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A Slider creates a full screen or pop-up overlay (depending on platform) that a user can control. There are two main Slider layouts, one with a static footer and one with a dynamic footer.


The slider will persist on the screen until the timeout has elapsed or the user dismisses the slider by selecting a position or canceling.

A slider popup with a static footer displays a single, optional, footer message below the slider UI. A dynamic footer can show a different message for each slider position.

Slider UI

Slider with Static Footer 1

Dynamic Slider in Position 1

Slider with Dynamic Footer 1

Dynamic Slider in Position 2

Slider with Dynamic Footer 2

Creating the Slider

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Slider slider = new Slider();


The number of selectable items on a horizontal axis.

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// Must be a number between 2 and 26


The initial position of slider control (cannot exceed numTicks).

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// Must be a number between 1 and 26

The header to display.

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// Max length 500 chars
slider.setSliderHeader("This is a Header");

The footer will have the same message across all positions of the slider.

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// Max length 500 chars
slider.setSliderFooter(Collections.singletonList("Static Footer"));

This type of footer will have a different message displayed for each position of the slider. The footer is an optional parameter. The footer message displayed will be based off of the slider's current position. The footer array should be the same length as numTicks because each footer must correspond to a tick value. Or, you can pass null to have no footer at all.

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// Array length 1 - 26, Max length 500 chars
slider.setSliderFooter(Arrays.asList("Footer 1","Footer 2","Footer 3"));

Cancel ID

An ID for this specific slider to allow cancellation through the CancelInteraction RPC. The ScreenManager takes cancel ids 0 - 10000, so ensure any cancel id that you set is outside of that range.

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Show the Slider

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slider.setOnRPCResponseListener(new OnRPCResponseListener() {
    public void onResponse(int correlationId, RPCResponse response) {
        if (response.getSuccess()) {
            SliderResponse sliderResponse = (SliderResponse) response;
            DebugTool.logInfo(TAG, "Slider Position Set: " + sliderResponse.getSliderPosition());

Dismissing a Slider (RPC v6.0+)

You can dismiss a displayed slider before the timeout has elapsed by dismissing either a specific slider or the current slider.


If connected to older head units that do not support this feature, the cancel request will be ignored, and the slider will persist on the screen until the timeout has elapsed or the user dismisses by selecting a position or canceling.

Dismissing a Specific Slider

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// `cancelID` is the ID that you assigned when creating the slider
CancelInteraction cancelInteraction = new CancelInteraction(FunctionID.SLIDER.getId(), cancelID);
cancelInteraction.setOnRPCResponseListener(new OnRPCResponseListener() {
    public void onResponse(int correlationId, RPCResponse response) {
        if (response.getSuccess()){
            DebugTool.logInfo(TAG, "Slider was dismissed successfully");

Dismissing the Current Slider

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CancelInteraction cancelInteraction = new CancelInteraction(FunctionID.SLIDER.getId());
cancelInteraction.setOnRPCResponseListener(new OnRPCResponseListener() {
    public void onResponse(int correlationId, RPCResponse response) {
        if (response.getSuccess()){
            DebugTool.logInfo(TAG, "Slider was dismissed successfully");
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