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HMI Documentation



Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
resolutionWidth Integer true minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 10000
resolutionHeight Integer true minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 10000


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
messageCode String true
ttsString String false
label String false
line1 String false
line2 String false
textBody String false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
navigation Boolean false Availability of build in Nav. True: Available, False: Not Available
phoneCall Boolean false Availability of build in phone. True: Available, False: Not Available
videoStreaming Boolean false Availability of built-in video streaming. True: Available, False: Not Available
Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
sendLocationEnabled Boolean false If the module has the ability to add locations to the onboard nav
getWayPointsEnabled Boolean false If the module has the ability to return way points from onboard nav


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
dialNumberEnabled Boolean false If the module has the ability to perform dial number


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
preferredResolution Common.ImageResolution false The preferred resolution of a video stream for decoding and rendering on HMI.
maxBitrate Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 2147483647
The maximum bitrate of video stream that is supported, in Kbps.
supportedFormats Common.VideoStreamingFormat false array: true Detailed information on each format supported by this system, in its preferred order.
hapticSpatialDataSupported Boolean false True if the system can utilize the haptic spatial data from the source being streamed.
diagonalScreenSize Float false minvalue: 0 The diagonal screen size in inches.
pixelPerInch Float false minvalue: 0 PPI is the diagonal resolution in pixels divided by the diagonal screen size in inches.
scale Float false minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 10
The scaling factor the app should use to change the size of the projecting view.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
navigationCapability Common.NavigationCapability false
phoneCapability Common.PhoneCapability false
videoStreamingCapability Common.VideoStreamingCapability false
Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
parentID Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 2000000000
position Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 1000
menuName String true maxlength: 500


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
pressureTelltale Common.WarningLightStatus false
leftFront Common.SingleTireStatus false
rightFront Common.SingleTireStatus false
leftRear Common.SingleTireStatus false
rightRear Common.SingleTireStatus false
innerLeftRear Common.SingleTireStatus false
innerRightRear Common.SingleTireStatus false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
eCallNotificationStatus Common.VehicleDataNotificationStatus true
auxECallNotificationStatus Common.VehicleDataNotificationStatus true
eCallConfirmationStatus Common.ECallConfirmationStatus true


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
resultCode Common.VehicleDataResultCode true
didLocation Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 65535
data String false maxlength: 5000


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
text String true maxlength: 500 The text/phonemes to be spoken or the name of an audio file to play
type Common.SpeechCapabilities true Describes how to interpret the text field (as plain text, a file name, etc.)


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
name Common.TextFieldName true
characterSet Common.CharacterSet true
width Integer true minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 500
rows Integer true minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 8


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
x Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 10000
y Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 10000


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
samplingRate Common.SamplingRate true
bitsPerSample Common.BitsPerSample true
audioType Common.AudioType true


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
url String true Get URL based on service type.
appID Integer false ID of application that requested this RPC.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
lowBeamsOn Boolean true
highBeamsOn Boolean true
ambientLightSensorStatus Common.AmbientLightStatus true


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
powerModeActive Boolean true
powerModeQualificationStatus Common.PowerModeQualificationStatus true
carModeStatus Common.CarModeStatus true
powerModeStatus Common.PowerModeStatus true


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
language Common.Language false
keyboardLayout Common.KeyboardLayout false
keypressMode Common.KeypressMode false
limitedCharacterList String false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
maxlength: 1
autoCompleteList String false array: true
minsize: 0
maxsize: 100
maxlength: 1000


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
choiceID Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 65535
menuName String false maxlength: 500
image Common.Image false
secondaryText String false maxlength: 500
tertiaryText String false maxlength: 500
secondaryImage Common.Image false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
voiceRecOn Boolean false
btIconOn Boolean false
callActive Boolean false
phoneRoaming Boolean false
textMsgAvailable Boolean false
battLevelStatus Common.DeviceLevelStatus false
stereoAudioOutputMuted Boolean false
monoAudioOutputMuted Boolean false
signalLevelStatus Common.DeviceLevelStatus false
primaryAudioSource Common.PrimaryAudioSource false
eCallEventActive Boolean false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
longitudeDegrees Float true minvalue: -180
maxvalue: 180
latitudeDegrees Float true minvalue: -90
maxvalue: 90
utcYear Integer false minvalue: 2010
maxvalue: 2100
utcMonth Integer false minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 12
utcDay Integer false minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 31
utcHours Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 23
utcMinutes Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 59
utcSeconds Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 59
compassDirection Common.CompassDirection false
pdop Float false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 1000
hdop Float false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 1000
vdop Float false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 1000
actual Boolean false
satellites Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 31
dimension Common.Dimension false
altitude Float false minvalue: -10000
maxvalue: 10000
heading Float false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 359.99
speed Float false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 500
shifted Boolean false True, if GPS lat/long, time, and altitude have been purposefully shifted (requires a proprietary algorithm to un-shift).
False, if the GPS data is raw and un-shifted.
If not provided, then value is assumed False


