Function Group: AudioPassThru
HMILevel needs to be FULL, LIMITED or BACKGROUNDParameter List
Name | Type | Description | Reg. | Notes | Version |
initialPrompt | TTSChunk[] | SDL will speak this prompt before opening the audio pass thru session. | N | This is an array of text chunks of type TTSChunk. The array must have at least one item If omitted, then no initial prompt is spoken: Array Minsize: 1 Array Maxsize: 100 |
SmartDeviceLink 2.0 |
audioPassThruDisplayText1 | String | First line of text displayed during audio capture. | N | Maxlength = 500 | SmartDeviceLink 2.0 |
samplingRate | SamplingRate | This value shall is allowed to be 8 or 16 or 22 or 44 khz. | Y | SmartDeviceLink 2.0 | |
maxDuration | Integer | The maximum duration of audio recording in milliseconds. | Y | Minvalue: 1; Maxvalue: 1000000 | SmartDeviceLink 2.0 |
bitsPerSample | BitsPerSample | Specifies the quality the audio is recorded - 8 bit or 16 bit. | Y | SmartDeviceLink 2.0 | |
audioType | AudioType | Specifies the type of audio data being requested. | Y | SmartDeviceLink 2.0 | |
muteAudio | Boolean | N | N | SmartDeviceLink 2.0 |
public static final java.lang.String KEY_MAX_DURATION
public static final java.lang.String KEY_AUDIO_PASS_THRU_DISPLAY_TEXT_1
public static final java.lang.String KEY_AUDIO_PASS_THRU_DISPLAY_TEXT_2
public static final java.lang.String KEY_MUTE_AUDIO
public static final java.lang.String KEY_SAMPLING_RATE
public static final java.lang.String KEY_AUDIO_TYPE
public static final java.lang.String KEY_INITIAL_PROMPT
public static final java.lang.String KEY_BITS_PER_SAMPLE
Constructs a new PerformAudioPassThru object
public PerformAudioPassThru()
Constructs a new PerformAudioPassThru object indicated by the Hashtable parameter
public PerformAudioPassThru(java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object> hash)
Constructs a new PerformAudioPassThru object
public PerformAudioPassThru(SamplingRate samplingRate,Integer maxDuration,BitsPerSample bitsPerSample,AudioType audioType)
Sets initial prompt which will be spoken before opening the audio pass thru session by SDL
public com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.PerformAudioPassThru setInitialPrompt(java.util.List<com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.TTSChunk> initialPrompt)
Gets a List value representing an initial prompt which will be spoken before opening the audio pass thru session by SDL
public java.util.List getInitialPrompt()
Sets a line of text displayed during audio capture
public com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.PerformAudioPassThru setAudioPassThruDisplayText1(String audioPassThruDisplayText1)
a String value representing the line of text displayed during audio capture
Notes: Maxlength=500Gets a first line of text displayed during audio capture
public java.lang.String getAudioPassThruDisplayText1()
Sets a line of text displayed during audio capture
public com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.PerformAudioPassThru setAudioPassThruDisplayText2(String audioPassThruDisplayText2)
a String value representing the line of text displayed during audio capture
Notes: Maxlength=500Gets a second line of text displayed during audio capture
public java.lang.String getAudioPassThruDisplayText2()
Sets a samplingRate
public com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.PerformAudioPassThru setSamplingRate(SamplingRate samplingRate)
Gets a samplingRate
public com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.enums.SamplingRate getSamplingRate()
Sets the maximum duration of audio recording in milliseconds
public com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.PerformAudioPassThru setMaxDuration(Integer maxDuration)
Gets a max duration of audio recording in milliseconds
public java.lang.Integer getMaxDuration()
Sets the quality the audio is recorded - 8 bit or 16 bit
public com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.PerformAudioPassThru setBitsPerSample(BitsPerSample audioQuality)
Gets a BitsPerSample value, 8 bit or 16 bit
public com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.enums.BitsPerSample getBitsPerSample()
Sets an audioType
public com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.PerformAudioPassThru setAudioType(AudioType audioType)
Gets a type of audio data
public com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.enums.AudioType getAudioType()
Gets a Boolean value representing if the current audio source should be muted during the APT session
public java.lang.Boolean getMuteAudio()
Sets a muteAudio value representing if the current audio source should be muted during the APT session If not, the audio source will play without interruption. If omitted, the value is set to true
public com.smartdevicelink.proxy.rpc.PerformAudioPassThru setMuteAudio(Boolean muteAudio)
From Class | Methods |
com.smartdevicelink.proxy.RPCRequest | getCorrelationID, setCorrelationID, setOnRPCResponseListener, getOnRPCResponseListener |
com.smartdevicelink.proxy.RPCMessage | getFunctionID, getFunctionName, setFunctionName, getMessageType, setParameters, getParameters, getObject, getString, getInteger, getFloat, getDouble, getBoolean, getLong |
com.smartdevicelink.proxy.RPCStruct | getStoreValue, getStore, deserializeJSON, serializeJSON, serializeJSON, format, getBulkData, setBulkData, setPayloadProtected, isPayloadProtected, getMessageTypeName, hasKey, setValue, getValue, getObject, formatObject, getValueForString, getString, getInteger, getDouble, getFloat, getBoolean, getLong, clone, equals, hashCode |
java.lang.Object | getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize |