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JavaEE Guides
Setting the Navigation Destination

Setting the Navigation Destination

The SendLocation RPC gives you the ability to send a GPS location to the active navigation app on the module.

When using the SendLocation RPC, you will not have access to any information about how the user interacted with this location, only if the request was successfully sent. The request will be handled by the module from that point on using the active navigation system.

Checking Your App's Permissions

The SendLocation RPC is restricted by most OEMs. As a result, a module may reject your request if your app does not have the correct permissions. Your SDL app may also be restricted to only being allowed to send a location when your app is open (i.e. the hmiLevel is non-NONE) or when it is the currently active app (i.e. the hmiLevel is FULL).

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UUID listenerId = sdlManager.getPermissionManager().addListener(Arrays.asList(new PermissionElement(FunctionID.SEND_LOCATION, null)), PermissionManager.PERMISSION_GROUP_TYPE_ANY, new OnPermissionChangeListener() {
    public void onPermissionsChange(@NonNull Map<FunctionID, PermissionStatus> allowedPermissions, @NonNull int permissionGroupStatus) {
        if (permissionGroupStatus != PermissionManager.PERMISSION_GROUP_TYPE_ALL_ALLOWED) {
            // Your app does not have permission to send the `SendLocation` request for its current HMI level

        // Your app has permission to send the `SendLocation` request for its current HMI level

Checking if the Module Supports Sending a Location

Since some modules will not support sending a location, you should check if the module supports this feature before trying to use it. Once you have successfully connected to the module, you can check the module's capabilities via the sdlManager.getSystemCapabilityManager() as shown in the example below. Please note that you only need to check once if the module supports sending a location, however you must wait to perform this check until you know that the SDL app has been opened (i.e. the hmiLevel is non-NONE).


If you discover that the module does not support sending a location or that your app does not have the right permissions, you should disable any buttons, voice commands, menu items, etc. in your app that would send the SendLocation request.

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private void isSendLocationSupported(final OnCapabilitySupportedListener capabilitySupportedListener) {
    // Check if the module has navigation capabilities
    if (!sdlManager.getSystemCapabilityManager().isCapabilitySupported(SystemCapabilityType.NAVIGATION)) {

    // Legacy modules (pre-RPC Spec v4.5) do not support system capabilities, so for versions less than 4.5 we will assume `SendLocation` is supported if `isCapabilitySupported()` returns true
    SdlMsgVersion sdlMsgVersion = sdlManager.getRegisterAppInterfaceResponse().getSdlMsgVersion();
    if (sdlMsgVersion == null) {
    Version rpcSpecVersion = new Version(sdlMsgVersion);
    if (rpcSpecVersion.isNewerThan(new Version(4, 5, 0)) < 0) {

    // Retrieve the navigation capability
    sdlManager.getSystemCapabilityManager().getCapability(SystemCapabilityType.NAVIGATION, new OnSystemCapabilityListener() {
        public void onCapabilityRetrieved(Object capability) {
            NavigationCapability navigationCapability = (NavigationCapability) capability;
            capabilitySupportedListener.onCapabilitySupported(navigationCapability != null ? navigationCapability.getSendLocationEnabled() : false);

        public void onError(String info) {
    }, false);

public interface OnCapabilitySupportedListener {
    void onCapabilitySupported(Boolean supported);
    void onError(String info);

Using Send Location

To use the SendLocation request, you must at minimum include the longitude and latitude of the location.

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SendLocation sendLocation = new SendLocation()
    .setLocationName("The Center")
    .setLocationDescription("Center of the United States");

OasisAddress address = new OasisAddress()
    .setThoroughfare("Whiting Dr")
    .setCountryName("United States");

sendLocation.setOnRPCResponseListener(new OnRPCResponseListener() {
    public void onResponse(int correlationId, RPCResponse response) {
        Result result = response.getResultCode();
            // `SendLocation` successfully sent
        }else if(result.equals(Result.INVALID_DATA)){
            // `SendLocation` was rejected. The request contained invalid data
        }else if(result.equals(Result.DISALLOWED)){
            // Your app is not allowed to use `SendLocation`


Checking the Result of Send Location

The SendLocation request has three possible responses that you should expect:

  1. SUCCESS - Successfully sent.
  2. INVALID_DATA - The request contains invalid data and was rejected.
  3. DISALLOWED - Your app does not have permission to use the SendLocation request.
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