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
status Common.ComponentVolumeStatus true
tpms Common.TPMS false The status of TPMS according to the particular tire.
pressure Float false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 2000
The pressure value of the particular tire in kilopascals.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
shortPressAvailable Boolean true The button supports a short press.
Whenever the button is pressed short, onButtonPressed( SHORT) must be invoked.
longPressAvailable Boolean true The button supports a LONG press.
Whenever the button is pressed long, onButtonPressed( LONG) must be invoked.
upDownAvailable Boolean true The button supports "button down" and "button up".
Whenever the button is pressed, onButtonEvent( DOWN) must be invoked.
Whenever the button is released, onButtonEvent( UP) must be invoked.
imageSupported Boolean true Must be true if the button supports referencing a static or dynamic image.
textSupported Boolean false The button supports the use of text.
If not included, the default value should be considered true that the button will support text.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
appName String true maxlength: 100
ngnMediaScreenAppName String false maxlength: 100
icon String false
deviceInfo Common.DeviceInfo true
secondaryDeviceInfo Common.DeviceInfo false The ID, serial number, transport type that are acquired through Secondary Transport.
policyAppID String true minlength: 1
maxlength: 50
ttsName Common.TTSChunk false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
vrSynonyms String false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
maxlength: 40
appID Integer true Must not interfere with any name of previously registered applications from the same device
hmiDisplayLanguageDesired Common.Language false
isMediaApplication Boolean false
appType Common.AppHMIType false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
greyOut Boolean false
requestType Common.RequestType false array: true
minsize: 0
maxsize: 100
requestSubType String false array: true
minsize: 0
maxsize: 100
maxlength: 100
The list of SystemRequest's requestSubTypes allowed by policies for the named application.
If the app sends a requestSubType which is not specified in this list, then that request should be rejected.
An empty array signifies that any value of requestSubType is allowed for this app.
If this parameter is omitted, then a request with any value of requestSubType is now allowed for this app
dayColorScheme Common.TemplateColorScheme false
nightColorScheme Common.TemplateColorScheme false
isCloudApplication Boolean false
cloudConnectionStatus Common.CloudConnectionStatus false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
make String false maxlength: 500
model String false maxlength: 500
modelYear String false maxlength: 500
trim String false maxlength: 500


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
name Common.ButtonName true
shortPressAvailable Boolean true
longPressAvailable Boolean true
upDownAvailable Boolean true
moduleInfo Common.ModuleInfo false Information about a RC module, including its id.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
text String true maxlength: 500
image Common.Image false
position Integer true minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 100


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
parkBrakeActive Boolean true
ignitionStableStatus Common.IgnitionStableStatus true
ignitionStatus Common.IgnitionStatus true
driverDoorAjar Boolean false
passengerDoorAjar Boolean false
rearLeftDoorAjar Boolean false
rearRightDoorAjar Boolean false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
driverBeltDeployed Common.VehicleDataEventStatus false
passengerBeltDeployed Common.VehicleDataEventStatus false
passengerBuckleBelted Common.VehicleDataEventStatus false
driverBuckleBelted Common.VehicleDataEventStatus false
leftRow2BuckleBelted Common.VehicleDataEventStatus false
passengerChildDetected Common.VehicleDataEventStatus false
rightRow2BuckleBelted Common.VehicleDataEventStatus false
middleRow2BuckleBelted Common.VehicleDataEventStatus false
middleRow3BuckleBelted Common.VehicleDataEventStatus false
leftRow3BuckleBelted Common.VehicleDataEventStatus false
rightRow3BuckleBelted Common.VehicleDataEventStatus false
leftRearInflatableBelted Common.VehicleDataEventStatus false
rightRearInflatableBelted Common.VehicleDataEventStatus false
middleRow1BeltDeployed Common.VehicleDataEventStatus false
middleRow1BuckleBelted Common.VehicleDataEventStatus false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
navigationText Common.TextFieldStruct false
turnIcon Common.Image false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
emergencyEventType Common.EmergencyEventType true
fuelCutoffStatus Common.FuelCutoffStatus true
rolloverEvent Common.VehicleDataEventStatus true
maximumChangeVelocity Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 255
multipleEvents Common.VehicleDataEventStatus true


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
dataType Common.VehicleDataType true
resultCode Common.VehicleDataResultCode true


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
onScreenPresetsAvailable Boolean true


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
id Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 9
ts Integer true array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 1000
minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 2147483647
c Common.TouchCoord true array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 1000


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
name String true
id Integer true
allowed Boolean false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
pressAvailable Boolean true
multiTouchAvailable Boolean true
doublePressAvailable Boolean true


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
resolution Common.ImageResolution true
touchEventAvailable Common.TouchEventCapabilities false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
fieldName Common.TextFieldName true The name of the field for displaying the text.
fieldText String true maxlength: 500 The text itself.
fieldTypes Common.MetadataType false minsize: 0
maxsize: 5
array: true
The type of data contained in the field.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
name String true
id String true
transportType Common.TransportType false
isSDLAllowed Boolean false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
type Common.SoftButtonType true
text String false maxlength: 500
image Common.Image false
isHighlighted Boolean false
softButtonID Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 65535
systemAction Common.SystemAction true


