Used when adding a sub menu to an application menu or existing sub menu.
@since SDL 1.0
Convenience init with required parameters.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithMenuName:(nonnull NSString *)menuName;
init(menuName: String)
The menu name
An instance of the add submenu class
Convenience init with all parameters.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithMenuName:(nonnull NSString *)menuName
init(menuName: String, parentId: UInt32, position: UInt16)
The menu name
The unique ID of an existing submenu to which a command will be added
The position within the items of the parent Command Menu
An instance of the add submenu class
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithMenuName:(nonnull NSString *)menuName
parentID:(nullable NSNumber<SDLUInt> *)parentID
position:(nullable NSNumber<SDLUInt> *)position
secondaryText:(nullable NSString *)secondaryText
tertiaryText:(nullable NSString *)tertiaryText;
init(menuName: String, parentID: (NSNumber & SDLUInt)?, position: (NSNumber & SDLUInt)?, secondaryText: String?, tertiaryText: String?)
- menuName
- parentID
- position
- secondaryText
- tertiaryText
A SDLMenuParams object
The unique ID of an existing submenu to which a command will be added
If this element is not provided, the command will be added to the top level of the Command Menu.
Optional, Integer, 0 - 2,000,000,000
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLInt> *parentID;
var parentID: (NSNumber & SDLInt)? { get set }
The position within the items of the parent Command Menu
0 will insert at the front, 1 will insert after the first existing element, etc.
Position of any submenu will always be located before the return and exit options.
If position is greater or equal than the number of items in the parent Command Menu, the sub menu will be appended to the end of that Command Menu.
If this element is omitted, the entry will be added at the end of the parent menu.
Optional, Integer, 0 - 1000
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber<SDLInt> *position;
var position: (NSNumber & SDLInt)? { get set }
The menu name which appears in menu, representing this command
Required, max length 500 characters
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *_Nonnull menuName;
var menuName: String { get set }
Optional secondary text to display {“string_min_length”: 1, “string_max_length”: 500}
@added in SmartDeviceLink 7.1.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *secondaryText;
var secondaryText: String? { get set }
Optional tertiary text to display {“string_min_length”: 1, “string_max_length”: 500}
@added in SmartDeviceLink 7.1.0
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString *tertiaryText;
var tertiaryText: String? { get set }