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HMI Documentation


Announce a navigation maneuver.

SDL sends AlertManeuver together with TTS.Speak. The purpose of this RPC is to notify the embedded navigation system about the next navigation maneuver.

  1. Notify the user by TTS.Speak, which is sent along with AlertManeuver.
  2. Display the AlertManeuver dialog with an alert icon and one of the following:
    • Up to three soft buttons defined within the softButtons parameter.
    • HMI-defined Close soft button if a request without softButtons is received.
  3. Process SystemContext behavior for AlertManeuver in the same way an Alert is handled.

UI.OnSystemContext appID rules if AlertManeuver causes SystemContext updates:

  1. appID should not be sent for MENU and HMI_OBSCURED system contexts. Only apps in FULL should receive these updates.
  2. If the HMI sends appID with UI.OnSystemContext(MENU or HMI_OBSCURED), appID is ignored and the notification is transferred to the application that is in FULL.
  3. UI.OnSystemContext's appID parameter should be mandatory for MAIN and ALERT values. If no appID is sent for this case, the notification will be ignored by SDL.

If the HMI does not respond to SDL's request, after the default timeout occurs SDL will send GENERIC_ERROR to the corresponding mobile application.



Name Type Mandatory Additional
softButtons Common.SoftButton false array: true
minsize: 0
maxsize: 3
appID Integer true



This RPC has no additional parameter requirements

Sequence Diagrams

JSON Message Examples

Example Request

  "id": 143,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "Navigation.AlertManeuver",
  "params": {
    "softButtons": [
        "type": "TEXT",
        "text": "Leave Onscreen",
        "softButtonID": 45,
        "systemAction": "KEEP_CONTEXT"
        "type": "TEXT",
        "text": "Close",
        "softButtonID": 46,
        "systemAction": "STEAL_FOCUS"
  "appID": 96

Example Response

  "id" : 143,
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "result" :
    "code" : 0,
    "method" : "Navigation.AlertManeuver"

Example Error

  "id" : 143,
  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "error" :
    "code" : 13,
    "message" : "The command cannot be executed because there is NO app registered with the specified appID",
    "data" :
      "method" : "Navigation.AlertManeuver"
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