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
driverAirbagDeployed Common.VehicleDataEventStatus true
driverSideAirbagDeployed Common.VehicleDataEventStatus true
driverCurtainAirbagDeployed Common.VehicleDataEventStatus true
passengerAirbagDeployed Common.VehicleDataEventStatus true
passengerCurtainAirbagDeployed Common.VehicleDataEventStatus true
driverKneeAirbagDeployed Common.VehicleDataEventStatus true
passengerSideAirbagDeployed Common.VehicleDataEventStatus true
passengerKneeAirbagDeployed Common.VehicleDataEventStatus true


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
red Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 255
green Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 255
blue Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 255


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
primaryColor Common.RGBColor false
secondaryColor Common.RGBColor false
backgroundColor Common.RGBColor false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
displayType Common.DisplayType true
displayName String false The name of the display the app is connected to.
textFields Common.TextField true array: true
minsize: 0
maxsize: 100
imageFields Common.ImageField false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
mediaClockFormats Common.MediaClockFormat true array: true
minsize: 0
maxsize: 100
imageCapabilities Common.ImageType false array: true
minsize: 0
maxsize: 2
graphicSupported Boolean true
templatesAvailable String true array: true
minsize: 0
maxsize: 100
maxlength: 100
screenParams Common.ScreenParams false
numCustomPresetsAvailable Integer false minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 100


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
hours Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 59
minutes Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 59
seconds Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 59


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
value String true maxlength: 65535 The path to the dynamic image stored on HU or the static binary image itself.
Note: There is no guarantee that the image reference is valid at the time it is received.
imageType Common.ImageType true Describes whether it is a static or dynamic image.
isTemplate Boolean false Optional value to specify whether it's a template image. A template image can be (re)colored by the HMI as needed by using an image pattern.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
e911Override Common.VehicleDataStatus true


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
name Common.ImageFieldName true
imageTypeSupported Common.FileType false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
imageResolution Common.ImageResolution false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
protocol Common.VideoStreamingProtocol true Protocol type, see VideoStreamingProtocol
codec Common.VideoStreamingCodec true Codec type, see VideoStreamingCodec


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
protocol Common.VideoStreamingProtocol false The video protocol configuration.
codec Common.VideoStreamingCodec false The video codec configuration.
width Integer false Width of the video stream, in pixels.
height Integer false Height of the video stream, in pixels.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
entityType Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 128
The entityType which status is informed by "status" param.
entityID Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 128
The corresponding ID of entityType which status is informed by "status" param.
status Common.EntityStatus true Status of External User Consent Settings entity: "ON" or "OFF"


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
moduleType Common.ModuleType true The moduleType indicates which type of data should be changed and identifies which data object exists in this struct. For example, if the moduleType is CLIMATE then a "climateControlData" should exist
moduleId String false maxlength: 100 Id of a module, published by System Capability.
radioControlData Common.RadioControlData false
climateControlData Common.ClimateControlData false
seatControlData Common.SeatControlData false
audioControlData Common.AudioControlData false
lightControlData Common.LightControlData false
hmiSettingsControlData Common.HMISettingsControlData false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
frequencyInteger Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 1710
The integer part of the frequency ie for 101.7 this value should be 101
frequencyFraction Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 9
The fractional part of the frequency for 101.7 is 7
band Common.RadioBand false
rdsData Common.RdsData false
availableHDs Integer false minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 7
Number of HD sub-channels if available. Deprecated.
hdChannel Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 7
Current HD sub-channel if available.
signalStrength Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 100
signalChangeThreshold Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 100
If the signal strength falls below the set value for this parameter, the radio will tune to an alternative frequency
radioEnable Boolean false True if the radio is on, false is the radio is off
state Common.RadioState false
sisData Common.SisData false Read-only Station Information Service (SIS) data provides basic information about the station such as call sign, as well as information not displayable to the consumer such as the station identification number
hdRadioEnable Boolean false True if the hd radio is on, false is the radio is off
availableHdChannels Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 7
array: true
minsize: 0
maxsize: 8
The list of available hd sub-channel indexes, empty list means no Hd channel is available, read-only


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
PS String false minlength: 0
maxlength: 8
Program Service Name
RT String false minlength: 0
maxlength: 64
Radio Text
CT String false minlength: 24
maxlength: 24
The clock text in UTC format as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD
PI String false minlength: 0
maxlength: 6
Program Identification - the call sign for the radio station
PTY Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 31
The program type - The region should be used to differentiate between EU and North America program types
TP Boolean false Traffic Program Identification - Identifies a station that offers traffic
TA Boolean false Traffic Announcement Identification - Indicates an ongoing traffic announcement
REG String false Region


