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HMI Documentation


Display a dialog that may contain new lines and text which is scrollable by the user.



Name Type Mandatory Additional
messageText Common.TextFieldStruct true
timeout Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 65535
softButtons Common.SoftButton false array: true
minsize: 0
maxsize: 8
appID Integer true
cancelID Integer false



This RPC has no additional parameter requirements

Sequence Diagrams

JSON Message Examples

Example Request

    "id": 138,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "UI.ScrollableMessage",
    "params": {
        "messageText": {
            "fieldName": "scrollableMessageBody",
            "fieldText": "Create a Station.\nEnter an artist, song or composer in the Search box in the top left corner. We'll create a radio station featuring that music and more like it. You can also create a new station from the song or artist currently playing by hovering over the album artwork, clicking the white up-arrow and selecting New Station—you can choose From Song or From Artist."
        "timeout": 10000,
        "softButtons": [
                "type": "TEXT",
                "text": "Leave onscreen",
                "softButtonID": 15,
                "systemAction": "KEEP_CONTEXT"
                "type": "TEXT",
                "text": "Cancel",
                "softButtonID": 16,
                "systemAction": "STEAL_FOCUS"
        "appID": 6527

Example Response

  "id" : 138,
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "result" :
    "code" : 0,
    "method" : "UI.ScrollableMessage"

Example Error

  "id" : 138,
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "error" :
    "code" : 12,
    "message" : "The string data is too long",
    "data" :
      "method" : "UI.ScrollableMessage"
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