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HMI Documentation


Create a new window on the display with the specified window type.

In order to work with widget windows, the app needs to be able to create them. One app can create one or multiple widgets.

This request is sent by SDL to HMI to create one or multiple widget windows.

  1. Create and store a list of available widgets
  2. Notify SDL about widget activation/deactivation
  3. Reject bidirectional window content duplication. Since widgets can be created with parameter duplicateUpdatesFromWindowID, it is prohibited for 2 widgets to have this parameter set to duplicate each other's content. (E.g. having widget1 that duplicates widget2 AND widget2 which duplicates widget1 is not allowed)
  1. Present widgets (could be listed on the home window, in the app's domain of the system, or next to the main app window area)
  2. Hold widgets in a list of available widgets (so that a user can choose the widgets they want)
  3. Pre-create a primary widget associated with a service type, which would be used by the HMI whenever a single widget needs to represent the whole app.
  4. Duplicate the content from another widget or window



Name Type Mandatory Additional
windowID Integer true
windowName String true maxlength: 100
type Common.WindowType true
associatedServiceType String false
duplicateUpdatesFromWindowID Integer false
appID Integer true



This RPC has no additional parameter requirements

Sequence Diagrams

JSON Message Examples

Example Request

  "id" : 70,
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "method" : "UI.CreateWindow",
  "params" :
    "windowName":"Widget App1",
    "appID": 65368

Example Response

  "id" : 70,
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "result" :
    "code" : 0,
    "method" : "UI.CreateWindow"

Example Error

  "id" : 70,
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "error" :
    "code" : 8,
    "message" : "The data may not be changed because it is currently in use",
    "data" :
    "method" : "UI.CreateWindow"
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