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
countryCode Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 999
Binary Representation of ITU Country Code. USA Code is 001.
fccFacilityId Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 999999
Binary representation of unique facility ID assigned by the FCC; FCC controlled for U.S. territory


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
stationShortName String false minlength: 4
maxlength: 7
Identifies the 4-alpha-character station call sign plus an optional (-FM) extension
stationIDNumber Common.StationIDNumber false Used for network Application. Consists of Country Code and FCC Facility ID.
stationLongName String false minlength: 0
maxlength: 56
Identifies the station call sign or other identifying information in the long format.
stationLocation Common.GPSData false Provides the 3-dimensional geographic station location.
HMI should include only longitudeDegrees, latitudeDegrees, altitude params providing SiSData
stationMessage String false minlength: 0
maxlength: 56
May be used to convey textual information of general interest to the consumer such as weather forecasts or public service announcements.
Includes a high priority delivery feature to convey emergencies that may be in the listening area.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
fanSpeed Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 100
currentTemperature Common.Temperature false
desiredTemperature Common.Temperature false
acEnable Boolean false
circulateAirEnable Boolean false
autoModeEnable Boolean false
defrostZone Common.DefrostZone false
dualModeEnable Boolean false
acMaxEnable Boolean false
ventilationMode Common.VentilationMode false
heatedSteeringWheelEnable Boolean false value false means disabled/turn off, value true means enabled/turn on.
heatedWindshieldEnable Boolean false value false means disabled, value true means enabled.
heatedRearWindowEnable Boolean false value false means disabled, value true means enabled.
heatedMirrorsEnable Boolean false value false means disabled, value true means enabled.
climateEnable Boolean false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
unit Common.TemperatureUnit true Temperature Unit
value Float true The temperature value is in TemperatureUnit specified unit


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
climateControlCapabilities Common.ClimateControlCapabilities false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
If included, the platform supports RC climate controls. For this baseline version, maxsize=1. i.e. only one climate control module is supported
radioControlCapabilities Common.RadioControlCapabilities false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
If included, the platform supports RC radio controls. For this baseline version, maxsize=1. i.e. only one climate control module is supported
buttonCapabilities Common.ButtonCapabilities false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
If included, the platform supports RC button controls with the included button names
seatControlCapabilities Common.SeatControlCapabilities false minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
array: true
If included, the platform supports seat controls.
audioControlCapabilities Common.AudioControlCapabilities false minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
array: true
If included, the platform supports audio controls.
hmiSettingsControlCapabilities Common.HMISettingsControlCapabilities false If included, the platform supports hmi setting controls.
lightControlCapabilities Common.LightControlCapabilities false If included, the platform supports light controls.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
moduleName String true maxlength: 100 The short friendly name of the climate control module. It should not be used to identify a module by mobile application.
moduleInfo Common.ModuleInfo false Information about a RC module, including its id.
fanSpeedAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of fan speed
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
currentTemperatureAvailable Boolean false Availability of the reading of current temperature.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
desiredTemperatureAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of desired temperature.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
acEnableAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of turn on/off AC.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
acMaxEnableAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of enable/disable air conditioning is ON on the maximum level.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
circulateAirEnableAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of enable/disable circulate Air mode.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
autoModeEnableAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of enable/disable auto mode.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
dualModeEnableAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of enable/disable dual mode.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
defrostZoneAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of defrost zones.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
defrostZone Common.DefrostZone false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
A set of all defrost zones that are controllable.
ventilationModeAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of air ventilation mode.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
ventilationMode Common.VentilationMode false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
A set of all ventilation modes that are controllable
heatedSteeringWheelAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control (enable/disable) of heated Steering Wheel.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
heatedWindshieldAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control (enable/disable) of heated Windshield.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
heatedRearWindowAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control (enable/disable) of heated Rear Window.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
heatedMirrorsAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control (enable/disable) of heated Mirrors.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
climateEnableAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of enable/disable climate control.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
moduleName String true maxlength: 100 The short friendly name of the light control module.
It should not be used to identify a module by mobile application.
moduleInfo Common.ModuleInfo false Information about a RC module, including its id.
sourceAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of audio source.
keepContextAvailable Boolean false Availability of the parameter keepContext.
volumeAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of audio volume.
equalizerAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of Equalizer Settings.
equalizerMaxChannelId Integer false minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 100
Must be included if equalizerAvailable=true, and assume all IDs starting from 1 to this value are valid.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
channelId Integer true minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 100
Defines the each Equalizer channel settings.
channelName String false maxlength: 50 Read-only channel / frequency name (e.i. "Treble, Midrange, Bass" or "125 Hz")
channelSetting Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 100
Reflects the setting, from 0%-100%.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
source Common.PrimaryAudioSource false In a getter response or a notification, it is the current primary audio source of the system.
In a setter request, it is the target audio source that the system shall switch to.
If the value is MOBILE_APP, the system shall switch to the mobile media app that issues the setter RPC.
keepContext Boolean false This parameter shall not be present in any getter responses or notifications.
This parameter is optional in a setter request. The default value is false.
If it is false, the system not only changes the audio source but also brings the default infotainment system UI associated with the audio source to foreground and set the application to background.
If it is true, the system changes the audio source, but keeps the current application's context.
volume Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 100
Reflects the volume of audio, from 0%-100%."
equalizerSettings Common.EqualizerSettings false minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
array: true
Defines the list of supported channels (band) and their current/desired settings on HMI


