Name | Type | Mandatory | Additional |
appID | Integer | true | |
audioPassThruDisplayTexts | Common.TextFieldStruct | true | array: true minsize: 0 maxsize: 2 |
maxDuration | Integer | true | minvalue: 1 maxvalue: 1000000 |
muteAudio | Boolean | true |
This RPC has no additional parameter requirements
{ "id" : 79, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "method" : "UI.PerformAudioPassThru", "params" : { "audioPassThruDisplayTexts" : { "fieldName" : audioPassThruDisplayText1, "fieldText" : "The audio capturing is in progress" }, "maxDuration" : 10000, } }
{ "id" : 79, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : { "code" : 0, "method" : "UI.PerformAudioPassThru" } }
{ "id" : 79, "jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : { "code" : 7, "message" : "The user interrupted the RPC and indicated to start over", "data" : { "method" : "UI.PerformAudioPassThru" } } }