The SDLSessionBean class’s @OnOpen method is where you will start your app, and should call your entry of your application and invoke whatever is needed to start it. You need to pass the instantiated CustomTransport object to your application so that the connection can be passed into the SdlManager.

The SdlManager will need you to create a CustomTransportConfig, pass in the CustomTransport instance from the SDLSessionBean instance, then set the SdlManager Builder’s transport type to that config. This will set your transport type into CUSTOM mode and will use your CustomTransport instance to handle the read and write operations.

// Set transport config. builder is a SdlManager.Builder
CustomTransportConfig transport = new CustomTransportConfig(websocket);

The SDLSessionBean should be inside a Java package other than the default package in order for it to work properly.

Add a New Artifact:
  • Right-click project -> Open Module Settings -> Artifacts -> + ->
    Web Application: Archive -> for your war: exploded artifact which should already exist
  • Create Manifest. Apply + OK.
  • Run Build -> Build Artifacts to get a .war file in the /out folder.

Where to Go From Here

You should now be able to connect to a head unit or emulator. For more guidance on connecting, see Connecting to an Infotainment System. To start building your app, learn about designing your interface. Please also review the best practices for building an SDL app.

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