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LifecycleConfig Class Reference


Instance Methods


new LifecycleConfig()

Stores information about an SDL application's configuration

Instance Methods

lifecycleConfig.getAppIcon() ⇒ SdlArtwork

Get the app icon.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: SdlArtwork - An instance of SdlArtwork.

lifecycleConfig.getAppId() ⇒ String

Get the App ID.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: String - The full app ID.

lifecycleConfig.getAppName() ⇒ String

Get the app name.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: String - The app name.

lifecycleConfig.getAppTypes() ⇒ Array.<AppHMIType>

Get the application's types.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: Array.<AppHMIType> - An array of ordered AppHMIType enum values.

lifecycleConfig.getDayColorScheme() ⇒ TemplateColorScheme

Get the application's day color scheme.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: TemplateColorScheme - A TemplateColorScheme instance.

lifecycleConfig.getFileManagerConfig() ⇒ FileManagerConfig

Get the FileManagerConfig instance.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: FileManagerConfig - The FileManagerConfig.

lifecycleConfig.getHmiDisplayLanguageDesired() ⇒ Language

Get the desired HMI Display Language.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: Language - A Language enum value.

lifecycleConfig.getLanguageDesired() ⇒ Language

Get the desired language of the application.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: Language - A Language enum value.

lifecycleConfig.getMinimumProtocolVersion() ⇒ Version

Get the minimum protocol version supported by the app.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: Version - A Version instance.

lifecycleConfig.getMinimumRpcVersion() ⇒ Version

Get the minimum RPC version.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: Version - A Version instance.

lifecycleConfig.getNightColorScheme() ⇒ TemplateColorScheme

Get the application's night color scheme.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: TemplateColorScheme - A TemplateColorScheme instance.

lifecycleConfig.getResumeHash() ⇒ String

Get the hash resumption id.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: String - The hash id.

lifecycleConfig.getRpcNotificationListeners() ⇒ Object

Get RPC notification listeners. SdlManager will preload these listeners before any RPCs are sent/received.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: Object listeners - a map of listeners that will be called when a notification is received. Key represents the FunctionID of the notification and value represents the listener

lifecycleConfig.getShortAppName() ⇒ String

Get the short app name.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: String - The short app name.

lifecycleConfig.getTransportConfig() ⇒ _TransportConfigBase

Get the TransportConfig instance.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: _TransportConfigBase - The TransportConfig.

lifecycleConfig.getTtsName() ⇒ Array.<TTSChunk>

Get the TTS names.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: Array.<TTSChunk> - An array of TTSChunk structs.

lifecycleConfig.getVrSynonyms() ⇒ Array.<String>

Get the VR Synonyms.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: Array.<String> - An array of strings representing VR Synonyms.

lifecycleConfig.loadManifest(manifest) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Load manifest file of embedded Web Application

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

manifest Object A manifest JSON object.

lifecycleConfig.setAppIcon(sdlArtwork) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set the app icon.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

sdlArtwork SdlArtwork An instance of SdlArtwork.

lifecycleConfig.setAppId(appId) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set the App ID. Use a full App Id.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

appId String The full App ID.

lifecycleConfig.setAppName(appName) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set the app name.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

appName String The app name.

lifecycleConfig.setAppTypes(appTypes) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set the application's types.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

appTypes Array.<AppHMIType> An array of ordered AppHMIType enum values.

lifecycleConfig.setDayColorScheme(dayColorScheme) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set the application's day color scheme.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

dayColorScheme TemplateColorScheme A TemplateColorScheme instance.

lifecycleConfig.setFileManagerConfig(fileManagerConfig) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set the FileManagerConfig instance.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

fileManagerConfig FileManagerConfig An instance of FileManagerConfig.

lifecycleConfig.setHmiDisplayLanguageDesired(hmiDisplayLanguageDesired) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set the desired HMI Display Language.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

hmiDisplayLanguageDesired Language A Language enum value.

lifecycleConfig.setLanguageDesired(languageDesired) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set the desired language of the application.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

languageDesired Language A Language enum value.

lifecycleConfig.setMinimumProtocolVersion(minimumProtocolVersion) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Sets the minimum protocol version that will be permitted to connect. If the protocol version of the head unit connected is below this version, the app will disconnect with an EndService protocol message and will not register.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

minimumProtocolVersion Version A Version instance.

lifecycleConfig.setMinimumRpcVersion(minimumRpcVersion) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set the minimum RPC version that will be permitted to connect. If the RPC version of the head unit connected is below this version, an UnregisterAppInterface will be sent.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

minimumRpcVersion Version A Version instance.

lifecycleConfig.setNightColorScheme(nightColorScheme) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set the application's night color scheme.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

nightColorScheme TemplateColorScheme A TemplateColorScheme instance.

lifecycleConfig.setResumeHash(resumeHash) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set the hash resumption id.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

resumeHash String The hash id.

lifecycleConfig.setRpcNotificationListeners(listeners) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set RPC notification listeners. SdlManager will preload these listeners before any RPCs are sent/received.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

listeners Object a map of listeners that will be called when a notification is received. Key represents the FunctionID of the notification and value represents the listener

lifecycleConfig.setShortAppName(shortAppName) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set the short app name.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

shortAppName String The short app name.

lifecycleConfig.setTransportConfig(transportConfig) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set the TransportConfig instance.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

transportConfig _TransportConfigBase An instance of TransportConfig.

lifecycleConfig.setTtsName(ttsName) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set the TTS Names.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

ttsName Array.<TTSChunk> An array of TTSChunk structs.

lifecycleConfig.setVrSynonyms(vrSynonyms) ⇒ LifecycleConfig

Set the VR Synonyms.

Kind: Instance method of LifecycleConfig
Returns: LifecycleConfig - A reference to this instance to support method chaining.

vrSynonyms Array.<String> An array of strings representing VR Synonyms.
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