Reads the current status value of specified remote control module (type). When subscribe is true, subscribes for specific remote control module data items. When subscribe is false, unsubscribes for specific remote control module data items. Once subscribed, the application will be notified by the onInteriorVehicleData RPC notification whenever new data is available for the module.
Convenience init to get information of a particular module type with a module ID.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithModuleType:(nonnull SDLModuleType)moduleType
moduleId:(nonnull NSString *)moduleId;
init(moduleType: SDLModuleType, moduleId: String)
The type of a RC module to retrieve module data from the vehicle
Id of a module, published by System Capability
An SDLGetInteriorVehicleData object
Convenience init to get information and subscribe to a particular module type with a module ID.
- (nonnull instancetype)
initAndSubscribeToModuleType:(nonnull SDLModuleType)moduleType
moduleId:(nonnull NSString *)moduleId;
init(andSubscribeToModuleType moduleType: SDLModuleType, moduleId: String)
The type of a RC module to retrieve module data from the vehicle
Id of a module, published by System Capability
An SDLGetInteriorVehicleData object
Convenience init to unsubscribe from particular module with a module ID.
- (nonnull instancetype)
initAndUnsubscribeToModuleType:(nonnull SDLModuleType)moduleType
moduleId:(nonnull NSString *)moduleId;
init(andUnsubscribeToModuleType moduleType: SDLModuleType, moduleId: String)
The type of a RC module to retrieve module data from the vehicle
Id of a module, published by System Capability
An SDLGetInteriorVehicleData object
The type of a RC module to retrieve module data from the vehicle.
@property (nonatomic, strong) SDLModuleType _Nonnull moduleType;
var moduleType: SDLModuleType { get set }
Id of a module, published by System Capability.
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *moduleId;
var moduleId: String? { get set }
If subscribe is true, the head unit will register OnInteriorVehicleData notifications for the requested module (moduleId and moduleType). If subscribe is false, the head unit will unregister OnInteriorVehicleData notifications for the requested module (moduleId and moduleType). If subscribe is not included, the subscription status of the app for the requested module (moduleId and moduleType) will remain unchanged.
optional, Boolean, default Value = false
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLBool> *subscribe;
var subscribe: (NSNumber & SDLBool)? { get set }