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HMI Documentation


Inform the application it is no longer active on the HMI

SDL requires this notification in order to keep the mobile application from sending RPC's related to the HMI's functionality (e.g. adding commands for VR, starting an interaction with the user, speaking text via TTS, etc).

In the event a navigation application is in FULL and the HMI sends OnAppDeactivated, SDL must set the navigation application to LIMITED with the AudioStreamingState set to AUDIBLE, VideoStreamingState STREAMABLE.

In the event a media projection application is in FULL and the HMI sends OnAppDeactivated (user goes out from media app screen to HU menu), SDL must set the app to LIMITED with the AudioStreamingState set to AUDIBLE, VideoStreamingState STREAMABLE.

In the event a non media projection application is in FULL the HMI sends OnAppDeactivated (user goes out from media app screen to HU menu), SDL must set the app to LIMITED with the AudioStreamingState set to NOT_AUDIBLE, VideoStreamingState STREAMABLE.


The information about the application (name, appID, etc) is provided by SDL via the RPCs UpdateAppList or OnAppRegistered. SDL ignores all invalid notifications which come from the HMI (invalid JSON, invalid data types/bounds, etc).



Name Type Mandatory Additional
appID Integer true
windowID Integer false

Sequence Diagrams

JSON Message Examples

Example Notification

  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "method" : "BasicCommunication.OnAppDeactivated",
  "params" :
    "appID" : 65544
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