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HMI Documentation


To read RC module status data. The same function is used to subscribe/unsubscribe to RC module status/setting change notifications.

GetInteriorVehicleData is a request originated by a Remote Control Mobile Application.
If the parameter subscribe is set to true, the mobile application has requested to subscribe to the module data defined by moduleId + moduleType parameters.
SDL core allocates resources by a module (moduleId + moduleType).
SDL needs to subscribe to a module if there is at least one app that subscribes to the module. SDL needs to unsubscribe from a module if no apps subscribe to the module.

SDL forwards a GetInteriorVehicleData request to HMI only if there is no cached data available for the requested module (moduleId + moduleType) or it needs to subscribe to/unsubscribe from the module from HMI.
Otherwise, SDL responds to the request with the cached data without forwarding it to HMI.

The HMI should return interior vehicle data that corresponds to the requested module (moduleId + moduleType).


GetInteriorVehicleData is a request originated by a Remote Control Mobile Application.
If the optional moduleId is not provided in a GetInteriorVehicleData_request from a Remote Control Mobile Application, and if there is at least one module (published by capabilities) of the same moduleType, SDL core will use the default moduleId (the moduleId of first module provided in RC capabilities for requested moduleType) when processing the request.

If the parameter subscribe is set to true, the mobile application has requested to subscribe to the module data defined by the moduleType parameter.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
moduleType Common.ModuleType true The type of a RC module to retrieve module data from the vehicle.
In the future, this should be the Identification of a module.
moduleId String false maxlength: 100 Id of a module, published by System Capability.
subscribe Boolean false If subscribe is true, the head unit will register OnInteriorVehicleData notifications for the requested module (moduleId and moduleType).
If subscribe is false, the head unit will unregister OnInteriorVehicleData notifications for the requested module (moduleId and moduleType).
If subscribe is not included, the subscription status of the app for the requested module (moduleId and moduleType) will remain unchanged.


HMI must provide optional moduleId param in GetInteriorVehicleData_response.
HMI must return in GetInteriorVehicleData_response the current value of the display mode used in HMI if moduleType = HMI_SETTINGS .


Name Type Mandatory Additional
moduleData Common.ModuleData true
isSubscribed Boolean false

Sequence Diagrams

JSON Message Examples

Example Request

    "id": 122,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "RC.GetInteriorVehicleData",
    "params": {
        "moduleType": "CLIMATE",
        "subscribe": true

Example Response

    "id": 122,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "code": 0,
        "isSubscribed": true,
        "method": "RC.GetInteriorVehicleData",
        "moduleData": {
            "climateControlData": {
                "acEnable": true,
                "acMaxEnable": true,
                "autoModeEnable": true,
                "circulateAirEnable": true,
                "currentTemperature": {
                    "unit": "FAHRENHEIT",
                    "value": 20.1
                "defrostZone": "FRONT",
                "desiredTemperature": {
                    "unit": "CELSIUS",
                    "value": 10.5
                "dualModeEnable": true,
                "fanSpeed": 50,
                "ventilationMode": "BOTH"
            "moduleType": "CLIMATE"

Example Error

    "error": {
        "code": 2,
        "data": {
            "method": "RC.GetInteriorVehicleData"
        "message": "Unknown module type"
    "id": 122,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0"
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