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
name Common.LightName true
statusAvailable Boolean false Indicates if the status (ON/OFF) can be set remotely. App shall not use read-only values (RAMP_UP/RAMP_DOWN/UNKNOWN/INVALID) in a setInteriorVehicleData request.
densityAvailable Boolean false Indicates if the light's density can be set remotely (similar to a dimmer).
rgbColorSpaceAvailable Boolean false Indicates if the light's color can be set remotely by using the sRGB color space.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
moduleName String true maxlength: 100 The short friendly name of the light control module.
It should not be used to identify a module by mobile application.
moduleInfo Common.ModuleInfo false Information about a RC module, including its id.
supportedLights Common.LightCapabilities true minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
array: true
An array of available LightCapabilities that are controllable.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
id Common.LightName true The name of a light or a group of lights.
status Common.LightStatus true
density Float false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 1
color Common.RGBColor false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
lightState Common.LightState true minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
array: true
An array of LightNames and their current or desired status.
Status of the LightNames that are not listed in the array shall remain unchanged.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
moduleName String true maxlength: 100 The short friendly name of the hmi setting module.
It should not be used to identify a module by mobile application.
moduleInfo Common.ModuleInfo false Information about a RC module, including its id.
distanceUnitAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of distance unit.
temperatureUnitAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of temperature unit.
displayModeUnitAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of HMI display mode.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
displayMode Common.DisplayMode false
temperatureUnit Common.TemperatureUnit false
distanceUnit Common.DistanceUnit false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
moduleName String true maxlength: 100 The short friendly name of the climate control module.
It should not be used to identify a module by mobile application.
moduleInfo Common.ModuleInfo false Information about a RC module, including its id.
radioEnableAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of enable/disable radio.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
radioBandAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of radio band.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
radioFrequencyAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of radio frequency.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
hdChannelAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of HD radio channel.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available
rdsDataAvailable Boolean false Availability of the getting Radio Data System (RDS) data.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
availableHDsAvailable Boolean false Availability of the getting the number of available HD channels.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
stateAvailable Boolean false Availability of the getting the Radio state.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
signalStrengthAvailable Boolean false Availability of the getting the signal strength.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
signalChangeThresholdAvailable Boolean false Availability of the getting the signal Change Threshold.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
sisDataAvailable Boolean false Availability of the getting HD radio Station Information Service (SIS) data.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
hdRadioEnableAvailable Boolean false Availability of the control of enable/disable HD radio.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
siriusxmRadioAvailable Boolean false Availability of sirius XM radio.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.
availableHdChannelsAvailable Boolean false Availability of the list of available HD sub-channel indexes.
True: Available, False: Not Available, Not present: Not Available.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
entityType Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 128
The entityType which status is informed by "status" param.
entityID Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 128
The corresponding ID of entityType which status is informed by "status" param.
status Common.EntityStatus true Status of External User Consent Settings entity: "ON" or "OFF"


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
x Float true The X-coordinate of the rectangle
y Float true The Y-coordinate of the rectangle
width Float true The width of the rectangle
height Float true The height of the rectangle


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
id Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 2000000000
A unique identifier for the haptic rectangle
rect Common.Rectangle true The position of the haptic rectangle to be highlighted.
The center of this rectangle is considered "touched" when the element is focused and then selected.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
type Common.FuelType false
range Float false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 10000
The estimate range in KM the vehicle can travel based on fuel level and consumption


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
massageZone Common.MassageZone true
massageMode Common.MassageMode true


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
cushion Common.MassageCushion true
firmness Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 100


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
id Integer true minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 10
label String false maxlength: 100
action Common.SeatMemoryActionType true


