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HMI Documentation


Communicate areas of focus in a video streaming application to the HMI

UI.SendHapticData represents a request for the HMI to keep track of several application-defined areas within a video stream for focus purposes. The HMI should highlight these areas with a rectangle when they are brought into focus on the HMI.


The HMI must store the provided HapticRect data and utilize it whenever the users switches focus to part of the application that sent the message.


The HMI must replace all stored HapticRect data every time a new SendHapticData is received for a given application. When an empty hapticRectData array is received, the HMI must clear any existing HapticRect data for that application.


The HMI must send a pair UI.OnTouchEvent (one BEGIN and one END) with a TouchCoord corresponding to the center of the HapticRect when one of these elements is selected by the user.



Name Type Mandatory Additional
hapticRectData Common.HapticRect false array: true
minsize: 0
maxsize: 1000
appID Integer true



This RPC has no additional parameter requirements

Sequence Diagrams

JSON Message Examples

Example Request

  "id" : 70,
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "method" : "UI.SendHapticData",
  "params" :
    "hapticRectData" : 
        "id" : 234,
        "rect" : 
          "x" : 567.2,
          "y" : 342.4,
          "width" : 200.0,
          "height": 150.0
    "appID" : 65464

Example Response

  "id" : 70,
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "result" :
    "code" : 0,
    "method" : "UI.SendHapticData"

Example Error

  "id" : 70,
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "error" :
    "code" : 2,
    "message" : "The HMI does not support the use of haptic data",
    "data" :
      "method": "UI.SendHapticData"
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