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
id Common.SupportedSeat false
heatingEnabled Boolean false
coolingEnabled Boolean false
heatingLevel Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 100
coolingLevel Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 100
horizontalPosition Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 100
verticalPosition Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 100
frontVerticalPosition Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 100
backVerticalPosition Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 100
backTiltAngle Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 100
headSupportHorizontalPosition Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 100
headSupportVerticalPosition Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 100
massageEnabled Boolean false
massageMode Common.MassageModeData false minsize: 1
maxsize: 2
array: true
massageCushionFirmness Common.MassageCushionFirmness false minsize: 1
maxsize: 5
array: true
memory Common.SeatMemoryAction false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
moduleName String true maxlength: 100 The short friendly name of the light control module.
It should not be used to identify a module by mobile application.
moduleInfo Common.ModuleInfo false Information about a RC module, including its id.
heatingEnabledAvailable Boolean false
coolingEnabledAvailable Boolean false
heatingLevelAvailable Boolean false
coolingLevelAvailable Boolean false
horizontalPositionAvailable Boolean false
verticalPositionAvailable Boolean false
frontVerticalPositionAvailable Boolean false
backVerticalPositionAvailable Boolean false
backTiltAngleAvailable Boolean false
headSupportHorizontalPositionAvailable Boolean false
headSupportVerticalPositionAvailable Boolean false
massageEnabledAvailable Boolean false
massageModeAvailable Boolean false
massageCushionFirmnessAvailable Boolean false
memoryAvailable Boolean false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
millisecond Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 999
Milliseconds – part of time - one thousandth split second
second Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 60
Seconds part of time
minute Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 59
Minutes part of time
hour Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 23
Hours part of time. Note that this structure accepts time only in 24 Hr format
day Integer false minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 31
Day of the month
month Integer false minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 12
Month of the year
year Integer false maxvalue: 4095 The year in YYYY format
tz_hour Integer false minvalue: -12
maxvalue: 14
defvalue: 0
Time zone offset in Hours with regard to UTC.
tz_minute Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 59
defvalue: 0
Time zone offset in Min with regard to UTC.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
latitudeDegrees Float true minvalue: -90
maxvalue: 90
Latitude of the location
longitudeDegrees Float true minvalue: -180
maxvalue: 180
Longitude of the location


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
countryName String false minlength: 0
maxlength: 200
Name of the country (localized)
countryCode String false minlength: 0
maxlength: 50
Name of country (ISO 3166-2)
postalCode String false minlength: 0
maxlength: 16
(PLZ, ZIP, PIN, CAP etc.)
administrativeArea String false minlength: 0
maxlength: 200
Portion of country (e.g. state)
subAdministrativeArea String false minlength: 0
maxlength: 200
Portion of administrativeArea (e.g. county)
locality String false minlength: 0
maxlength: 200
Hypernym for city/village
subLocality String false minlength: 0
maxlength: 200
Hypernym for district
thoroughfare String false minlength: 0
maxlength: 200
Hypernym for street, road etc
subThoroughfare String false minlength: 0
maxlength: 200
Portion of thoroughfare (e.g. house number)


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
coordinate Common.Coordinate false Latitude/Longitude of the location
locationName String false maxlength: 500 Name of location
addressLines String false maxlength: 500
array: true
minsize: 0
maxsize: 4
Location address for display purposes only
locationDescription String false maxlength: 500 Description intended location/establishment (if applicable)
phoneNumber String false maxlength: 500 Phone number of location/establishment
locationImage Common.Image false Image/icon of intended location
searchAddress Common.OASISAddress false Address to be used by navigation engines for search


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
majorVersion Integer true minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 10
The major version indicates versions that is not-compatible to previous versions
minorVersion Integer true minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 1000
The minor version indicates a change to a previous version that should still allow to be run on an older version (with limited functionality)
patchVersion Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 1000
The patch version indicates a fix to existing functionality in a previous version that should still be able to be run on an older version


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
serviceName String false Unique name of this service
serviceType String true The type of service that is to be offered by this app
serviceIcon Common.Image false The icon to be associated with this service. Most likely the same as the appIcon
allowAppConsumers Boolean false defvalue: false If true, app service consumers beyond the IVI system will be able to access this service. If false, only the IVI system will be able consume the service. If not provided, it is assumed to be false
rpcSpecVersion Common.SyncMsgVersion false This is the max RPC Spec version the app service understands. This is important during the RPC passthrough functionality. If not included, it is assumed the max version of the module is acceptable
handledRPCs Integer false array: true This field contains the Function IDs for the RPCs that this service intends to handle correctly. This means the service will provide meaningful responses
mediaServiceManifest Common.MediaServiceManifest false
weatherServiceManifest Common.WeatherServiceManifest false
navigationServiceManifest Common.NavigationServiceManifest false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
serviceID String true A unique ID tied to this specific service record. The ID is supplied by the module that services publish themselves
serviceManifest Common.AppServiceManifest true Manifest for the service that this record is for
servicePublished Boolean true If true, the service is published and available. If false, the service has likely just been unpublished, and should be considered unavailable
serviceActive Boolean true If true, the service is the active primary service of the supplied service type. It will receive all potential RPCs that are passed through to that service type. If false, it is not the primary service of the supplied type. See servicePublished for its availability


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
serviceType String true The type of service that is to be offered by this app. See AppServiceType for known enum equivalent types. Parameter is a string to allow for new service types to be used by apps on older versions of SDL Core
serviceID String true A unique ID tied to this specific service
mediaServiceData Common.MediaServiceData false
weatherServiceData Common.WeatherServiceData false
navigationServiceData Common.NavigationServiceData false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
updateReason Common.ServiceUpdateReason false Only included in OnSystemCapabilityUpdated. Update reason for service record
updatedAppServiceRecord Common.AppServiceRecord true Service record for a specific app service provider


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
appServices Common.AppServiceCapability false array: true An array of currently available services. If this is an update to the capability the affected services will include an update reason in that item


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
systemCapabilityType Common.SystemCapabilityType true Used as a descriptor of what data to expect in this struct. The corresponding param to this enum should be included and the only other param included
navigationCapability Common.NavigationCapability false Describes extended capabilities for onboard navigation system
phoneCapability Common.PhoneCapability false Describes extended capabilities of the module's phone feature
videoStreamingCapability Common.VideoStreamingCapability false Describes extended capabilities of the module's phone feature
remoteControlCapability Common.RemoteControlCapabilities false Describes extended capabilities of the module's phone feature
appServicesCapabilities Common.AppServicesCapabilities false An array of currently available services. If this is an update to the capability the affected services will include an update reason in that item
displayCapabilities Common.DisplayCapability false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 1000
seatLocationCapability Common.SeatLocationCapability false Contains information about the locations of each seat


There are no defined parameters for this struct


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
mediaType Common.MediaType false The type of the currently playing or paused track
mediaTitle String false Music: The name of the current track
Podcast: The name of the current episode
Audiobook: The name of the current chapter
mediaArtist String false Music: The name of the current album artist
Podcast: The provider of the podcast (hosts, network, company)
Audiobook: The book author's name
mediaAlbum String false Music: The name of the current album
Podcast: The name of the current podcast show
Audiobook: The name of the current book
playlistName String false Music: The name of the playlist or radio station, if the user is playing from a playlist, otherwise, Null
Podcast: The name of the playlist, if the user is playing from a playlist, otherwise, Null
Audiobook: Likely not applicable, possibly a collection or "playlist" of books
isExplicit Boolean false Whether or not the content currently playing (e.g. the track, episode, or book) contains explicit content
trackPlaybackProgress Integer false Music: The current progress of the track in seconds
Podcast: The current progress of the episode in seconds
Audiobook: The current progress of the current segment (e.g. the chapter) in seconds
trackPlaybackDuration Integer false Music: The total duration of the track in seconds
Podcast: The total duration of the episode in seconds
Audiobook: The total duration of the current segment (e.g. the chapter) in seconds
queuePlaybackProgress Integer false Music: The current progress of the playback queue in seconds
Podcast: The current progress of the playback queue in seconds
Audiobook: The current progress of the playback queue (e.g. the book) in seconds
queuePlaybackDuration Integer false Music: The total duration of the playback queue in seconds
Podcast: The total duration of the playback queue in seconds
Audiobook: The total duration of the playback queue (e.g. the book) in seconds
queueCurrentTrackNumber Integer false Music: The current number (1 based) of the track in the playback queue
Podcast: The current number (1 based) of the episode in the playback queue
Audiobook: The current number (1 based) of the episode in the playback queue (e.g. the chapter number in the book)
queueTotalTrackCount Integer false Music: The total number of tracks in the playback queue
Podcast: The total number of episodes in the playback queue
Audiobook: The total number of sections in the playback queue (e.g. the number of chapters in the book)
mediaImage Common.Image false Music: The album art of the current track
Podcast: The podcast or chapter artwork of the current podcast episode
Audiobook: The book or chapter artwork of the current audiobook


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
currentForecastSupported Boolean false
maxMultidayForecastAmount Integer false
maxHourlyForecastAmount Integer false
maxMinutelyForecastAmount Integer false
weatherForLocationSupported Boolean false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
title String false
summary String false
expires Common.DateTime false
regions String false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 99
severity String false
timeIssued Common.DateTime false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
currentTemperature Common.Temperature false
temperatureHigh Common.Temperature false
temperatureLow Common.Temperature false
apparentTemperature Common.Temperature false
apparentTemperatureHigh Common.Temperature false
apparentTemperatureLow Common.Temperature false
weatherSummary String false
time Common.DateTime false
humidity Float false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 1
0 to 1, percentage humidity
cloudCover Float false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 1
0 to 1, percentage cloud cover
moonPhase Float false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 1
0 to 1, percentage of the moon seen, e.g. 0 = no moon, 0.25 = quarter moon
windBearing Integer false In degrees, true north at 0 degrees
windGust Float false km/hr
windSpeed Float false km/hr
nearestStormBearing Integer false In degrees, true north at 0 degrees
nearestStormDistance Integer false In km
precipAccumulation Float false cm
precipIntensity Float false cm of water per hour
precipProbability Float false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 1
0 to 1, percentage chance
precipType String false e.g. "rain", "snow", "sleet", "hail"
visibility Float false In km
weatherIcon Common.Image false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
location Common.LocationDetails true
currentForecast Common.WeatherData false
minuteForecast Common.WeatherData false array: true
minsize: 15
maxsize: 60
hourlyForecast Common.WeatherData false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 96
multidayForecast Common.WeatherData false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 30
alerts Common.WeatherAlert false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 10
This array should be ordered with the first object being the current day
Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
acceptsWayPoints Boolean false Informs the subscriber if this service can actually accept way points
Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
locationDetails Common.LocationDetails true
action Common.NavigationAction true
eta Common.DateTime false
bearing Integer false minvalue: 0
maxvalue: 359
The angle at which this instruction takes place. For example, 0 would mean straight, less than 45 is bearing right, greater than 135 is sharp right, between 45 and 135 is a regular right, and 180 is a U-Turn, etc
junctionType Common.NavigationJunction false
drivingSide Common.Direction false Used to infer which side of the road this instruction takes place. For a U-Turn (action=TURN, bearing=180) this will determine which direction the turn should take place
details String false This is a string representation of this instruction, used to display instructions to the users. This is not intended to be read aloud to the users, see the param prompt in NavigationServiceData for that
image Common.Image false An image representation of this instruction
Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
timeStamp Common.DateTime true This is the timestamp of when the data was generated. This is to ensure any time or distance given in the data can accurately be adjusted if necessary
origin Common.LocationDetails false
destination Common.LocationDetails false
destinationETA Common.DateTime false
instructions Common.NavigationInstruction false array: true This array should be ordered with all remaining instructions. The start of this array should always contain the next instruction
nextInstructionETA Common.DateTime false
nextInstructionDistance Float false The distance to this instruction from current location. This should only be updated ever .1 unit of distance. For more accuracy the consumer can use the GPS location of itself and the next instruction
nextInstructionDistanceScale Float false Distance till next maneuver (starting from) from previous maneuver
prompt String false This is a prompt message that should be conveyed to the user through either display or voice (TTS). This param will change often as it should represent the following: approaching instruction, post instruction, alerts that affect the current navigation session, etc


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
template String true maxlength: 500 Predefined or dynamically created window template. Currently only predefined window template layouts are defined.
dayColorScheme Common.TemplateColorScheme false
nightColorScheme Common.TemplateColorScheme false


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
displayName String false
windowTypeSupported Common.WindowTypeCapabilities false array: true
minsize: 1
Informs the application how many windows the app is allowed to create per type
windowCapabilities Common.WindowCapability false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 1000
Contains a list of capabilities of all windows related to the app.
Once the app has registered the capabilities of all windows are provided.
GetSystemCapability still allows requesting window capabilities of all windows.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
type Common.WindowType true
maximumNumberOfWindows Integer true


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
windowID Integer false The specified ID of the window. Can be set to a predefined window, or omitted for the main window on the main display.
textFields Common.TextField false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
A set of all fields that support text data. See TextField
imageFields Common.ImageField false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
A set of all fields that support images. See ImageField
imageTypeSupported Common.ImageType false array: true
minsize: 0
maxsize: 1000
Provides information about image types supported by the system.
templatesAvailable String false array: true
minsize: 0
maxsize: 100
maxlength: 100
A set of all window templates available on the head unit.
numCustomPresetsAvailable Integer false minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 100
The number of on-window custom presets available (if any); otherwise omitted.
buttonCapabilities Common.ButtonCapabilities false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
The number of buttons and the capabilities of each on-window button.
softButtonCapabilities Common.SoftButtonCapabilities false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 100
The number of soft buttons available on-window and the capabilities for each button.
menuLayoutsAvailable Common.MenuLayout false array: true
minsize: 1
maxsize: 1000
An array of available menu layouts. If this parameter is not provided, only the LIST layout is assumed to be available


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
moduleId String true maxlength: 100 uuid of a module. "moduleId + moduleType" uniquely identify a module.
location Common.Grid false Location of a module.
serviceArea Common.Grid false Service area of a module.
allowMultipleAccess Boolean false defvalue: true allow multiple users/apps to access the module or not


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
col Integer true minvalue: -1
maxvalue: 100
Describes a location (origin coordinates and span) of a vehicle component.
row Integer true minvalue: -1
maxvalue: 100
Describes a location (origin coordinates and span) of a vehicle component.
level Integer false minvalue: -1
maxvalue: 100
defvalue: 0
Describes a location (origin coordinates and span) of a vehicle component.
colspan Integer false minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 100
defvalue: 1
Describes a location (origin coordinates and span) of a vehicle component.
rowspan Integer false minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 100
defvalue: 1
Describes a location (origin coordinates and span) of a vehicle component.
levelspan Integer false minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 100
defvalue: 1
Describes a location (origin coordinates and span) of a vehicle component.


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
rows Integer false minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 100
Contains information about the locations of each seat.
columns Integer false minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 100
Contains information about the locations of each seat.
levels Integer false minvalue: 1
maxvalue: 100
defvalue: 1
Contains information about the locations of each seat.
seats Common.SeatLocation false array: true Contains a list of SeatLocation in the vehicle, the first element is the driver's seat


Name Type Mandatory Additional Description
grid Common.Grid false Describes the location of a seat. HMI shall include this parameter when publishing seat locations in capabilities.
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